The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Inordinately Right
Republicans taking the word “shall” as “an absolute command from which the secretary of Homeland Security cannot deviate is a radical departure from the way that every presidential administration, including Republican presidential administrations, have interpreted that exact language,” César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, a law professor at Ohio State University, told The Hill.
You still talking about the open borders bill that is dead on arrival?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
“No, we’re not just going to pass the buck and say that, ‘Oh, any president can walk in and secure the border,’” Roy said, referring to Trump’s post. “All a president has to do is declare the border’s closed, and it’s closed. Well, with all due respect, that didn’t happen in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. There were millions of people that came in the United States during those four years.”

Chip Roy (R -Texass)
Read what Chip said “it didn’t happen”. He didn’t say that it “couldn’t happen”

Besides ,now we all know there is no problem. The boarder is secure and Biden fixed it. Mayorkis confirmed that, and your article proved it all. The bill was just going to be a win for Republicans anyway.
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Read what Chip said “it didn’t happen”. He didn’t say that it “couldn’t happen”

Besides ,now we all know there is no problem. The boarder is secure and Biden fixed it. Mayorkis confirmed that, and your article proved it all. The bill was just going to be a win for Republicans anyway.
Mayorkas is simply overseeing a department that is doing just what every administration has done, including Tubby’s.


Well-Known Member
Republicans taking the word “shall” as “an absolute command from which the secretary of Homeland Security cannot deviate is a radical departure from the way that every presidential administration, including Republican presidential administrations, have interpreted that exact language,” César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, a law professor at Ohio State University, told The Hill.
All one has to do is observe the Biden administration reacting to Texas putting up barriers to stop the flow of illegals to know the only thing they've ever been interested in is keeping the flow going. It's dishonest to the Nth degree to say Congress must give Biden the tools needed to secure the border. Those tools were given in 1952. It's what allowed Obama to deport so many. It was what allowed Trump to keep asylum seekers in Mexico. No one controlled the border like Trump and Biden reversed ALL of Trump's executive orders concerning securing the border. Not because they were illegal. They were legal. But because Biden and company wanted to throw open the floodgates. Deny all you like but no one has let in more illegal immigrants in the history of the country. Not even close. And to say Republicans are standing in the way of Biden securing the border is not only incredibly dishonest but the vast majority of Americans are seeing it as such. Only those who want to maintain Democratic power are being dishonest.
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nowhere special
Read what Chip said “it didn’t happen”. He didn’t say that it “couldn’t happen”

Besides ,now we all know there is no problem. The boarder is secure and Biden fixed it. Mayorkis confirmed that, and your article proved it all. The bill was just going to be a win for Republicans anyway.
You mean fishy lied about what was said?



Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Mayorkas is simply overseeing a department that is doing just what every administration has done, including Tubby’s.

So was he just lying when he said there wasn’t a problem at the border and it was secure? Or was he not lying but was so inept at his job that he didn’t know the truth? Please tell me neither one of these are true because he had MSM telling the whole USA we didn’t have a problem. If either is the true then we would have to wonder why there is even a question about impeaching him.
So was he just lying when he said there wasn’t a problem at the boarder and it was secure? Was he not lying but was so inept at his job that he didn’t know the truth? Please tell me neither one of these are true because he had MSM telling the whole USA we didn’t have a problem. If either is the true then we would have to wonder why there is even a question about impeaching him.
Lying? As a big time donald supporter , you want to talk about lying?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Mayorkas is simply overseeing a department that is doing just what every administration has done, including Tubby’s.

So was he just lying when he said there wasn’t a problem at the border and it was secure? Or was he not lying but was so inept at his job that he didn’t know the truth? Please tell me neither one of these are true because he had MSM telling the whole USA we didn’t have a problem. If either is the true then we would have to wonder why there is even a question about impeaching him.

Lying? As a big time donald supporter , you want to talk about lying?

I didn’t know Mayorkas was a big time Donald supporter.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
“Getting rid of Speaker McCarthy has officially turned into an unmitigated disaster,” Massie wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“All work on separate spending bills has ceased. Spending reductions have been traded for spending increases,” he continued. “Warrantless spying has been temporarily extended. Our majority has shrunk.”
All one has to do is observe the Biden administration reacting to Texas putting up barriers to stop the flow of illegals to know the only thing they've ever been interested in is keeping the flow going. It's dishonest to the Nth degree to say Congress must give Biden the tools needed to secure the border. Those tools were given in 1952. It's what allowed Obama to deport so many. It was what allowed Trump to keep asylum seekers in Mexico. No one controlled the border like Trump and Biden reversed ALL of Trump's executive orders concerning securing the border. Not because they were illegal. They were legal. But because Biden and company wanted to throw open the floodgates. Deny all you like but no one has let in more illegal immigrants in the history of the country. Not even close. And to say Republicans are standing in the way of Biden securing the border is not only incredibly dishonest but the vast majority of Americans are seeing it as such. Only those who want to maintain Democratic power are being dishonest.
"...for the first two years of Trump’s presidency he even had total control over the government and should have been able to pass the kind of legislation they demanded and they did zilch. Immigration actually soared in 2019 to historic highs that were only curbed when the whole world locked down because of COVID. Didn’t anyone tell the president that he could have just “closed the border” with a wave of his tiny regal hand?"



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
So was he just lying when he said there wasn’t a problem at the border and it was secure? Or was he not lying but was so inept at his job that he didn’t know the truth? Please tell me neither one of these are true because he had MSM telling the whole USA we didn’t have a problem. If either is the true then we would have to wonder why there is even a question about impeaching him.
All the Democrats said the border was secure, even Karim Jean Pierre said so, and she never lies.
Ukraine needed money and they needed a lie about the republicans and Trump not wanting to secure the border.
So I guess the border suddenly became unsecured. That’s what they expect people outside of their own imbeciles, to believe.


Well-Known Member
"...for the first two years of Trump’s presidency he even had total control over the government and should have been able to pass the kind of legislation they demanded and they did zilch. Immigration actually soared in 2019 to historic highs that were only curbed when the whole world locked down because of COVID. Didn’t anyone tell the president that he could have just “closed the border” with a wave of his tiny regal hand?"

Trump didn't need to pass any legislation because he already had the tools needed to secure the border. And soaring to historic highs in 2019, which he got under control with the help of Mexico, didn't even come close to the amount let in every year of the Biden administration so far. This administration not only let in millions per year but helped transport them all over the country and gave them financial support. All while not vetting them for criminal history or health issues. It's absolutely pathetic to try to say it was worse under Trump. And good luck pulling the wool over everyone's eyes by November.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Republicans taking the word “shall” as “an absolute command from which the secretary of Homeland Security cannot deviate is a radical departure from the way that every presidential administration, including Republican presidential administrations, have interpreted that exact language,” César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández, a law professor at Ohio State University, told The Hill.