The Border Crisis: Is Allowing Illegals To Flood In A Good Thing?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I think the Dems are going to win on this issue. And abortion.

Then for god‘s sake don’t wish for this bill to pass. You and all Dems should be on social media trying to influence republican voters to stand against this bill and then you can have the last laugh. Right?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Then for god‘s sake don’t wish for this bill to pass. You and all Dems should be on social media trying to influence republican voters to stand against this bill and then you can have the last laugh. Right?
See, that’s where you assume I’m as cynical as Republicans are. I’d honestly be fine with this bill becoming law. It’s the responsible thing for the country to actually have a functioning immigration system instead of this whiplash of policy built on bad law.

But if it doesn’t pass my feelings won’t be hurt. We get the government we deserve.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
A year? As opposed to the last three the Democrats were satisfied with?
Democrats don’t see this issue as an existential hair-on-fire crisis. It’s a problem. It’s a humanitarian and national security problem that can be mitigated. This bill seemed to take the right steps. There’s a lot of misinformation about it as typical.


Well-Known Member
Democrats don’t see this issue as an existential hair-on-fire crisis. It’s a problem. It’s a humanitarian and national security problem that can be mitigated. This bill seemed to take the right steps. There’s a lot of misinformation about it as typical.
It's such a non issue for Dems that they're still trying to get millions more into the country.


Inordinately Right
Who is it that demands low cost, non union labor doing jobs that nobody else will do at anything close to what they are paid?

