The countdown to Trump Impeachment

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
what cave have you been living in that you need me to explain everything to you. Trump has already delivered on many more campaign promises then Obama ever did in 8 years.
He's delivered on nothing so far. Obamacare has not been repealed. The wall has not been built. Muslims have not been banned. The swamp has not been drained. EO's aren't accomplishments, congress still needs to appropriate the money to do things.


Well-Known Member
Not embarrassed as much as afraid of violence from the anti-Trump people.

a great example of that is inaugeration weekend.
if you wanted to go see our countries peaceful change of power you ran the risk of anti trump violence, of getting spit on , things thrown at you or your vehicles being attacked.

if however you wanted to wear a vagina hat and attend the ladies march with all the other emasculated males no harm no violence. But don't disagree.

liberals used to be the champions of tolerance in todays world they engage in extreme violence towards anyone that disagrees.


Well-Known Member
He's delivered on nothing so far. Obamacare has not been repealed. The wall has not been built. Muslims have not been banned. The swamp has not been drained. EO's aren't accomplishments, congress still needs to appropriate the money to do things.

Christ you are in a desperate reach. the guy has been in office a mere two weeks and is already delivering on all his promises despite the democrats in congress holding his staff hostage with their snowflake tantrums.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Armed but non violent.

Unlike those on the left.
Why are you afraid then? The focus on violence is a red herring used by the right to distract from the very real protests against Trump. There was violence at tea party protests as well. Each side likes to focus on the violence because it gets ratings not because it's actually prevalent.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Christ you are in a desperate reach. the guy has been in office a mere two weeks and is already delivering on all his promises despite the democrats in congress holding his staff hostage with their snowflake tantrums.
So we can count Obama's EO closing Gitmo as an accomplishment of his administration?


nowhere special
Why are you afraid then? The focus on violence is a red herring used by the right to distract from the very real protests against Trump. There was violence at tea party protests as well. Each side likes to focus on the violence because it gets ratings not because it's actually prevalent.


Now you try to change the subject away from the violent anti-Trump protestors and rioters.

Those on the right do not use violence like those on the left.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member

Now you try to change the subject away from the violent anti-Trump protestors and rioters.

Those on the right do not use violence like those on the left.
How is talking about violence at protests deflection from a discussion of violence at protests? I've been to a lot of peaceful protests in my life. All for liberal causes, I've never been afraid of violence. The recent violence at Berkley was by anarchists. There was a large group of students peacefully protesting and a group dressed in black came in and started destroying things. I don't believe they are very politically motivated, they just take the opportunity to break stuff.


Well-Known Member
Your argument that the polls were inaccurate for the election is wrong. No reputable poll had a margin over 5%. The current approval ratings are accurate. America disapproves of Trump by a historically high number.

you're trying to give the pollsters a participation trophy. they were dead wrong.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
you're trying to give the pollsters a participation trophy. they were dead wrong.
You are confused. The polls were accurate. The media's interpretation of the data was wrong. They believed a 2-5% national margin would win the election. They were wrong. The 2% national margin was accurate.


Well-Known Member
You are confused. The polls were accurate. The media's interpretation of the data was wrong. They believed a 2-5% national margin would win the election. They were wrong. The 2% national margin was accurate.

there is no confusion , you're moon walking away from what everyone was saying on election day. that the polls showed a Clinton landslide.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
there is no confusion , you're moon walking away from what everyone was saying on election day. that the polls showed a Clinton landslide.
Your avatar is accurate as I feel like I'm debating data analytics with a dog. The national margin was accurate. The individual state polls are historically less reliable. The results of those were within the margin of error. Polls are never meant to be perfect predictors. They give the likely outcome. Unlikely outcomes still occur.


Well-Known Member
Your avatar is accurate as I feel like I'm debating data analytics with a dog. The national margin was accurate. The individual state polls are historically less reliable. The results of those were within the margin of error. Polls are never meant to be perfect predictors. They give the likely outcome. Unlikely outcomes still occur.

says the snowflake who was crying about insults earlier.


Engorged Member
Christ you are in a desperate reach. the guy has been in office a mere two weeks and is already delivering on all his promises despite the democrats in congress holding his staff hostage with their snowflake tantrums.

Trump has been all over the map, and has only delivered to his Wall Street cronies so far. He's done zero for you deplorables except babble his usual bat sheet crazy garbage about having a mandate and really winning the popular vote.

As is normal, you're too dumb to realize it. Hope a refugee family moves in next door.


Strength through joy
Look Who Funds The Group Behind The Call To Arms At Milo’s Berkeley Event

The left-wing group that helped organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California, Berkeley on Wednesday is backed by a progressive charity that is in turn funded by George Soros, the city of Tucson, a major labor union and several large companies.

The Alliance for Global Justice, based in Tucson, is listed as an organizer and fiscal sponsor for Refuse Fascism, a communist group that encouraged left-wingers to shut down the Yiannopoulos event.

The call to arms succeeded. Yiannopoulos’ talk was cancelled after demonstrators lit fires, vandalized businesses, and assaulted Donald Trump and Yiannopoulos supporters.

Refuse Fascism, which includes Princeton professor Cornel West as one of its founding “initiators,” defended the response, issuing a statement on its website that called the shut down “righteous.”
And on its Facebook page, the group asserted that the vandalism and arson were not “violence.”

According to its most recent 990 tax form, Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) received $2.2 million in funding for the fiscal year ending in March 2016.

One of the group’s biggest donors is the Tides Foundation, a non-profit funded by billionaire progressive philanthropist George Soros. Tides gave AfGJ $50,000.

Other notable donors include the city of Tucson and the United Steel Workers labor union. The former gave $10,000 to AfGJ while the latter contributed $5,000., the outdoor apparel and equipment company, gave $40,000. The Ben & Jerry Foundation, the charity associated with the ice cream maker, gave $20,000. And Lush Cosmetic gave $43,950. The New World Foundation gave $52,000 to AfGJ.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
says the snowflake who was crying about insults earlier.
When your only argument is a personal attack you've lost the argument. You've demonstrated a lack of understanding of polling and how it should be used and interpreted. I enjoy intelligent debate. Calling everyone you disagree with a snowflake shows you are incapable of having an intelligent debate thus the comparison to debating a dog.


Strength through joy
Calling some one a snowflake is much nicer than saying that they are a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party .

Because once that card is played then the thread is deemed dead .


Nine Lives
The Founders set up the system specifically to prevent a few population centers from ruling the entire country, similar to the way they set up the House and Senate so that populous states wouldn’t have outsized power over less-populated states.

One set of numbers in particular really drives this point home. Trump won the vote in 2,626 counties nationwide, while Clinton won the vote in just 487 counties. That’s a stunningly low number, even for a Democrat. When former President Barack Obama won 689 counties nationwide in 2009, he set a record for the lowest number of counties won by a winning presidential candidate.
Not true.
Not exactly true but pretty much true.
The Senate was put in place so that States would have equatable representation. Size, not population, was the direct concern but certainly population was a concern since that is how House Representatives are allotted.