
Well-Known Member
It’s not racism I swear!!!
I just really really care about upholding the law!
It’s not racism I swear
You do realize that after a few decades of getting called racist for everything from approving loans, to denying loans, to leaving crime areas, to improving crime areas, to making tests easier, to making tests harder, to enforcing the law to letting crime go....everything we've ever done is "racist."

So we just don't care any more. That word is nothing but air.

It has no cache. It has no effect. We're not scared of being called The R Word any more.

You can take a big wet bite out of our behinds.


Inordinately Right
It’s not racism I swear!!!
I just really really care about upholding the law!
giphy (2).gif

Netsua 3:16

You do realize that after a few decades of getting called racist for everything from approving loans, to denying loans, to leaving crime areas, to improving crime areas, to making tests easier, to making tests harder, to enforcing the law to letting crime go....everything we've ever done is "racist."

So we just don't care any more. That word is nothing but air.

It has no cache. It has no effect. We're not scared of being called The R Word any more.

You can take a big wet bite out of our behinds.
What club are you in?
Can I join?

Netsua 3:16

I don't think you followed me.
He did something dumb. He happens to be black.
You would think that since the guy was black
And there’s riots in the streets over race relations
That you could just, you know, keep your mouth shut about this incident?
NOT spew hateful diatribe?
NOT condemn him for being stupid?
We know he’s stupid chief. You don’t gain anything by pointing out the obvious
You’re just spewing hate for the sake of it. That’s all. Cause you want to be right
Thousands of dip:censored2:s out in the world making bad choices, and y’all on here talking about the dumb black kid
And then act SHOCKED when you get called racist!!


Well-Known Member
You would think that since the guy was black
And there’s riots in the streets over race relations
That you could just, you know, keep your mouth shut about this incident?
NOT spew hateful diatribe?
NOT condemn him for being stupid?
We know he’s stupid chief. You don’t gain anything by pointing out the obvious
You’re just spewing hate for the sake of it. That’s all. Cause you want to be right
Thousands of dip*s out in the world making bad choices, and y’all on here talking about the dumb black kid
And then act SHOCKED when you get called racist!!
Why would I keep my mouth shut about the things destroying my country?


I'm a star
Okay cool, I did an investigation into it. Don’t participate in riots and storming the Capitol. I’m surprised more people weren’t shot.

I don't believe you are ok with a muti-tiered justice system. It wouldn't bother me a bit if it were ruled justifiable homicide, but the keeping everything hush hush tends to give credence to the opposite.