Netsua 3:16

That would be you.

Instead of treating them like human beings who are fully capable of acting right, you treat them like little helpless subhumans who can't possibly be expected to act right.

I dignify them by having the same standards for all peoples.
Yeah you’re really dignifying “them” by conveying that you’re happy the black kid got killed!!!
Dignifying. Lol

El Correcto

god is dead


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I’m a conservative on Brown Cafe
I’d just like to let everyone know that I am glad that the black person died.
No no! I’m not racist.
I’m just glad that the black person died and I will sit here and argue about it until I get blue in the face
I am glad the black person died. I talk about it constantly, how he got what he deserved.
I don’t act like this when white guys commit crimes like this
But Seriously! I’m not racist.
When white guys/girls get shot by police it’s not a news story. No one protests or loots or riots. Wonder why.

El Correcto

god is dead
Hey, some people wanna see the world burn. I don’t
Yeah me either, it’s why I oppose BLM.

Netsua 3:16

When white guys/girls get shot by police it’s not a news story. No one protests or loots or riots. Wonder why.
It’s quite simple.
The majority of the population is white
Everybody around you right now is white
Whites weren’t fighting for civil rights less than 50 years ago, and weren’t slaves less than a couple centuries ago
Carry on


Well-Known Member
It’s quite simple.
The majority of the population is white
Everybody around you right now is white
Whites weren’t fighting for civil rights less than 50 years ago, and weren’t slaves less than a couple centuries ago
Carry on
Everybody around me is white?

Have you ever seen the inside of a UPS building?

El Correcto

god is dead
You can oppose BLM. Without being a racist prick. It’s very possible
No you can’t, any white man who disagrees with BLM is automatically a racist prick. If you don’t contribute to the founder buying a million dollar estate in a nice white neighborhood you are a racist. If you even point that out you are a racist.