Netsua 3:16

That's right, @zubenelgenubi . Silence is violence and so are words the hard left doesn't like. Which can include actual facts and statistics that are necessary to acknowledge if anything effective is ever to be done to address the plight the black community.

So you'd better zip it up, mister say whatever you want. Because in the America the hard left wants to create, it could lead to very.......unfortunate consequences.

Not at all
Just don’t say racist sh**

Netsua 3:16

Whites should subjugate themselves to the Black Man in contrition for history?

Show me, worldwide, what the Black Man has constructed, and I will show you 10 things the White race has.

The Black Man is no different from the White Man in the Eyes of God, but their contributions to the world society are light-years apart.

More needs to be brought to the table to claim equal status to any other race. Violence, stealing, and arson are counterproductive.
White power!!!


Well-Known Member
You don’t need to express white guilt, or give reparations.
You just have to watch what you say, and do
Like, actually try.
not enough. In todays world you can be accused of using the dog whistle terms or being part of systamatic racism.
you're screwed no matter what you do or say.

Netsua 3:16

not enough. In todays world you can be accused of using the dog whistle terms or being part of systamatic racism.
you're screwed no matter what you do or say.
That sounds like a really hard life. Are you making it through okay despite everybody calling you a racist when you say racist things?


Well-Known Member
Why would I call a black guy that? You make assumptions about people that don't hold up under scrutiny. Your mind is poisoned with your wokeness. Constantly attacking whites because you just know what's really in their heart. You're a walking caricature of virtue signaling and you don't even realize it. Do you have a nose ring? You seem easily led.


I'm a star
You don’t need to express white guilt, or give reparations.
You just have to watch what you say, and do
Like, actually try.

Oh, that's all it takes to erase all the evils wrought by my fellow white men? Geez, if I knew that... lol.

That's an impossible standard, btw. When you accept it, you accept that everything you say and do will be considered evil. That's where we are, and that's why no one with any sense takes it seriously.

Netsua 3:16

That's an impossible standard, btw. When you accept it, you accept that everything you say and do will be considered evil. That's where we are, and that's why no one with any sense takes it seriously.
It’s absolutely “possible” for everyone to attempt to do the right thing.
Wtf are you talking about? Have you ever had a job? Did you deem their appearance and conduct standards to be “impossible to uphold?”
Bruh why are you dancing
You either say racist sh** or you don’t
It’s quite simple

Netsua 3:16

Constantly attacking whites because you just know what's really in their heart.
More like
“Stirring :censored2: up up with grouchy old friend’s on browncafe”
It’s fun!! To get you all going. So sensitive to the racist claims, while at the same time, failing to recognize the impact your negative words and attitude towards black activity.
All you see is the thugs looting, you don’t care to explore why the community is outraged in the first place
You make zero effort
Then claim to not be racist
Do you want only whites to prosper? Or all Americans?


I'm a star
It’s absolutely “possible” for everyone to attempt to do the right thing.
Wtf are you talking about? Have you ever had a job? Did you deem their appearance and conduct standards to be “impossible to uphold?”
Bruh why are you dancing
You either say racist sh** or you don’t
It’s quite simple

If the standard keeps changing, yes It's impossible to uphold. If millions of people each have their own idea of what the standard is, yes, it's impossible to uphold. No dancing here.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You either say racist sh** or you don’t
The problem is that "racist :censored2:" can now be anything and declared or labeled as such by any single individual. And racial microaggressions are also now a thing, so neither scale nor intention of the violation are considered when an accusation of racism is leveled.

What's "racist :censored2:" is no longer limited to what most reasonable people would agree on. So people will sometimes roll their eyes whenever a hard leftie calls something "racist :censored2:". Not because they hate black people, but because most reasonable people would not agree that it is.

Netsua 3:16

If the standard keeps changing, yes It's impossible to uphold.
The standard hasn’t changed
Don’t say or do racist things
That’s the standard
And maybe, just maybe, the cops should be more careful to not allow violent footage of them using excessive force on blacks to emerge
Since, you know, Rodney King happened in the 90’s
Our first black president just came on 2008
This is still a thing. You need to come to terms with that, because whether you think it’s valid or not, this is where we’re at. There is still anger. And it’s unreasonable for me, you or any other white man to tell a black man that they have no right to be angry.
It’s certainly, 100% not effective or progressive whatsoever, to deny the presence of modern day racism in America. And the struggle within the black community to shed this bs once and for all.
Hopefully, my theory is anyway, that all the old, grouchy conservatives who are currently stoking the flames to this fire; I hope they al just die out. They can take any looters or rioters with them to the other side.
Then, maybe in 50 years, after a massive population reset, or an alien invasion, or a nuclear Holocaust, whatever; we will reorganize our priorities, and evolve the species.
Crossing my fingers!


Well-Known Member
More like
“Stirring * up up with grouchy old friend’s on browncafe”
It’s fun!! To get you all going. So sensitive to the racist claims, while at the same time, failing to recognize the impact your negative words and attitude towards black activity.
All you see is the thugs looting, you don’t care to explore why the community is outraged in the first place
You make zero effort
Then claim to not be racist
Do you want only whites to prosper? Or all Americans?
Your post just proves my point. You assume way too much. And people like you make no allowances for progress. There's Joe Biden saying the new GA voting law is a return to Jim Crow. That's ludicrous. And people like you saying any criticism of blacks is racist. We apparently don't have the right to point out the obvious in your mind. Why don't you discuss the Democratic policies that essentially caused the breakdown of black families and a dependency on government aid? If you truly want to discuss why they're angry to begin with. Nah, white liberals are saints who only want the best for blacks. You're vote whores who'll throw money at problems without solving them to keep blacks dependent and get their vote. If Democrats cared so damn much these problems would've been solved decades ago. And the current Democratic leadership has been around for many decades.

El Correcto

god is dead
Not at all
Just don’t say racist sh**
Kind of hard when anything that opposes democrats is considered racist.
If saying gun ownership is an American right is considered racist.
If loving the Declaration of Independence makes me a racist

A country built on a foundation of individual rights and freedom is racist

It’s kind of hard to not say “racist” stuff and be a right winger in these people’s eye.