Netsua 3:16

I think he’s guilty of manslaughter, simply for not providing the dying citizen with humane treatment. The length of time is key.
Resisting arrest gives the police officer the right to use excessive force to detain the subject. Resisting arrest doesn’t give the officer the right to kneel onto the subject for 9 minutes. Well past the time his field police work could have been completed. Get him in the car after 2 minutes. Go. Would he still have died? Very likely. But then, in that scenario Chauvin isn’t even on trial.

Now. As far as...the actual trial and outcome? Even even if the man dying due to overdose (I certainly believe he was), it can (and will) be argued that the excessive time spent pinning the dying subject to the ground, could have been spent contributing to the man’s rehabilitation. The effort was not made. I think that’s gonna prove to be a problem for Chauvin. I don’t think he’s getting out of manslaughter.
So, to answer your question, in court land no, the presence of fentanyl doesn’t make it indisputable that Chauvin didn’t contribute to his death.

Netsua 3:16

That is a contradictory statement.
Manslaughter means the officer is the cause of death, not that you think he treated him inhumanely.
Dude, you gotta go look up manslaughter.
It can mean several things, by nature it is a more flexible conviction than murder.
Extreme, reckless disregard for life, is a fine example of manslaughter.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think Chauvin is guilty of murder
He’s guilty of manslaughter for the length of excessive forced without relent used on a man describing the symptoms of his own death.
Cut and dry. However, the public is heavily influencing the trial
Blacks are pissed off, white people are scared
not me , I'm just disgusted with the weak liberal government that cant get control of their cities
the constitution promoted protest as a civic responsibility but built in language against the rule of the mob.
the mob is and will influence this outcome.


Well-Known Member

man•slaugh•ter măn′slô″tər​


Specifically—2. In law, the unlawful killing of another without malice either express or implied, which may be either voluntarily, upon a sudden heat, or involuntarily, but in the commission of some unlawful act. Blackstone.

So by this definition the prosecution has to prove that the officer was the cause of death and that he did so while in the commission of an unlawful act.
The defense will create reasonable doubt by showing Floyd had other factors that contributed to his demise including enough drugs in his system to kill an elephant.
All of this may be naught because it makes an argument that the jurist may not consider for fear of the political consequences that await their decision.


Inordinately Right
How dead did he need to be before he was no longer a threat?
Witnesses testified that people passed out from drug use and/or exhaustion from resisting, often wake up and immediately continue fighting.

That was the testimony of use of force experts, law enforcement, and medical professionals, for both the prosecution and the defense.

Again, they had called an ambulance, and it was delayed because it went to the wrong place.


Inordinately Right
All of this may be naught because it makes an argument that the jurist may not consider for fear of the political consequences that await their decision.
Not changing the venue out of minneapolis and not sequestering the jury are guaranteed grounds for a retrial on appeal.

Not to mention the fact that a family member of the prosecutor is on the city council that declared guilt by giving 27 million to the family DURING the trial. Or the fact that the judge allowed repeated cumulative "expert" testimony. Or the 5000 pieces of evidence the prosecution dropped on the defense during the trial, rather than at the pre-trial discovery phase.

The whole thing is a sham. They've tried to set this guy up to lose, and yet still their case has been exposed as garbage.


nowhere special
The case is very close to a mistrial from late disclosures by the prosecution. The judge warned if they even hint at going there it will be an automatic mistrial.


Inordinately Right
The case is very close to a mistrial from late disclosures by the prosecution. The judge warned if they even hint at going there it will be an automatic mistrial.
Prosecution knows the blew it, they're grasping at straws. Just saying "9 minutes and 29 seconds" over and over and over for two weeks isn't gonna get them a conviction.


nowhere special
Prosecution knows the blew it, they're grasping at straws. Just saying "9 minutes and 29 seconds" over and over and over for two weeks isn't gonna get them a conviction.
The prosecution focused on Chauvin and didn't do a proper investigation. Now in the middle of the trial (after they had their turn) they are trying to introduce new evidence they screwed up on earlier.


I'm a star
I’ll remember this next time you “liberal bash” with your racist meme buddies in future threads
You seem like a smart guy, why do you deny the presence of racism?
I don't. I just know it's not everywhere I look. It's just like ricky with his definition of socialism. That word you keep using. I don't think it means what you think it means.

And downplay the importance of doing better?
That's how you see it. "Do better" is a meaningless term. If you have stuff to work on, go for it. I fully support you taking personal responsibility for your failings. I do not accept your idea of collective guilt, particularly when I have never been on the receiving end of this mythical white privilege that I'm supposed to have. I have my own responsibilities I need to attend to, I have my own debts to pay. You feel guilty for stuff you didn't do? Feel free to take as much on yourself as you think you can bear. It's not your place to tell others they must bear those burdens.

moving past these crazy times better than ever. This is a pivotal time. Right now
To move forward, and to solve a problem, you must accurately define the problem. "White people evil racists" is not the problem, or at very least, not nearly the problem you think it is. What amount of reparations or expressions of white guilt do you think will be the right amount to be able to "move past" these "crazy times"? I'm sorry, that's just not how it works.

Netsua 3:16

I don't. I just know it's not everywhere I look. It's just like ricky with his definition of socialism. That word you keep using. I don't think it means what you think it means.

That's how you see it. "Do better" is a meaningless term. If you have stuff to work on, go for it. I fully support you taking personal responsibility for your failings. I do not accept your idea of collective guilt, particularly when I have never been on the receiving end of this mythical white privilege that I'm supposed to have. I have my own responsibilities I need to attend to, I have my own debts to pay. You feel guilty for stuff you didn't do? Feel free to take as much on yourself as you think you can bear. It's not your place to tell others they must bear those burdens.

To move forward, and to solve a problem, you must accurately define the problem. "White people evil racists" is not the problem, or at very least, not nearly the problem you think it is. What amount of reparations or expressions of white guilt do you think will be the right amount to be able to "move past" these "crazy times"? I'm sorry, that's just not how it works.
You don’t need to express white guilt, or give reparations.
You just have to watch what you say, and do
Like, actually try.
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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You don’t need to express white guilt, or give reparations.
You just have to watch what you say
Like, actually try
Whites should subjugate themselves to the Black Man in contrition for history?

Show me, worldwide, what the Black Man has constructed, and I will show you 10 things the White race has.

The Black Man is no different from the White Man in the Eyes of God, but their contributions to the world society are light-years apart.

More needs to be brought to the table to claim equal status to any other race. Violence, stealing, and arson are counterproductive.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You just have to watch what you say
That's right, @zubenelgenubi . Silence is violence and so are words the hard left doesn't like. Which can include actual facts and statistics that are necessary to acknowledge if anything effective is ever to be done to address the plight the black community.

So you'd better zip it up, mister say whatever you want. Because in the America the hard left wants to create, it could lead to very.......unfortunate consequences.



Well-Known Member
That's right, @zubenelgenubi . Silence is violence and so are words the hard left doesn't like. Which can include actual facts and statistics that are necessary to acknowledge if anything effective is ever to be done to address the plight the black community.

So you'd better zip it up, mister say whatever you want. Because in the America the hard left wants to create, it could lead to very.......unfortunate consequences.

There was a liberal blogger who tweated a critique of an AOC interview she did recently where the Palestinian situation was discussed. It was obvious she was unprepared for the interview and pretty much BSed her way through. He called her performance "underwhelming." A few days later two detectives from the California Highway Patrol came to his house to interview him. Said they were there at the request of the Capitol Police to investigate a threat against a sitting member of Congress. She has been very sensitive to criticism since being in office. Said Ted Cruz tried to have her murdered Jan.6th. This might give an insight into, as you said, the America the hard left wants to create.