
Well-Known Member
I’m not crying about perceived racism
I’m telling you that you’re racist
The Chauvin trial is just another example.
You choose to go out of your way to make black jokes and make light of the race factor
That’s very racist of you 😎
And damaging to our country!
you're a little late on the scene we already admitted to being racist so that liberals like yourself could be disarmed from using their one and only attack. Now that we all agree that all conservatives here are deeply racist what else do you have to offer?


Well-Known Member
I am privileged to have been born white in America.
I accept this gift, this cultural lottery ticket, and I recognize that not everyone else is so lucky
Join me on the righteous train. We’re going streaking!!!
i agree the rest of us are not so lucky . I unfortunately was born in another country that did not have the black issues and had to load my racism and privledge in a suitcase and immigrate here to learn how to have and do both .

Poop Head

Judge me.
and a beer
Or some pills containing meth and fentanyl!

"Yum! Juss like momma made!"

El Correcto

god is dead
you're a little late on the scene we already admitted to being racist so that liberals like yourself could be disarmed from using their one and only attack. Now that we all agree that all conservatives here are deeply racist what else do you have to offer?
If democrats are a race, I’m extremely racist.


Strength through joy
A Medical doctor ( for the defense ) testified that George Floyd had a serious heart condition .
Seems like he was taking every drug available but the ones to help his situation.

Netsua 3:16

I, for one, am sooooo glad that @Netsua 3:16 has come along to show all of us privileged white men the errors of our advantaged ways. I'm sure all the poc out there are just ecstatic to know that @Netsua 3:16, aka mighty whitey, patronizing saint of all beleaguered black and brown folk everywhere, is here to save them, which is something @Netsua 3:16 knows they can't do for themselves. He will set the example for advantaged white folk everywhere by falling on his sword to eliminate all inequities everywhere.

Lol. Where do people like @Netsua 3:16, get this self-flagelating nonsense? Seriously. How unhinged can you be and still be so willing to display your twisted sense of piety for everyone to witness? Takes a lot of guts to be so proud of being that crazy.

View attachment 334535
Jump on the hype train, Z. There’s plenty of room for you! I am the righteous one, who will lead you to the promise land. Morgan Freeman can come too


Inordinately Right
A Medical doctor ( for the defense ) testified that George Floyd had a serious heart condition .
Seems like he was taking every drug available but the ones to help his situation.
Heart disease.
Recently had Covid.
Fatal fentanyl level.

Reasonable doubt to cause of death has been well established. At this point it's just a matter of what effect driving through a riot torn city on the way to the courthouse everyday will have on the jury.


I'm a star
Disappointing that you see your fellow countrymen, as opposition.
Alas, you have been culturally conditioned to do so.

No, just the "elected officials". I don't see little "d" democrats as anything but NPC's, for the most part. The Democratic Socialists in Germany should have seen the National Socialists as opposition and stood up to them more. Could have saved 6 million Jews and tens or hundreds of thousands of Russian, French, American, Polish, and even their own soldier's lives. I don't let people who incorrectly claim moral superiority shame me into going along with things that are completely immoral.

Netsua 3:16

No, just the "elected officials".
I’ll remember this next time you “liberal bash” with your racist meme buddies in future threads
You seem like a smart guy, why do you deny the presence of racism?
And downplay the importance of doing better? moving past these crazy times better than ever. This is a pivotal time. Right now

Netsua 3:16

Do you think the prosecution has eliminated reasonable doubt as to the cause of death?
I don’t think Chauvin is guilty of murder
He’s guilty of manslaughter for the length of excessive forced without relent used on a man describing the symptoms of his own death.
Cut and dry. However, the public is heavily influencing the trial
Blacks are pissed off, white people are scared


Inordinately Right
I don’t think Chauvin is guilty of murder
He’s guilty of manslaughter for the length of the excessive forced without relent used on a man describing the symptoms of his own death.
Cut and dry. However, the public is heavily influencing the trial
A manslaughter conviction requires the state prove beyond reasonable doubt that the officer was the cause of death.

Do you think they've done that given the indisputable fact that he had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system?