El Correcto

god is dead
If I'm a jury and I vote any other way but guilty i'm in fear of being doxed and having the crazies come after me.
If I’m juror I fear putting an innocent man behind bars. The only time I got called for jury duty was this old man being accused of aggravated sexual assault on his grand daughter. I told them I could be fair with the man and if there is reasonable doubt he did this I wouldn’t convict, but when comes to being fair with the punishment a fair punishment wasn’t being offered by the state. Life in prison wouldn’t be fair for a grandfather that raped his baby granddaughter. It should be death.

I was being serious though, I would take that extremely seriously condemning an innocent man as a pedophile or murderer. I hope those people don’t sleep at night for what they have done.

El Correcto

god is dead
Sadly advocating the death penalty for grand father’s found guilty of raping their grand daughters didn’t go over well, even with a couple of the other potential jurors. The guy after me stood up and agreed though, he was a built chad and I mired at him for it.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Nobody was coerced. This was a diverse jury who found him guilty on all 3 counts based on the evidence given. People, especially people of color, have been convicted on much less evidence. But you cuckservatives don't cry when that happens. Instructions were given to the jury by the judge on each count. This is normal procedure in our justice system. If he is guilty on the highest count, he is guilty of the lower counts. It's really not that complicated.
Yep. Any disagreement with the narrative makes me a :censored2:.


Well-Known Member
Now take off the bull* amplifiers and ask yourself: how do simultaneous charges of involuntary murder, murder, and manslaughter make any sense?
Because that's the way it's done in our justice system. Your just ignorant to how things work because you probably never paid attention before this case.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
So because it happens to be against a white cop it's suddenly wrong? Gtfo!
You honestly think I look for this :censored2: every time it happens? You're kidding yourself. Hard to ignore when it's being shoved in my face from every angle on every source thanks to your race patrol. And of course you gotta drag race into this as usual. Wouldn't be a proper argument by you without it. You're a walking punchline.


Well-Known Member
The judge threw out the 3rd degree murder charge, prosecution appealed to have it added back in. I think it's a perfect barometer that the verdict was entirely based on emotion and not facts or logic.
You're leaving out the fact that Chauvin agreed to plead guilty to the 3rd degree murder charge.


I'm a star
It was a jury trial, they’re always based on emotion.

I have to agree, but if they cared enough to make it at least look like they actually deliberated, they would have only found him guilty on the murder charges, or the manslaughter, not both.

The lesser convictions aren't even going to factor in to the sentencing. All they did by finding guilty on all coubts is give the blue line folks something to hang their hat on, and a little more strength for the appeal. My guess, though, is the appeal will be denied regardless, and the supreme court will decline to hear it.


I'm a star
You're leaving out the fact that Chauvin agreed to plead guilty to the 3rd degree murder charge.

I'm sorry, there were a lot of irrelevant details I left out. Which others do you think I should have mentioned? :wink-very:

I had mentioned in previous posts that I thought he agreed to plead to manslaughter, but I either heard that wrong or misremembered.

And there are reasons why the prosecution denying a plea deal for a charge they plan to go forward with in trial is a little messed up, and why the judge threw it out to begin with, but it's more than I want to get into.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, there were a lot of irrelevant details I left out. Which others do you think I should have mentioned? :wink-very:

I had mentioned in previous posts that I thought he agreed to plead to manslaughter, but I either heard that wrong or misremembered.

And there are reasons why the prosecution denying a plea deal for a charge they plan to go forward with in trial is a little messed up, and why the judge threw it out to begin with, but it's more than I want to get into.
They have no obligation to accept a plea deal, happens all the time. And I think it is relevant since he was ready to admit he committed murder. Notwithstanding any of this, the way the court system works is extremely :censored2:ed up and whether you agree with the end result or not, this case really isn't an exception.