The difference between Conservatives and Liberals


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself


Well-Known Member
Hey wasn't dubya supposed to be a conservative???Lastly how was reagan a conservative???
Well, what the hell did Reagan call himself? As for GWB, you can't add another big govt program and be considered a conservative. He never vetoed any spending bills from dem controlled congress. His actions during the financial crisis were not anything close to conservative.

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Well-Known Member
There has been no conservative governance since 1989.

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We've had conservative gov't for over 200 years. Understanding history and definitions means everything. :wink-very:

Besides, "I'm Waiting" will never understand much less admit he/she is only 50% correct but then re-arrange the meme to reflect against "liberals" and it will equally apply while thus finding yourself in the same dilemma as I'm Waiting.

It's always that next step neither side never wants to take.


Well-Known Member
Back in Reagan's day we had a economy.
Today 5 years after the summer of recovery , we have a no growth system where only min.wage jobs exist .

Yes and back in Reagan's day we hadn't experienced massive out sourcing of American jobs and globalization.

We can now thank true Americans like Twitt Robme who outsource jobs and make millions shipping our standard of living to other countries.