The difference between Conservatives and Liberals


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
That's the thing. You need an ID to register to vote. You shouldn't have to show it again. Either you are eligible to vote or not. If there is an indiscretion, you cast a provisional ballot, and are notified if your vote counts or not.

Mandela's shirt does not say 'Vote if you can produce your papers'.
Why not? Too much of a burden to carry your I'd to the polls?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My son and I share the same first name, he doesn't vote, we don't have to show ID, it would be really easy for me to vote twice.

What would it matter? The voting system is expecting both votes by registration, so there isnt any additional votes being cast. Its the same two votes regardless of which one of you is voting.

The onus still falls back onto you to do the right thing. You voting for your son is fraud, but YOU are the one who committed the fraud, not the system.

As was talked about, a NATIONAL VOTING ID CARD should be the process along with a NATIONAL VOTING DAY where WE all have the day off to vote to insure the highest possible turnout.

But for republicans, that isnt in the cards.

The last thing they want is a higher turnout and a day where everyone could vote.

This is why they are doing everything possible to LIMIT voting days and hours and extend the wait in lines at polling places.

This way, people get turned off and go home without voting.

They see the numbers. The numbers dont lie.

WHITES got outvoted by minorities and the future looks bleak for republicans if this trend continues.

THe plan then becomes,"How do we stop minorities from voting in mass numbers"....

insert voter id laws.



nowhere special
Republicans and Democrats often trade barbs over which side is more informed on this or that issue — look no further than an Internet comment section.

But the Pew Research Center has added some numbers to the argument with it’s annual “What do Americans Know.” The survey found that Republican pollees outperformed Democrat and Independent pollees on 10 out of 12 questions.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
That's the thing. You need an ID to register to vote. You shouldn't have to show it again. Either you are eligible to vote or not. If there is an indiscretion, you cast a provisional ballot, and are notified if your vote counts or not.

Mandela's shirt does not say 'Vote if you can produce your papers'.
If you are registered, You go to vote and you are not on their list....turn around, go home, you don't vote. Straighten up the mess (it's yours) and maybe you can vote next time. Provisional what ? That's crap!!


nowhere special
MoveOn.Org Changes Its Contest Rules After Conservative Group’s Video Takes Commanding Lead

MoveOn and MAYDAY’s call for citizens to “make a 30-second ad to wake up America to the crisis of big money in our politics” was met by the conservative group American Commitment, which submitted a video highlighting progressive donor and climate change alarmist Tom Steyer’s role in the 2014 election cycle.

American Commitment’s submission currently has about 15 times as many votes as the second-place competitor. MoveOn and MAYDAY changed the rules Thursday to allow for another day of voting.

“Pretty funny that liberal groups who pretend to hate money in politics are driven to panic and willing to embarrass themselves with a last-minute rules change to forestall the possibility that a submission about by far the biggest donor in America might win their contest,” American Commitment’s Phil Kerpen told The Daily Caller. “Steyer has spent $42M+ this year, more than the top 31 Republican donors combined. But he’s a liberal, so they love him.”


Well-Known Troll
If you are registered, You go to vote and you are not on their list....turn around, go home, you don't vote. Straighten up the mess (it's yours) and maybe you can vote next time. Provisional what ? That's crap!!
To quote wkmac.... WHOOSH!

Don't worry, I always vote, and it always counts. I'm one of those uppity ones you don't like.