The difference between Conservatives and Liberals


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
I give the Merry Christmas checkout clerks and the beheading muslims the same amount of concerned thought. I give none.

If one wants to avoid either one, don't go to the stores who say Merry Christmas and in the case of muslim beheading, don't go to the countries where such is taking place. See how easier and simpler that makes life. Why the fuss in making this so hard?


Well-Known Member
I agree, 3 isn't acceptable but are there any more besides those 3?

If we are going to look at this, let's get them all on the table to proven a pattern. If we can show a consistent pattern, doesn't that prove these muslims might be a real threat?


golden ticket member
It has to begin somewhere....the first one, the second one, the third one.....get the picture?
The longest journey begins with the first step.

Like ebola....we may or may not remember Mr. Duncan in a year's time......but if there is a tremendous outbreak to come, trust me, his name will be remembered


Well-Known Member
It has to begin somewhere....the first one, the second one, the third one.....get the picture?
The longest journey begins with the first step.

Like ebola....we may or may not remember Mr. Duncan in a year's time......but if there is a tremendous outbreak to come, trust me, his name will be remembered

Ebola is a whole other subject so let's stay focused on muslim beheadings. Can you name any more incidents we can look at to get the full picture of what is going on? And I agree about taking the first step, that is exactly what we are doing here so let's keep going.


Well-Known Member
It has happened in America. Probably more to come. That's all I have to say on the matter.

It is possible that more could come, that is true but we are discussing the ones that have already happened. We have 2 incidents with one in NJ and the other in Oklahoma so again, can you name any others we can add to our list?


Well-Known Member
I'm not a psychic and "others to come" are not nameable now. Maybe Teresa Caputo has a list !!

I know you are not psychic and nobody is asking you to name the ones from the future. I'll repost again what I said in case you missed it.

It is possible that more could come, that is true but we are discussing the ones that have already happened. We have 2 incidents with one in NJ and the other in Oklahoma so again, can you name any others we can add to our list?

The any others are of the incidents that have already occurred. The more of these incidents we can list, seems to me we can make a better case of a pattern and use as proof to show a trend.

So again, do you know of any more muslim beheadings in America that have occurred other than the 2 we already have?

And Teresa Caputo is not important to this issue albeit I have no idea who she is. Is she a muslim who has beheaded someone too? When and where did it occur? Was there more than 1 victim and did she proclaim her action in the name of Allah?


golden ticket member
OK, let's say it your's never happened on American soil !!!!

Teresa Caputo is the Long Island Medium and she's amazing !

Making fun of people is your game and I'm not playing. Find a rookie or newbie.


Well-Known Member
OK, let's say it your's never happened on American soil !!!!

Teresa Caputo is the Long Island Medium and she's amazing !

Making fun of people is your game and I'm not playing. Find a rookie or newbie.

Where did I say it never happened? I've already agreed that the 2 you posted were beheadings and involved muslims. I'm just trying to get the complete picture on how many muslim beheadings have occurred in America over the years. What is so hard about that?


Well-Known Member
like trying to nail Jello to a wall, like rounding up trying to talk sense to teenagers....etc

You might check the other forums for those issues, we are discussing muslim beheadings and how afraid of them we should be. Stick to the topic issue that you started.

Now can you name another incident? I'll give you a hint, there's one that took place in 2009'.