The difference between Conservatives and Liberals


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
mini troll, yes, that is exactly what the study concluded, and it confirmed numerous earlier studies. I didn't think you would understand it.

Mary Landrieu was a Democrat, in the modern sense? Who knew? Good riddance.

In any case that supposed flyer was reported by one far right blog, and picked up by the usual raft of wing nut sites. No credibility at all, like most of your sources.
Give it up Troll. You lost this argument. Not even the other members of the TROLL PATROL will back you on this one.


Well-Known Troll
As the study posted by Cheryl above points out (if you read the study), Conservatives are ruled by fear. That bears out on this forum.

Fear of immigrants, fear of Blacks, fear of Ebola, fear of Michelle, fear of Hillary, fear of Islam, fear of ISIS, the list goes on and on.

Lmao!!!!!!!!!!!! Fear of blacks? Come on, son.

I wouldn't say fear of ISIS, I'd say we are worried as to what their end game is. If you aren't worried about more attacks on US soil than you are VERY naive, although one could infer that fron your political affiliation and love for the obama


Well-Known Troll
As the study posted by Cheryl above points out (if you read the study), Conservatives are ruled by fear. That bears out on this forum.

Fear of immigrants, fear of Blacks, fear of Ebola, fear of Michelle, fear of Hillary, fear of Islam, fear of ISIS, the list goes on and on.

Please, I beg you...highlight in Cheryl's post where it says Conservatives fear the list you typed......I read it and saw absolutely none of that


Well-Known Troll
Unlike you, I read the actual linked report. Conservatives react to fear. Plain and simple.

....where it says "conservatives fear blacks, The name Michele, people named Hilary, women, the jews, the isis, the iran"?

Hmm, must have been written in invisible ink....that, or you're pulling it out of your rear


golden ticket member