Well-Known Member
And then there's always this:
"Veee must never letz zee truth conflict with zee goals of zee empire!"
Authoriterian Tyrants don't die, they just get recycled over and over again and many cases backed by US foreign policy!
November 17, 2008
Censor Those High-School Textbooks!
Posted by Lew Rockwell at November 17, 2008 11:22 AM
The US-backed regime in South Korea is outraged at high-school textbooks that tell the truth about the 63-year US occupation. The Ministry of Education demands that offending passages be censored because they "undermine the legitimacy of the South Korean government.... A textbook of modern history should be written in a way that does not hurt our national pride." The US Ministry of Education has the exact same policy, of course, for its far dumber high-school history books, but is less honest about it.
"Veee must never letz zee truth conflict with zee goals of zee empire!"
Authoriterian Tyrants don't die, they just get recycled over and over again and many cases backed by US foreign policy!