The Four CoarseWomen of the Apocalypse


Well-Known Member


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Your comments simply confirm what I suspected. Sorry to tell you this Bud but America is NOT a Christian nation and American Muslims are not second class citizens. Are white Christians the only people in your opinion who stand up for their country ? Are white Protestant Christians the only people among the 408,000 Americans who died in WWII ? Your religious fanaticism is the real danger to this nation.
Sorry bud..
I know America is not a Christian nation. It never was as defined in scripture . The Bible wasn't written to one single American.
Might want to get out of your box and start listening to points instead of going off on the "key words" and responding with all those canned enlightened statements.
You inference of fanaticism was expected and I laughed out loud when I read it. If you hold convictions that are contrary to libs you are a fanatic or a phobe.
Your dumbassness is the real treat to this nation.

El Correcto

god is dead
Sorry bud..
I know America is not a Christian nation. It never was as defined in scripture . The Bible wasn't written to one single American.
Might want to get out of your box and start listening to points instead of going off on the "key words" and responding with all those canned enlightened statements.
You inference of fanaticism was expected and I laughed out loud when I read it. If you hold convictions that are contrary to libs you are a fanatic or a phobe.
Your dumbassness is the real treat to this nation.
You don’t even have your own box. You’re in a box that men have shaped to their liking over the course of thousands of years a misshapen pile of :censored2: if you would, which you stand on preaching your mental illness as the word of God.

Grow up old man it’s pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Your comments simply confirm what I suspected. Sorry to tell you this Bud but America is NOT a Christian nation and American Muslims are not second class citizens. Are white Christians the only people in your opinion who stand up for their country ? Are white Protestant Christians the only people among the 408,000 Americans who died in WWII ? Your religious fanaticism is the real danger to this nation.

saying America is a Christian nation is not the same as saying America is exclusively a Christian nation. the foundation of this nation was and continues to be the freedom to practice whatever religion you believe in. most of those who exercise that right are still predominantly Christian


  • Christianity is the most adhered to religion in the United States, with 75% of polled American adults identifying themselves as Christian in 2015.[1][2] This is down from 85% in 1990, lower than 81.6% in 2001,[3] and slightly lower than 78% in 2012.[4] About 62% of those polled claim to be members of a church congregation.[5] The United States has the largest Christian population in the world, with nearly 240 million Christians, although other countries have higher percentages of Christians among their populations.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bud..
I know America is not a Christian nation. It never was as defined in scripture . The Bible wasn't written to one single American.
Might want to get out of your box and start listening to points instead of going off on the "key words" and responding with all those canned enlightened statements.
You inference of fanaticism was expected and I laughed out loud when I read it. If you hold convictions that are contrary to libs you are a fanatic or a phobe.
Your dumbassness is the real treat to this nation.
The real dumbness is your obvious inability to come to terms with the fact that the 4 congresswomen are AMERICAN CITIZENS. They have the same RIGHTS that you have. They obviously have views you're not comfortable with but they will NOT be silenced . They were granted the powers of elected office by the people of their districts and are the very same people who can revoke those powers I don't agree with much of what they say but unlike you and others on this site I don't live in fear of those views.. You and many others live in the fear that these 4 women will become a disruptive force and quite possibly move you out of your comfort zone and sheltered little world.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don't live in fear of those views.
So laughable to infer I am afraid. Get over it.
these four women will become a disruptive force and quite possibly move you out of your comfort zone and sheltered little world.
Still laughing..thanks
come to terms with the fact that the 4 congresswomen are AMERICAN CITIZENS.
Is there a point here? Except maybe they act like Anti American citizens.
They obviously have views you're not comfortable with
I don't care what view any American has except, when one of our folks who is in a position of power and leadership in the country shows disdain for and does not uphold and support the Constitution, that's when it's time for any American to be uncomfortable.
they will NOT be silenced .
Yeah....yeah they will.
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Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
The real dumbness is your obvious inability to come to terms with the fact that the 4 congresswomen are AMERICAN CITIZENS. They have the same RIGHTS that you have. They obviously have views you're not comfortable with but they will NOT be silenced . They were granted the powers of elected office by the people of their districts and are the very same people who can revoke those powers I don't agree with much of what they say but unlike you and others on this site I don't live in fear of those views.. You and many others live in the fear that these 4 women will become a disruptive force and quite possibly move you out of your comfort zone and sheltered little world.
where are the white people in the squad, why did they call pelosi a racist, why did they compare Israel to nazi germany?


Well-Known Member
So laughable to infer I am afraid. Get over it.
Still laughing..thanks
Is there a point here? Except maybe they act like Anti American citizens.
I don't care what view any American has except, when one of our folks who is in a position of power and leadership in the country shows disdain for and does not uphold and support the Constitution.

Yeah....yeah they will.
In what way are they NOT upholding the Constitution? I don't care how they act or whether or not they make you uncomfortable as long as their actions are within the letter of the law that's all that matters. Furthermore , their proposals will only become law and public policy if the votes are there. If they're not they won't. It's as simple as that. If you want to sit there all day reading your bible and watch Fox News take your own views and reflect them back to you you're perfectly free to do so if that makes you feel better . In the meantime the rest of us will continue to live our lives confident in the rule of law as well as the fact that firebrand politicians on both the left quickly come and go because they burn through their political wood pile at an accelerated pace.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
In what way are they NOT upholding the Constitution? I don't care how they act or whether or not they make you uncomfortable as long as their actions are within the letter of the law that's all that matters. Furthermore , their proposals will only become law and public policy if the votes are there. If they're not they won't. It's as simple as that. If you want to sit there all day reading your bible and watch Fox News take your own views and reflect them back to you you're perfectly free to do so if that makes you feel better . In the meantime the rest of us will continue to live our lives confident in the rule of law as well as the fact that firebrand politicians on both the left quickly come and go because they burn through their political wood pile at an accelerated pace.
where the white folks

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Which is exactly what Trump is doing but the President of the United States is expected to be above all this and not create divisions as part of a strategy to get reelected .
That is plain silly and naive.
Remember Obama talking saying, "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Yep, that's not divisive at all and it was at a fund raiser and rally.
You're a hypocrite but we already knew that.