The Four CoarseWomen of the Apocalypse

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The real dumbness is your obvious inability to come to terms with the fact that the 4 congresswomen are AMERICAN CITIZENS. They have the same RIGHTS that you have. They obviously have views you're not comfortable with but they will NOT be silenced . They were granted the powers of elected office by the people of their districts and are the very same people who can revoke those powers I don't agree with much of what they say but unlike you and others on this site I don't live in fear of those views.. You and many others live in the fear that these 4 women will become a disruptive force and quite possibly move you out of your comfort zone and sheltered little world.
And of course you, like all the LibTurds, fail to realize that other American citizens have the right to respond to and criticize others with whom they disagree.

Like I said earlier, you are a hypocrite.


nowhere special


Been around the block a few times
The real dumbness is your obvious inability to come to terms with the fact that the 4 congresswomen are AMERICAN CITIZENS. They have the same RIGHTS that you have. They obviously have views you're not comfortable with but they will NOT be silenced . They were granted the powers of elected office by the people of their districts and are the very same people who can revoke those powers I don't agree with much of what they say but unlike you and others on this site I don't live in fear of those views.. You and many others live in the fear that these 4 women will become a disruptive force and quite possibly move you out of your comfort zone and sheltered little world.

They might be US citizens that are also in positions of power and influence. AND they have agendas that are not for the best of all the people that are currently US citizens.
Let us examine a few of the issues that I see.

All I hear these days is people wanting free this and free that. There is no such thing as free!!! Someone is paying for it. That's right....the taxpayer. The money for these free programs of government assistance starts to dry up then up go the taxes.

Free health care for people that are not US citizens when we have veterans of wars that are cast off in the weeds. Homeless and needy citizens that are destitute and dying in tent cities everywhere. What about our own?

Free education from kindergarten through college and even for lifetimes students that never give back to society because all they do is sponge government assistance.
Socialistic views from government officials. And what makes them think they can do it better. Historically, socialism does not work in any shape of form. Never will.

AND these women support this is some way or another.
Blaming the depletion of the ozone layer on cow flatulence. AOC must think we find milk in the dairy aisle and it mysteriously is conjured up from thin air.

This country was built on the backs of people that work hard and died working and now government officials want to just give it all away to those that do nothing to give back to society. They sponge and some of them are generations of spongers. Imagine that no one in your family has ever held and job for generations. And I pay for that and I am tired of it.

You better be fearful. Things look bleak coming out of Washington. I'm talking about all of congress
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Inordinately Right
That is plain silly and naive.
Remember Obama talking saying, "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Yep, that's not divisive at all
You just called Obama divisive because he called out divisive behavior.

Typical nonsense from you.
Carry on.


Well-Known Member
If they're not they won't. It's as simple as that. If you want to sit there all day reading your bible and watch Fox News take your own views and reflect them back to you you're perfectly free to do so if that makes you feel better . In the meantime the rest of us will continue to live our lives confident in the rule of law as well as the fact that firebrand politicians on both the left quickly come and go because they burn through their political wood pile at an accelerated pace.

who are the "rest of us" that are paying you to be their spokesman

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
They might be US citizens that are also in positions of power and influence. AND they have agendas that are not for the best of all the people that are currently US citizens.
Their responsibility is to represent the views of the citizens in their Congressional district.


Well-Known Member
They might be US citizens that are also in positions of power and influence. AND they have agendas that are not for the best of all the people that are currently US citizens.
Let us examine a few of the issues that I see.

All I hear these days is people wanting free this and free that. There is no such thing as free!!! Someone is paying for it. That's right....the taxpayer. The money for these free programs of government assistance starts to dry up then up go the taxes.

Free health care for people that are not US citizens when we have veterans of wars that are cast off in the weeds. Homeless and needy citizens that are destitute and dying in tent cities everywhere. What about our own?

Free education from kindergarten through college and even for lifetimes students that never give back to society because all they do is sponge government assistance.
Socialistic views from government officials. And what makes them think they can do it better. Historically, socialism does not work in any shape of form. Never will.

AND these women support this is some way or another.
Blaming the depletion of the ozone layer on cow flatulence. AOC must think we find milk in the dairy aisle and it mysteriously is conjured up from thin air.

This country was built on the backs of people that work hard and died working and now government officials want to just give it all away to those that do nothing to give back to society. They sponge and some of them are generations of spongers. Imagine that no one in your family has ever held and job for generations. And I pay for that and I am tired of it.

You better be fearful. Things look bleak coming out of Washington. I'm talking about all of congress
1. Social programs you know , the ones you call call "free" consumes less than 2% of the federal budget. Given that you're hollering about the needy and
homeless would you support increased federal spending on programs designed to help them? And given that appropriations laws now requires that
increased spending in one area requires a corresponding reduction in another area where do you propose that the cuts be made?

2. Hospitals because of their charter and state and federal license cannot by law discriminate on the basis citizenship.

3. Public education has it's origins deeply rooted in socialism. It's has problems but has it not performed better than the alternatives?

4. Climate change is real and large scale feed lots crank out a lot of by products. The Green New Deal is simply a FRAMEWORK for new climate change
legislation and the promotion of healthier diets. And by the way one of the drivers behind the conversion to cleaner fuels is to get ahead of climate
change legislation which the industry freely admits is coming and therefore they are pricing in the additional costs ahead of it.


Inordinately Right
who are the "rest of us" that are paying you to be their spokesman
Good question.....

The rest of us call baloney
do you? Are you even in the same universe as the rest of us?
And the rest of us are the keepers of the sacred truth
the rest of us are along for the ride.
matter of time. the 12 percent have the rest of us on the defensive.
he somehow has developed some superior insight that has escaped the rest of us.
For the rest of us its a misconception.
have you figured out that you are probably not in the same time zone or dimension as the rest of us?


Been around the block a few times
1. Social programs you know , the ones you call call "free" consumes less than 2% of the federal budget. Given that you're hollering about the needy and
homeless would you support increased federal spending on programs designed to help them? And given that appropriations laws now requires that
increased spending in one area requires a corresponding reduction in another area where do you propose that the cuts be made?

I come up with 13 percent on 126 different welfare programs. 1.047 billion dollars on welfare and the cost just keeps going up.
This is out of every working persons pocket. I want a say on just where my money goes and it certainly doesn’t belong on the pocket of illegal aliens or dregs of society that are leeches on an abused system.
And government official of the likes of these 4 women think it is okay.
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Well-Known Member
Can you specifically identify the programs that are to be cut and are programs that purely are discretionary programs NOT mandated by LAW to be FULLY funded? if so then introduce them as legislation but I guarantee you that they won't even make it into committee let alone come out of committee .


Been around the block a few times
Can you specifically identify the programs that are to be cut and are programs that purely are discretionary programs NOT mandated by LAW to be FULLY funded? if so then introduce them as legislation but I guarantee you that they won't even make it into committee let alone come out of committee .

The one where free anything is given to non citizens...
And if you are on government assistance you better be damned well working on some way to pay it back


Well-Known Member
1. Social programs you know , the ones you call call "free" consumes less than 2% of the federal budget. Given that you're hollering about the needy and
homeless would you support increased federal spending on programs designed to help them? And given that appropriations laws now requires that
increased spending in one area requires a corresponding reduction in another area where do you propose that the cuts be made?

2. Hospitals because of their charter and state and federal license cannot by law discriminate on the basis citizenship.

3. Public education has it's origins deeply rooted in socialism. It's has problems but has it not performed better than the alternatives?

4. Climate change is real and large scale feed lots crank out a lot of by products. The Green New Deal is simply a FRAMEWORK for new climate change
legislation and the promotion of healthier diets. And by the way one of the drivers behind the conversion to cleaner fuels is to get ahead of climate
change legislation which the industry freely admits is coming and therefore they are pricing in the additional costs ahead of it.
Welfare and Medicaid are 18% of the Federal Budget.