The Four CoarseWomen of the Apocalypse


Been around the block a few times
But she has already committed all the best sins to be a democrat. Incest, lying, IRS Tax Fraud, denouncing Jews, passing judgement on who should be Potus and she is still a first year Congress person. Just think what her second year will be like.

Serve just one term and you draw a salary for the rest of your life. Fairly infuriating when you sit and think about the poor representation that they provide. Nothing but personal greed rules when they have decisions to make.


Well-Known Member
Serve just one term and you draw a salary for the rest of your life. Fairly infuriating when you sit and think about the poor representation that they provide. Nothing but personal greed rules when they have decisions to make.
Are you saying that Republican congressmen and women are not eligible for the same perks and benefits?


Well-Known Member
And what do you propose that we do about it? Oh sure we could cut it at the federal level but these are MANDATED programs that require full funding whether funding comes from federal, local funding sources. You want to cut spending just where do you want to start? Some of you want to cut spending across the board OK. Lets' start with the FAA, the NTSB and the ATC network. I'm sure New York City could always use another mid air collision. They haven't had one since 1960.
Mandates can be changed. I know you like to support healthy individuals in exchange for their vote. Obama extended unemployment during the recession. A good move. But he also made it much easier to get disability so that when unemployment ran out healthy individuals could claim it. And a lot did. Not good. We really need to trim the fat from many programs.


Been around the block a few times
Are you saying that Republican congressmen and women are not eligible for the same perks and benefits?

What I am saying is there is not one member of either party that is trying to get along and do what is right for this country and its legal citizens.
Their decisions are guided by special interest groups and lobbyists.
Term limits are a must
And do you think that they will ever vote themselves out of a job.
And the people have no voice in that
That is a fact for you
The aforementioned 4 democrats are just the more vocal of the bunch

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
What I am saying is there is not one member of either party that is trying to get along and do what is right for this country and its legal citizens.
Their decisions are guided by special interest groups and lobbyists.
Term limits are a must
And do you think that they will ever vote themselves out of a job.
And the people have no voice in that
That is a fact for you
The aforementioned 4 democrats are just the more vocal of the bunch
The people have a vote. That’s kinda the whole point of democracy. Don’t like your representative you vote for someone else.


Inordinately Right
Term limits are a must
And do you think that they will ever vote themselves out of a job.
And the people have no voice in that
That is a fact for you
The term limit argument makes no sense at all. Don't like them, vote them out. Putting someone in there who has never done the job before isn't going to make things better.


Well-Known Member
What I am saying is there is not one member of either party that is trying to get along and do what is right for this country and its legal citizens.
Their decisions are guided by special interest groups and lobbyists.
Term limits are a must
And do you think that they will ever vote themselves out of a job.
And the people have no voice in that
That is a fact for you
The aforementioned 4 democrats are just the more vocal of the bunch
I understand your dissatisfaction . My neighbor's son in law is a US Congressman. Now he put in 30 years as a fighting bureaucrat and rear echelon administrator in the Guard and Reserves never seeing a moment of live combat Afterward he served some terms in the state legislature and now he's a congressman. When finished he will end up triple dipping the public employee pension plan. One from the army. one from the state, one from the federal government with free healthcare along with one from Social Security. And this is a guy who fought tooth and nail for the repeal of Obamacare which provided affordable access to healthcare for people working for scraps and peanuts in the private sector for companies that offered no benefits claiming and get this...."we can't afford it". ....But allowing him to triple and perhaps quadruple dip the public pension plan?.....In his mind's eye we can afford that.....yeah right.


Well-Known Member
Mandates can be changed. I know you like to support healthy individuals in exchange for their vote. Obama extended unemployment during the recession. A good move. But he also made it much easier to get disability so that when unemployment ran out healthy individuals could claim it. And a lot did. Not good. We really need to trim the fat from many programs.
Easier to get on disability huh? Only on the basis of professional advice did I even bother make my first disability claim because at that time. Why? 74% of all first time disability claims were denied . You had a 1 in 10 chance of being granted a reconsideration and a formal hearing even if you were granted one the average waiting time was 21 months. These were the odds during the Obama administration so no wonder I was hesitant to do it. Easier huh?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Easier to get on disability huh? Only on the basis of professional advice did I even bother make my first disability claim because at that time. Why? 74% of all first time disability claims were denied . You had a 1 in 10 chance of being granted a reconsideration and a formal hearing even if you were granted one the average waiting time was 21 months. These were the odds during the Obama administration so no wonder I was hesitant to do it. Easier huh?
say in heaven, love comes first, heaven is a place on earth


Man of Great Wisdom
Serve just one term and you draw a salary for the rest of your life. Fairly infuriating when you sit and think about the poor representation that they provide. Nothing but personal greed rules when they have decisions to make.
You have to serve at least 5 years and then you will collect a small pension at age 62. You knew that because apparently you know everything.


Well-Known Member
Easier to get on disability huh? Only on the basis of professional advice did I even bother make my first disability claim because at that time. Why? 74% of all first time disability claims were denied . You had a 1 in 10 chance of being granted a reconsideration and a formal hearing even if you were granted one the average waiting time was 21 months. These were the odds during the Obama administration so no wonder I was hesitant to do it. Easier huh?
They knew you were faking.


Just a turd
and don't they dare to fly the flag of the country from which they migrated from
You going to ask your neighbors to remove their Confederate flags too?
Or are those ok because they represent the white folks.


Superman would be very disappointed in all of you