The Hoffa era is over, and the Teamsters are ready to fight


Got the T-Shirt
Oh I see. Wasn't that what they said about kids back when you were a kid?



Thank you for agreeing that the union allows UPS to do as it pleases.

The company will try and get away with anything they can, after sizing up the membership....

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
Monday through Friday RPCD positions will never go away, the package car runs will be bid according to seniority similar to the annual feeder bids. The lower seniority package car drivers will have to settle for the Tuesday through Saturday and the Wednesday through Sunday runs. I worked weekends for years and I found it easier than working only weekdays, you adjust.

So how many of the current lower seniority package car drivers do you think would vote yes on a contract that will force them into a Tue-Sat or Wed-Sun job.

Some may like the the Tue or Wed job, but I’ll bet you it is not the majority.

Yes, the Mon-Fri job will not completely disappear, but there won’t be too many of them left.

You’ll need 20 years or more in to get that job. I know, you’ll say you have to put in your time and earn that job.

The problem is that they have the job now. Most will not vote to purposefully eliminate their chances of keeping a Mon-Fri job.
So how many of the current lower seniority package car drivers do you think would vote yes on a contract that will force them into a Tue-Sat or Wed-Sun job.

Some may like the the Tue or Wed job, but I’ll bet you it is not the majority.

Yes, the Mon-Fri job will not completely disappear, but there won’t be too many of them left.

You’ll need 20 years or more in to get that job. I know, you’ll say you have to put in your time and earn that job.

The problem is that they have the job now. Most will not vote to purposefully eliminate their chances of keeping a Mon-Fri job.
I think they'd gain a little more traction if it was Tu-Sa and Su-Th.
The Hoffa era is over, and the Teamsters are ready to fight - The Real News

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters just held a pivotal leadership election that will set a new course for one of the most storied unions in existence. The election officially marked the end of the Hoffa era—James P. Hoffa, son of Jimmy Hoffa, retired as Teamsters General President. In a major shift that will have significant ripple effects within the Teamsters and the labor movement writ large, members elected the Teamsters United reform slate headed by incoming president and Hoffa critic Sean O’Brien. As journalist Indigo Olivier wrote for Jacobin, “With 1.4 million members, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) election results have implications not just for the massive upcoming United Parcel Service (UPS) contract, but for organizing Amazon and pushing labor-friendly legislation like the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. The election marks the first time that a coalition backed by Teamsters for a Democratic Union, a rank-and-file reform caucus, will head the union since former IBT president Ron Carey was removed from office on false corruption charges in 1997.”
Anyone who believes anything is gonna change must also believe the Easter bunny is coming in a month I have some oceanfront property in Kansas to sell you


Well-Known Member
Anyone who believes anything is gonna change must also believe the Easter bunny is coming in a month I have some oceanfront property in Kansas to sell you
Lots of things will change, The question is will it be enough change or the right kind of change to make people happy? My guess is absolutely not.


Well-Known Member
Majority wins this time
Even if we don't get the 50% turn out
Once again as I have stated I voted to get rid of the 2/3 rule as one of many delegates. I did it with a little bit of apprehension but that was the will of the people. Many people were angry at the Hoffa administration for not renegotiating and or calling a strike. I do think the last contract could’ve been renegotiated as UPS sounded ready to come back to the table. I’m not certain they would’ve offered us much more. Hoffa used of provision That was legitimate in the IBT international constitution. It’s also quite possible the leader ship felt this membership could be broken by the company because of the poor showing in both the contract vote and the strike vote. This time it’s put up or shut up by US the members. August 2023 could be a long hot summer. I’m personally ready if necessary.


Well-Known Member
Too many guys would lose too much money.
I get that, and that would need to be worked out. We're not working 40 hours in only 3 days. While It is possible in 3.5 days, it then brings the overtime question. Overtime after 8? 10? 10?. I understand that even if we had a 40 hour pay guarantee, regardless of actual hours worked, It's the loss of overtime pay that hurts a lot of us.

Perhaps we wouldn't need to depend on overtime so much if raises not only kept up with inflation, but were actual raises? I don't think I'm alone in saying I haven't gotten a 'raise' since I hit top rate...many years ago. In all honesty, I feel like I'm making less than I was 15 years ago. To all that said $25/hr is unsustainable, to those that said $30, those that are saying $40...have we waken up yet? This company makes billions, year after year after year. We don't manufacture a product. We're not hiring geniuses to design, innovate, or create anything. This company and all of the people who run it and who are getting rich from it would not exist without us and or labor. $50/hr should be a starting point by contract time...As in $50 as soon as it's ratified. We should at least be keeping up with other union trades...
I get that, and that would need to be worked out. We're not working 40 hours in only 3 days. While It is possible in 3.5 days, it then brings the overtime question. Overtime after 8? 10? 10?. I understand that even if we had a 40 hour pay guarantee, regardless of actual hours worked, It's the loss of overtime pay that hurts a lot of us.

Perhaps we wouldn't need to depend on overtime so much if raises not only kept up with inflation, but were actual raises? I don't think I'm alone in saying I haven't gotten a 'raise' since I hit top rate...many years ago. In all honesty, I feel like I'm making less than I was 15 years ago. To all that said $25/hr is unsustainable, to those that said $30, those that are saying $40...have we waken up yet? This company makes billions, year after year after year. We don't manufacture a product. We're not hiring geniuses to design, innovate, or create anything. This company and all of the people who run it and who are getting rich from it would not exist without us and or labor. $50/hr should be a starting point by contract time...As in $50 as soon as it's ratified. We should at least be keeping up with other union trades...
Yes one of those other Union trades make $50 an hour but they dion't have the benefits that we receive.