Neither of you are temsters. I'm willing to bet this. You don't work at ups either.
Just because they know how to do math does not mean they are not temsters.
Hoaxster...... Your "subtle" ways of getting points across are well........simply pricele$$. I've been searching the Internet for additional awards for you but have not found anything worthy of your facetious responses to certain posts. Thank you for your humor and making Brown Cafe a "fun" and "entertaining" place to visit.
anonymous.... Apparently you have a problem with me.....for whatever reason(s) I will never understand and quite not really care. Did the fact that I ignored your negative reputation of me bother you?
This will be the ONLY time I address you or your continued doubt about my membership with the IBT. First, I do not owe it to you or anyone else to disclose my Local. For what reasons would I be spending time on Brown Cafe if I was not associated with UPS? Do you really believe that I am here simply to create controversy with staunch UPS Teamster members such as yourself ? Do you or other IBT members feel insulted when I make comments? I certainly hope not because that is NOT my intention. Questioning our Union representatives is what a democracy is all about. Remember, we live in America and can make comments based on our
freedom to do so. Constructive criticism is what makes people and organizations better and stronger.
I respect you for who you are and for what you believe in. I also respect the comments of Bug, Stink, and others who are strong Union supporters. I read TDU but am not a member. I have been involved in more Union matters than you may ever imagine. Testified in front of the NLRB, steward for approximately 20 years.... met Billy Lichtenwald several times at the state panel....etc.. There is absolutely no reason to question my membership with the IBT. Please know that I deeply appreciate all the our Union has done for myself and others. I would not have a job at UPS today if were not for our Union. That said, I have been witness to issues in which I felt that our Union let our Brothers and Sisters down. When I see this happen, I am going to speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves.
Teamster representatives including yourself, could improve the public perception of we Union members 100% by presenting your opinions and thoughts in a "less intense" and dignified manner. I believe one of the most important attributes of a good Union steward is the ability to "LISTEN" rather than "TALK". LISTEN to the concerns of fellow Brothers and Sisters.... When you and other "intense" stewards bark down the throats of more timid UPS Teamsters....they may agree with you face to face.....but behind your back they are probably commenting on what a jerk you are. You obviously have positive qualities that consist of loyalty and interest in Union matters. Drink a few beers....mellow out....and take things down a few notches..... At the end of the day...we are all on the same side whether you care to believe that or not. P.S. By side..... I don't mean Union vs. Managment.. I mean....we all work for a corporation called UPS...