The National Debt, Do You Worry About It?


Well-Known Member
When was Newt President?
Clinton could only sign bills. Gingrich was the Speaker and the House is in charge of the money. It was Gingrich who balanced the budget for four straight years. You can give Clinton credit for recognizing if he stuck to the Left instead of the center he wouldn't be reelected. And thus he did sign welfare reform into law. Newt's doing, not Clinton's.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Bottom line is, you cannot tax your way out of this mess. What can we agree to cut, if anything? We all know cuts are needed.


Well-Known Member
Clinton could only sign bills. Gingrich was the Speaker and the House is in charge of the money. It was Gingrich who balanced the budget for four straight years. You can give Clinton credit for recognizing if he stuck to the Left instead of the center he wouldn't be reelected. And thus he did sign welfare reform into law. Newt's doing, not Clinton's.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Make a 1% VAT tax on everything and use that money to help pay down the national debt

There's a big underground economy that the government isn't getting any tax revenue from.
Trouble is, it is not enough. Congress will add the tax, keep raising it, spend more. Any VAT will punish economic activity.
Cross-border manufacturing.
They can't keep spending the way they are or the entire economy is going to collapse.



Legio patria nostra

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Clinton could only sign bills. Gingrich was the Speaker and the House is in charge of the money. It was Gingrich who balanced the budget for four straight years. You can give Clinton credit for recognizing if he stuck to the Left instead of the center he wouldn't be reelected. And thus he did sign welfare reform into law. Newt's doing, not Clinton's.
So the present budget mess is the fault of the House Republicans? Good to know at election time.