The National Debt, Do You Worry About It?

The big package

Well-Known Member
Ditto , every time Democrats do something stupid which is pretty much every day they always bring up Trump and that requires professional help !!!
You know when I say stupid things I'm talking about like pulling thousands of troops out of Afghanistan and then Afghanistan gets taken over by the Taliban and then we send all the troops back over to Afghanistan which cost US taxpayers millions and millions of dollars . Meanwhile the Taliban is on the move and on the verge of taking over the country !!! That is the definition of stupidity !!!

Netsua 3:16

Starving the children. Pushing Grandma off the cliff. We can't even spend the same year to year without being accused off the above.
Stop cutting taxes on the rich and getting rid of public works programs 😎
Quite simple, really.
Do you care about Americans? Or the Uber rich?
The Uber rich LOVE the protection of Republicans

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Why be worried about the national debt? As long as the feds keep printing money to pay their buddies and paid constituents to do made up jobs, such as studying weeds on the side of an interstate, that’s all that matters right?
You know when I say stupid things I'm talking about like pulling thousands of troops out of Afghanistan and then Afghanistan gets taken over by the Taliban and then we send all the troops back over to Afghanistan which cost US taxpayers millions and millions of dollars . Meanwhile the Taliban is on the move and on the verge of taking over the country !!! That is the definition of stupidity !!!
We should have left as soon as George decider invading Iraq was more exciting.

Netsua 3:16

You people are desperate to find out who's going to run for president. It's because your lives are empty without Donald Trump. Very sad.
You’re in a death cult.
Your master appreciates you running to his defense every time somebody mentions his name
Like a good little slave

The big package

Well-Known Member
We should have left as soon as George decider invading Iraq was more exciting.
Yeah and maybe the president NOW or maybe I should say so-called president who's supposed to be the leader of our country should come off of vacation and do his job because before you know it we're going to be at a full-blown war with the Taliban and that's coming very soon . And make no mistake about it Russia and China are behind this .


Well-Known Member
The death blow to the American empire will, as McCoy writes, be the loss of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. This loss will plunge the United States into a crippling, and prolonged depression. It will force a massive contraction of the global military footprint.

The ugly, squalid face of empire, with the loss of the dollar as the reserve currency, will become familiar at home. The bleak economic landscape, with its decay and hopelessness, will accelerate an array of violent and self-destructive pathologies including mass shootings, hate crimes, opioid and heroin overdoses, morbid obesity, suicides, gambling, and alcoholism. The state will increasingly dispense with the fiction of the rule of law to rely exclusively on militarized police, essentially internal armies of occupation, and the prisons and jails, which already hold 25 percent of the world’s prisoners although the United States represents less than 5 percent of global population.

Our demise will probably come more swiftly than we imagine. When revenues shrink or collapse, McCoy points out, empires become “brittle.” An economy heavily dependent on massive government subsidies to produce primarily weapons and munitions, as well as fund military adventurism, will go into a tailspin with a heavily depreciated dollar, falling to perhaps a third of its former value. Prices will dramatically rise because of the steep increase in the cost of imports. Wages in real terms will decline. The devaluation of Treasury bonds will make paying for our massive deficits onerous, perhaps impossible. The unemployment level will climb to depression era levels. Social assistance programs, because of a contracting budget, will be sharply curtailed or eliminated. This dystopian world will fuel the rage and hyper nationalism that put Donald Trump in the White House. It will spawn an authoritarian state to keep order and, I expect, a Christianized fascism.

The death blow to the American empire will, as McCoy writes, be the loss of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. This loss will plunge the United States into a crippling, and prolonged depression. It will force a massive contraction of the global military footprint.

The ugly, squalid face of empire, with the loss of the dollar as the reserve currency, will become familiar at home. The bleak economic landscape, with its decay and hopelessness, will accelerate an array of violent and self-destructive pathologies including mass shootings, hate crimes, opioid and heroin overdoses, morbid obesity, suicides, gambling, and alcoholism. The state will increasingly dispense with the fiction of the rule of law to rely exclusively on militarized police, essentially internal armies of occupation, and the prisons and jails, which already hold 25 percent of the world’s prisoners although the United States represents less than 5 percent of global population.

Our demise will probably come more swiftly than we imagine. When revenues shrink or collapse, McCoy points out, empires become “brittle.” An economy heavily dependent on massive government subsidies to produce primarily weapons and munitions, as well as fund military adventurism, will go into a tailspin with a heavily depreciated dollar, falling to perhaps a third of its former value. Prices will dramatically rise because of the steep increase in the cost of imports. Wages in real terms will decline. The devaluation of Treasury bonds will make paying for our massive deficits onerous, perhaps impossible. The unemployment level will climb to depression era levels. Social assistance programs, because of a contracting budget, will be sharply curtailed or eliminated. This dystopian world will fuel the rage and hyper nationalism that put Donald Trump in the White House. It will spawn an authoritarian state to keep order and, I expect, a Christianized fascism.
