The National Debt, Do You Worry About It?


Well-Known Member
Seriously? Bill Clinton caused the Democrats to lose control of Congress after 40 years of Democratic control in '94. It was Newt Gingrich and Republicans who came up with "The Contract With America" and balanced the budget. Clinton actually hired a Republican strategist, Dick Morris, to help him get reelected. Did that by becoming a centrist and claiming Republican issues as his own. Which would be very unpopular if tried with today's Leftists. Now if you want to say Bush started us down the road of high deficits that would be fair. But he had plenty of help from Congressional Democrats and spending took off like never before with Obama.
thats because you had a great recession with obama. what happened with obama was bailouts for the banks, and then austerity for everyone else after.

ur quite right bill clinton pushed the democrats to the right and was the first democratic president to sell out the working class since probably before FDR.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
u cant let debts build up over time. its bad economics and socially destructive. its in religion and in the matrix revolutions.
