Well-Known Member
Same stuff they do in TSG man. It's just the way the company has decided to work their techinical side. This year they've raised our quotas on the time we have to log and plan per day then took away a bunch of maintence logs we used to get every month.
They're basically raising the goals and lowering the amount of work so it's damn near impossible to meet the goals. They can then come back with the numbers to show they have cause for more lay offs and scrap off another round of techs.
I don't know what their goal is for the future, but they're sure trying like hell to cut loose as many techs as they can. I'm going to bet you're correct in saying they want to get ride of all the $20-$30 p/h guys so they can bring in a bunch of $10 p/h script reads.
God I can't wait to get out of this company ...
Just keep looking around for other jobs. UPS had great benefits/pay and it can be somewhat hard to leave that behind for the "unknown", but chances are you'll find something you like much better. A good friend/coworker of mine left UPS also and after working as a contractor for a bit she found a job that gives good benefits, almost twice the number of personal days, more paid holidays and nowhere near the stress that UPS gave her. The grass can be much greener on the other side!