The National TSC Help Desk in Las Vegas


Well-Known Member
Same stuff they do in TSG man. It's just the way the company has decided to work their techinical side. This year they've raised our quotas on the time we have to log and plan per day then took away a bunch of maintence logs we used to get every month.

They're basically raising the goals and lowering the amount of work so it's damn near impossible to meet the goals. They can then come back with the numbers to show they have cause for more lay offs and scrap off another round of techs.

I don't know what their goal is for the future, but they're sure trying like hell to cut loose as many techs as they can. I'm going to bet you're correct in saying they want to get ride of all the $20-$30 p/h guys so they can bring in a bunch of $10 p/h script reads.

God I can't wait to get out of this company ...

Just keep looking around for other jobs. UPS had great benefits/pay and it can be somewhat hard to leave that behind for the "unknown", but chances are you'll find something you like much better. A good friend/coworker of mine left UPS also and after working as a contractor for a bit she found a job that gives good benefits, almost twice the number of personal days, more paid holidays and nowhere near the stress that UPS gave her. The grass can be much greener on the other side!


Well-Known Member
Just keep looking around for other jobs. UPS had great benefits/pay and it can be somewhat hard to leave that behind for the "unknown", but chances are you'll find something you like much better. A good friend/coworker of mine left UPS also and after working as a contractor for a bit she found a job that gives good benefits, almost twice the number of personal days, more paid holidays and nowhere near the stress that UPS gave her. The grass can be much greener on the other side!

I'm to the point now where I'd take lesser of all that so long as they paid close enough to current pay that I could still afford the mortgage.

Like everyone else, working here over the years has really left my tech skills in decline. I'm really worried that I'm not going to be able to cut it in the real world again. :blush:


New Member
You would not believe it. There is a reference to a project report in PMT today that actually says "MAKE SOMETHING UP" as the project name.. Hard to believe! ( that they let this one slip for published viewing ). it's more and more difficult to achieve the goal, especially when they can change the goal- whenever they feel fit.
I wonder if TSG will see the "Make Something Up" logs roll out as a project. ( well everyone has thought of doing it!)
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Its all good!
Don't let it get to you! No you probably won't find an IT job when you leave that pays like UPS but so what. You can collect unemployment at $450.00 a week and they will train you for another career, or further your IT skills while on unemploment, just don't quit. If they lay me off I will take full advantage of the situation, maybe get trained in Heating and Air while I collect EDD.
I used to enjoy setting up networks, VPNS, CSU and selling systems on the side but not anymore, there is so much out there. If you really want to stay in IT, use the time you have left at UPS and build up your resume with certifcations.


Well-Known Member
Don't let it get to you! No you probably won't find an IT job when you leave that pays like UPS but so what. You can collect unemployment at $450.00 a week and they will train you for another career, or further your IT skills while on unemploment, just don't quit. If they lay me off I will take full advantage of the situation, maybe get trained in Heating and Air while I collect EDD.
I used to enjoy setting up networks, VPNS, CSU and selling systems on the side but not anymore, there is so much out there. If you really want to stay in IT, use the time you have left at UPS and build up your resume with certifcations.

haha, believe me the unemployment thing has already been discussed with the wife. I'm just going to stick it out until I either finish my degree and can move on to another company or they lay me off. If they lay me off I'm going to take all the unemployment I can get while I finish school and can move on.

I hear the government is willing to throw all kinds of money at you if you're unemployed and trying to goto school full time. :cool:
I just had to say to tieguy, you don't know me. In fact, your probably a retarded monkey whose opinion doesn't really matter. With attitude like that, you might be one of those idiots I was talking about. And if you are, don't let me catch you at my work buddy :wink: If you want to meet me at a time and place of my choosing, I'll show you just how "malcontent" I can really be. Then you really won't like my attitude. And if you were working at another TSC before you got fired, you make it obvious why you weren't asked to stay with the company...they don't work with the retarded, Wal-Mart does! Ask them for a job. :lol:
Disneyworld, I'm not that other guy you think I am, sorry. Rushfan, no I don't place bets, thats for my bookie Ace ;) and you can put it in your mouth!, Dorkhead, when Nashville TSC closed, we got one of their supervisors at our TSC who swear up and down they used to get paid that cause they were union employees and that's why we get stiffed the pay, cause we are not. Under the radar, name your time and place you want to get jumped at the TSC and I'll meet you there. If you don't work at the TSC, then put it in your mouth ;) .... BrownTurd, I never heard about Oklahoma having a call center but I can guarantee it's not a TSC call center. And yes we have the SCS help desk too. Sub mariner, Thank you sir! Nerrollus, since UPS is teaching us proprietary systems that aren't used by other companies, it certainly limits my learning to just their software. They'd love nothing more than to keep me there forever. Stressed, I believe it. I work with HDFS and there are some retarded solutions in there too, but yours is a new one to me. I believe it though. And to anyone out there with a complaint about my posting, if you never worked at UPS or never worked at the TSC in Las Vegas, you don't have any idea of what you are talking about. And if you hate me for complaining or have some crappy words of advice for me, I have some for you... Put it in your mouth!
- BigBrownPoop
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Anointed Chowhard

<snipped friendly banter> And to anyone out there with a complaint about my posting, if you never worked at UPS or never worked at the TSC in Las Vegas, you don't have any idea of what you are talking about. And if you hate me for complaining or have some crappy words of advice for me, I have some for you... Put it in your mouth!
- BigBrownPoop
It appears she is saying that one must have worked at UPS *or* the LV TSC to have any basis for complaining about her posts.

I think there are reasons to complain about the content and meaning of her posts. She sounds like a testosterone-addled pimply-faced teenage boy!

Only someone with no heart could hate her for the tantrum she has thrown here. It is obviously a cry for help, or at least acceptance.

What is it she wants us to put in our mouths, anyway? My guess is this refers to some game that LV TSC plays to while away the hours.


actually there is a ups scs helpdesk in tulsa, oklahoma in the cityplex towers outsourced through alorica inc. its not tsc, its scs.

this helpdesk will be closing in a few weeks, they are moving us to a different account within our company (alorica).
tata inc, out of india is sending a bunch of their techs to canadia for 6 months to run a call center there, then they (after the 6 months) will shut the one in canada and ship the indian guys back to india. i dont know why they are bothering to move the whole operation to canada for just 6 months though. but this is real information on the happenings.

here is some information on tata:
Tata Consultancy Services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia