The ( OFFICIAL ) angry Contract results thread!


Well-Known Member
Alright, so the "VOTE NO" crowd may still be in the fight. The turnout was reasonable enough (still crappy, but close to the threshold of 50%) that we can certainly get to 50% participation and avoid needing 2/3 of the voters to vote no to keep a concessionary contract from passing.

One point that needs to be made is that those who attempted to scare the membership into voting yes (and managed to do so for quite a few people) have lost all credibility. There were literally stewards in my building going around saying this. We are not going on strike. Now that that is clear, all those yes voters should realize that something is wrong when the union and a slew of union officials have been pushing a yes vote so hard with scare tactics.

Another point is that Taylor did in fact threaten to impose the contract. Again, with that being said, the membership needs to understand that something is wrong with the contract and with what went on behind closed doors during negotiations. Not to mention that the coward backed down from his empty threat of imposing the contract seeing as how so many supplements went down like the flaming piles of dog :censored2: that they are.

Another point is that the union is clearly lying about this being the final offer. If it was, you better believe they would simply have imposed it. Yet, Taylor claimed it was the final offer indirectly by invoking Article XII language. Again, this just makes no sense.

Another point is that we needn't let those shiny mailers fool us into thinking this is a great contract and that we risk a strike if we vote it down. That crap backfired on both UPS and the Teamsters because it shows that they have no credibility.

And of course keep in mind that Amazon raised it's starting rate to $15...UPS knows it will need to raise it's starting rate to $15 just to compete. Part-timers especially shouldn't settle for less, along with catch-up raises.

Finally, a strong point (probably one of the strongest to prevent people from voting yes out of the fear of a strike since we may get the chance to vote down a second offer if all goes well) is that the UPS airline mechanics had repeatedly voted down their contract and are now in mediation. There was NO STRIKE. Hawfa is too much of a :censored2: coward to strike UPS, period. Don't let your brothers and sisters vote yes out of fear. We can get the participation rate to 50% and strike any future crap proposals down until we get what is fair.


Well-Known Member
Omg I agree with you in something!! That it’s good bye cruel world it was a fun trip.
Technically they could offer a worse deal. I don’t think they will though. I think they implement the NMA and the supplements that got voted down will be in the same situation as last contract. IMO

Yeah right dude, back to the table for the National and all locals that got voted down. It would be political suicide otherwise.


Well-Known Member
"According to the constitution we have a ratified contract"
I think those were the words.
I personally don't believe he "has to" impose the contract.
Was this the "final offer"? Has he stated so?

If it was the "final offer" why would he be asking UPS to come back to the table?
Because it's not...


Resident Suit
For all the dumb dumbs who think it was ratified

Over disciplined0123

Well-Known Member
UPS will concede literally nothing at these """"new negotiations"""" when they know we have leadership like Hoffa and Dennis who already have planned to force ratification and even said so directly to members on this call tonight.
No Taylor stated he will force UPS back to table. They know what the repercussions would be if the passed this contract on a voter percentage turnout... That would be the end of all labor unions and contracts