The Postal Reform Act Of 2022

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
More mail delays coming as postal workers worry about future of post office - NBC

Under the guidelines of the plan, the USPS will implement new standards for its first-class mail, lengthening delivery time for about 30 percent of its volume.

Changes to the delivery standards of the United States Postal Service are expected to cause delays in mail delivery for many Americans as early as this weekend, adding to the concerns many postal workers have about the future of the post office, and raising more questions about the motives of embattled Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

The planned slowdown is part of DeJoy’s 10-year plan for the post office that he unveiled earlier this year.

Under the guidelines of the plan, the USPS will implement new standards for its first-class mail, lengthening delivery time for about 30 percent of its volume. That means letters, packages and magazines traveling longer distances could take up to five days to get to their intended destinations, instead of two or three.


Well-Known Member
I paid into that system my entire working life so yes I will use it when the time comes.
And exactly what measures would you take if at age 65 it wasn't there. . It's all I hear,...."I paid into it, I paid into it. But, when I ask them that very same question, " what would you if it wasn't there'?.... The same response is always .They just stand there is stunned silence.


Well-Known Member
Notice the date of that report? 9-30-2021. The report highlights DeJoy's plan to so called "rescue " the Post Office. The question going forward will be how much of DeJoy's plan will be implemented now?


Well-Known Member
And exactly what measures would you take if at age 65 it wasn't there. . It's all I hear,...."I paid into it, I paid into it. But, when I ask them that very same question, " what would you if it wasn't there'?.... The same response is always .They just stand there is stunned silence.
It was the law of the land before I was born. It's there, no need to speculate. But that doesn't mean because a program established long ago has been successful that we should continue to create programs that we literally don't have the money to pay for. You want social programs? Start with a very strong economy and don't spend on anything unless you spend an equivalent amount lowering the debt. No more deficit spending. No more printing money. Be responsible.


Staff member
It was the law of the land before I was born. It's there, no need to speculate. But that doesn't mean because a program established long ago has been successful that we should continue to create programs that we literally don't have the money to pay for. You want social programs? Start with a very strong economy and don't spend on anything unless you spend an equivalent amount lowering the debt. No more deficit spending. No more printing money. Be responsible.
Well that’s not how Social Security came into being. I believe that tax rates were relatively high back then. Fact is, “being responsible” meant having a high tax rate. Maybe being responsible means increasing taxes and stop pretending that tax cuts “pay for themselves”.


Well-Known Member
Well that’s not how Social Security came into being. I believe that tax rates were relatively high back then. Fact is, “being responsible” meant having a high tax rate. Maybe being responsible means increasing taxes and stop pretending that tax cuts “pay for themselves”.
Tell it to JFK. He said the resultant economic activity from tax cuts brought in more government revenue, not less. The problem we've had with tax cuts in the past was Democrats saw the increased revenue and insisted on spending it. We're at the point of no return now. Be responsible, pay down the debt.

All the money printing has triggered high inflation. To get it under control the Fed must raise interest rates higher than inflation. So if they raise rates to 10% guess what? The government has to spend $3 trillion annually on interest to service the debt. Printing the $3 trillion won't work. We are screwed.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Their express operation runs 7 days a week. Standard service to all zip will remain 6 days.
The thing I noticed about you is that you NEVER make an original post. Always offering nothing but responses simply for the sake of making a response.. Ones that offer the same pointlessness and lack of insight. Now if the rest of us didn't post original content that would have nothing to do . Important since you package handlers only get normally 25 hours tops.

Now being that you're the most well informed package handler on this site, I'm surprised that you failed to notice ( not the first time) that under the bill the USPS will be free to offer just about any other product and or service for which they can get state and or federal approval provided that it's profitable to do so. There's also something else you failed to observe.


That's right. It was at one time a banking services company. Pretty limited in what it could offer but it did offer them.
If they can get approval to return and expand those services you might just see your local post office someday becoming a one stop shipping, banking and financial services center. Been talked about for quite some time.

So when the floor of your house trailer rusts out and you have to get something better perhaps your loan might just be obtained from the US Postal Service.
Where does it say anything about banking???

(a) Short Title.—This Act may be cited as the “Postal Service Reform Act of 2022”.
(b) Table Of Contents.—The table of contents of this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Definitions.

Sec. 101. Postal Service Health Benefits Program.
Sec. 102. USPS Fairness Act.
Sec. 103. Nonpostal services.
“(1) the term ‘nonpostal services’ is limited to services offered by the Postal Service that are expressly authorized by this chapter and are not postal products or services;

Sec. 201. Performance targets and transparency.
Sec. 202. Integrated delivery network.
Sec. 203. Review of Postal Service cost attribution guidelines.
Sec. 204. Rural newspaper sustainability.
Sec. 205. Funding of Postal Regulatory Commission.
Sec. 206. Flats operations study and reform.
Sec. 207. Reporting requirements.
Sec. 208. Postal Service transportation selection policy revisions.
Sec. 209. USPS Inspector General oversight of Postal Regulatory Commission.


Staff member
Tell it to JFK. He said the resultant economic activity from tax cuts brought in more government revenue, not less. The problem we've had with tax cuts in the past was Democrats saw the increased revenue and insisted on spending it. We're at the point of no return now. Be responsible, pay down the debt.

All the money printing has triggered high inflation. To get it under control the Fed must raise interest rates higher than inflation. So if they raise rates to 10% guess what? The government has to spend $3 trillion annually on interest to service the debt. Printing the $3 trillion won't work. We are screwed.
Tell JFK that multibillion dollar companies should pay zero in taxes and it’ll all work out. Yeah…no.


Staff member
Did JFK (a Democrat) advocate for a zero tax rate for those multibillion dollar companies?

Or are you championing a strawman?
Van brought JFK up as a champion of lower taxes. I’m pointing out that we are far, far from the reality that JFK was talking about.


Well-Known Member
Why does it matter? They are to be the ones at higher tax rates so that the corporations are able to continue not to pay?
Matters very much. Corporations get the breaks for their contributions to the economy. Breaks that were put in place by Congress. Same reasoning behind states luring corporations with tax breaks.


Staff member
Matters very much. Corporations get the breaks for their contributions to the economy. Breaks that were put in place by Congress. Same reasoning behind states luring corporations with tax breaks.
So there’s no reason to “tell JFK”? It’s the current “taxes are evil” mindset that needs to be addressed? That and politicians that sellout to corporations?

Ok. I think we’re in agreement.


Well-Known Member
So there’s no reason to “tell JFK”? It’s the current “taxes are evil” mindset that needs to be addressed? That and politicians that sellout to corporations?

Ok. I think we’re in agreement.
Are you of the opinion that corporations shouldn't make a profit but should be milked for every penny possible? Exactly why we had stagflation under Obama. A business friendly environment means jobs. Opportunities. And the resultant economic activity when they can keep more of their money results in more revenue for the government. But no, let's tax and regulate them to death. We won't get that extra for the government, but at least we'll keep those businessmen from having more than we've got. Can't have that!


Staff member
Are you of the opinion that corporations shouldn't make a profit but should be milked for every penny possible? Exactly why we had stagflation under Obama. A business friendly environment means jobs. Opportunities. And the resultant economic activity when they can keep more of their money results in more revenue for the government. But no, let's tax and regulate them to death. We won't get that extra for the government, but at least we'll keep those businessmen from having more than we've got. Can't have that!
You’re being foolish. You’re jumping from one extreme to another. First you’ve suggested that JFK was all for eliminating taxes on all corporations and now you’re saying that I want to tax them out of existence.

Neither is true. But you already knew that, didn’t you?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Smart Post does help to fill in quite a number of empty rural miles . Might not make anything but it might help to pay the cost of running all those millions of sparsely populated rural America miles.
My post office is paying tons of overtime now. They start early to deliver all those Amazon boxes.


Well-Known Member
And exactly what measures would you take if at age 65 it wasn't there. . It's all I hear,...."I paid into it, I paid into it. But, when I ask them that very same question, " what would you if it wasn't there'?.... The same response is always .They just stand there is stunned silence.
The fact is that it was there, and we have paid into it for decades. As far as what we would have done if it was not there, is totally irrelevant to the original posters point.


Well-Known Member
It's right there in 103.1 Authorized nonpostal services. That could very easily be banking services that may or may not require a state or federal issued bank charter. Nonpostal is for all intents and purposes an open invitation to the USPS to pursue other revenue generating opportunities that prove themselves profitable. Walmart experiments all the time with new products and services. Looks like the post office is going to be given the chance to try as well.


Well-Known Member
You’re being foolish. You’re jumping from one extreme to another. First you’ve suggested that JFK was all for eliminating taxes on all corporations and now you’re saying that I want to tax them out of existence.

Neither is true. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
And here's the funny part. Tex by his own admission hasn't paid a dime in federal income tax in decades. If he keeps this up worrying about federal spending he could end up with a bleeding ulcer that federal dollars in the form of Medicare or Medicaid has to pay to treat.