It needed to get voted down in the first place, come on read the language. We have 1.70 to 2.00 dollars increase per year going into our GWI, Health and Welfare and Pension, the allocation will be subject to change according to cost of our projected Health and Welfare plans. Our hourly wage increase would be taken to cover our Health and Welfare increasing cost,
particularly in 2016, 2017. It is in the contract, please correct me if that is not true.
For the higher seniority part timers close to retirement, read Article 34 (master). I know there are clerical errors relating to your service pension, is it 50, 55 or 60 dollars per credit year? I know that the 60 dollar credit only applies to 2008 to current, That 2150 quote is only for those part timers who started in 2008 and will retire 35 years from that year. You gained nothing except a concession with paying for your Health and Welfare co-pay and annual deductables.