The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
Its relevant because this whole thread is about trying to make one religion better than the other. Reality is just like George Carlin said religion is bull sh it.
The REALITY is,You are in the minority...A great MAJORITY of people on this earth would disagree with you
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Amatuer Malthusian
I've met more than a few people who would have (and did) refer. to me as a non-believer. In my estimation they could have learned from me on how to treat their fellow man better. I'm not a non-believer, BTW.


Inordinately Right
Considering the intended targets of Sept. 11, one could conclude that our middle eastern friends, who we helped repel the Russian invasion, wanted to weaken/destroy our infrastructure and make a statement.

Did you notice no churches were targeted? That will come later.

I think, in your mind, you envision hordes of screaming :censored2:s, with swords drawn, storming our beaches. It won't happen like that. I'm told they have made comments to the effect of, "....destroy us from within."

I'm guessing you are relatively young and have a lot to learn about history and human nature. Good luck.
That's a half ass answer at best. Read through the 9/11 commission report and get back to me grandpa.


Staff member
Deuteronomy 21:6....refers to an ANIMAL being sacrificed
2 Samuel 4:7.....refers to two men who thought they were doing King davids will...If you read on King DAVID rebukes them for killing an innocent

Matthew 14:10.....refers to John the Baptist.....the one who baptized Jesus Christ....being beheaded by NON christians
Mark 6:16....see above
Mark 6:27.....same as above
Luke 9:9...saint lukes rendition of the above story
Revelation 20:4....speaks of christs faithful who will be BEHEADED for their faith in yup you guessed it...NON BELIEVERS

Come on ...admit it you googled doubt you’ve actually read ANY of those should try it some time
But beheading was the humane execution of the day.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
I love those kind of rugs.

I'm always fascinated by the use and meaning of the symbology in such rugs themselves. Even more fascinating when doing comparative religion study is the use of many of the same symbols across multiple religious belief systems. All religions have their esoteric side that few understand but then to occult this was the point in the first place.


Staff member
So I am defiling your god's law by adding an "s" to The Book Of Revelation?


I don't think I want anything to do with your god, then. Thanks.
Don't go dissing the great sky fairy, he'll send you to the baaaad place....


Well-Known Troll
Probably not. But those who want to sound educated and enlightened about the Bible should probably be able to get the names of the books correct.
I am in no way 'enlightened' about the bible, or which books are applicable to which faith. Old gray guy complained about the Revelation/Revelations thing with another poster before. Maybe I was just yanking his chain.

In any case, I stand by my comment that according to something in what some people claim is a book containing the word of god, hundreds of thousands of 'believers' need to be beheaded so that the 'rapture' can take place. ISIL is furthering that, and a true believer should welcome the 'Second Coming', and therefor welcome our new Islamic overlords ;)


Well-Known Member
....and I'm guessing you're a younger person living in an idealistic world and believing everything you've been spoon fed.

If you want to live under a rock, be my guest but don't force it upon others. We are human. Humanity comes first. You want to fight against the invisible enemy, go ahead and you will become what you fight. Happy hunting. Leave us normal people live in peace.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If you want to live under a rock, be my guest but don't force it upon others. We are human. Humanity comes first. You want to fight against the invisible enemy, go ahead and you will become what you fight. Happy hunting. Leave us normal people live in peace.
People who declared war (Jihad) on us are the invisible enemy?