The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be a kicker if they found out the muslims did it?

.....but then people would have to start believing in what's about to happen. OMG!


Strength through joy
So you would openly defy a court decision and create public disorder to satisfy your own twisted beliefs ?
How very liberal of you .


nowhere special
Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
Quran 48:29

2014.10.23 (Quetta, Pakistan) - Two people are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.23 (Quetta, Pakistan) - Suspected Lashkar-e-Jhangvi board a bus carrying Shiites and open fire, killing eight innocents.
2014.10.22 (Maguindanao, Philippines) - Two guards at a hospital are murdered by a militant Muslim group.
2014.10.22 (Ottawa, ON, Canada) - A reserve soldier is killed during attacks on a war memorial and parliament building by a Muslim extremist.
2014.10.22 (Dariana, Libya) - One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.22 (Jerusalem, Israel) - A Palestinian plows his car into a group of Israelis waiting at a rail station, killing a 3-month-old baby.


Well-Known Troll
Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another"
Quran 48:29

2014.10.23 (Quetta, Pakistan) - Two people are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.23 (Quetta, Pakistan) - Suspected Lashkar-e-Jhangvi board a bus carrying Shiites and open fire, killing eight innocents.
2014.10.22 (Maguindanao, Philippines) - Two guards at a hospital are murdered by a militant Muslim group.
2014.10.22 (Ottawa, ON, Canada) - A reserve soldier is killed during attacks on a war memorial and parliament building by a Muslim extremist.(False - he was a crazy person and drug addict)
2014.10.22 (Dariana, Libya) - One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.22 (Jerusalem, Israel) - A Palestinian plows his car into a group of Israelis waiting at a rail station, killing a 3-month-old baby.
I wonder how many Muslims we killed in the last two days?

See? That can work both ways.


Strength through joy
The only reason those rookies cops were together was for a photo shoot .
Maybe that photo taker was part of the plan , thus making it a planned attacked .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A brazen daylight hatchet attack against a group of police officers on a busy New York street was a terrorist act by a reclusive Muslim convert who ranted online against America but had no clear ties to international extremists, the police commissioner said Friday.

All the stupid hype about this being a muslim terror attack is laughble at best. Paranoia from the right wing, starting with Bratton who is an embicile in his own right.

The man was crazy, who has a history of mental illness. No different than any other crime in this country committed by a crazy person.

With all the HYSTERIA created by the right wing, is it any surprise that some crazy man would take it personally and go nuts on a city street?

This country is filled with crazy people roaming the streets, and it doesnt take much to motivate a nut case.

As if ISIS contacted this nut ball and told him to go onto a city street filled with at least 50 cops in a three block area with a hatchet, and commit a suicide run.

Terrorists are LAUGHING at us over crap like this.

You people dont make it any better by buying into the baloney either.



golden ticket member


Well-Known Troll
Terrorists are LAUGHING at us over crap like this.


Nope, they're laughing at us because of our wussy in chief. How many muslim attacks have happened recently, as opposed to "Christian" attackers? Oh, that's right, you REFUSE to acknowledge that these Muslim buttholes' attacks have any relation to each other. Hell, even a 6 year old would be able to look at the pattern and identify it.

Are you smarter than a first grader? TOS isn't


golden ticket member
animals .....

Via Daily Mail:

A sickening photo has emerged social media showing a toddler kicking the severed head of a dead soldier in Syria.

The toddler’s father is believed to be an avid Islamic State supporter and is wearing a camouflage military style baseball cap on his head.

The father can be seen smiling with delight in the photo as he watches his innocent child kick the severed head.

Leaning over, the bearded man, wearing a short white thoub, appears to be helping his young child to raise their small leg and kick the rotting head of the dead body.

At least one person, wearing three quarter length jeans can be seen watching the horrific scene.

The severed head, which is too gruesome to show in full detail, appears to be several days old.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
animals .....

Via Daily Mail:

A sickening photo has emerged social media showing a toddler kicking the severed head of a dead soldier in Syria.

The toddler’s father is believed to be an avid Islamic State supporter and is wearing a camouflage military style baseball cap on his head.

The father can be seen smiling with delight in the photo as he watches his innocent child kick the severed head.

Leaning over, the bearded man, wearing a short white thoub, appears to be helping his young child to raise their small leg and kick the rotting head of the dead body.

At least one person, wearing three quarter length jeans can be seen watching the horrific scene.

The severed head, which is too gruesome to show in full detail, appears to be several days old.

So, what is any different than any other day in the middle east??

The IRAQI government that the USA installed has murdered hundreds of sunni people, men, women and children.

Severing heads at times, torturing and imprisoning for years, and all with the backing of the US government.

Now, this picture horrifies you??

Give us a break.
