The religion of peace strikes again...


Staff member
I wonder if Saudi Arabia would allow Catholics to use Mecca’s Grand Mosque for Sunday mass?
Via CAIR press release:

Washington National Cathedral and five Muslim groups announced today the first celebration of Muslim Friday prayers (Jumaa) at the Cathedral on Friday, November 14.

Leaders believe offering Muslim prayers at the Christian cathedral shows more than hospitality. It demonstrates an appreciation of one another’s prayer traditions and is a powerful symbolic gesture toward a deeper relationship between the two Abrahamic traditions.

What: Muslim Friday Prayers at Washington National Cathedral
When: Friday, November 14, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.


The Rev. Canon Gina Campbell, director of liturgy for Washington National Cathedral
South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool
All Dulles Area Muslim Society
Council on American-Islamic Relations
Islamic Society of North America
Muslim Public Affairs Council
Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque

I saw this and wondered if more had made a surprise trip:



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.


Well-Known Member

I like that you're a 'science' booster!

That top picture is the Philae lander from the Rosetta mission (that's a mockup, not an actual picture).

The Rosetta mission was funded by the European Union...they were the first to land a robot on a comet. They launched the mission ten years ago...the spacecraft traveled close to 400,000,000 miles to reach it's destination.

Even though Philae, the washing-machine sized lander that detached from the Rosetta craft failed to properly attach itself to the comet, it performed 80% of its missions objectives.

Philae bounced around a bit, and finally came to rest under a craggy rock. It's solar panels currently won't's gone to sleep.

This is a picture from where Philae finally came to rest and before it went to sleep (you can see it's little leg).

Here's one picture of the comet from the Rosetta spacecraft:

Just to put it into perspective:

And the SCIENCE is starting to come back...Philae has detected organic compounds in the comets' crust, giving credence to the hypothesis that life on this world was seeded from without.


As to the second part of your diptych, yes, idiots will run wild, whether terrorist, Muslim, Christian, Politician, or psychopath.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I like that you're a 'science' booster!

That top picture is the Philae lander from the Rosetta mission (that's a mockup, not an actual picture).

The Rosetta mission was funded by the European Union...they were the first to land a robot on a comet. They launched the mission ten years ago...the spacecraft traveled close to 400,000,000 miles to reach it's destination.

Even though Philae, the washing-machine sized lander that detached from the Rosetta craft failed to properly attach itself to the comet, it performed 80% of its missions objectives.

Philae bounced around a bit, and finally came to rest under a craggy rock. It's solar panels currently won't's gone to sleep.

This is a picture from where Philae finally came to rest and before it went to sleep (you can see it's little leg).

Here's one picture of the comet from the Rosetta spacecraft:

Just to put it into perspective:

And the SCIENCE is starting to come back...Philae has detected organic compounds in the comets' crust, giving credence to the hypothesis that life on this world was seeded from without.


As to the second part of your diptych, yes, idiots will run wild, whether terrorist, Muslim, Christian, Politician, or psychopath.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.
That was a waste of my time to read your post. Time that I'll never get back. Thanks a lot.


Well-Known Member
That was a waste of my time to read your post. Time that I'll never get back. Thanks a lot.

So you admit to posting useless drivel just for effect, with no idea what you're posting?

Come on guy, I thought you liked 'science' !!!!

P.S. Depending on what computer you're using, there is a 'scroll' function, either by trackpad or key-command, by which you can blissfully fly by any content you don't want to become bored by.


Strength through joy
  • Targets are identified by drones operated by SAS soldiers
  • Who are then dropped into IS territory by helicopter to stage attacks
  • The surprise ambushes are said to be 'putting the fear of God into IS'
  • The raids are attacking IS's main supply routes across western Iraq
The missions have taken place on a near daily basis in the past four weeks and the SAS soldiers have expended so much ammunition that regimental quartermasters have been forced to order a full replenishment of stocks of machine-gun rounds and sniper bullets.


Well-Known Member
I'm totally confused as to which religion is the 'Religion Of Peace'. Is it the Rastafarians or the Pastafarians? Even the Hindu's don't seem to be all that peaceful these days.