The religion of peace strikes again...


Well-Known Member

If islam is moon worship, could judaism be star worship? What does this make christianity?

So is the conflict between the 3 monotheistic beliefs a conflict over the supremacy of sky gods? ;)


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I'm totally confused as to which religion is the 'Religion Of Peace'. Is it the Rastafarians or the Pastafarians? Even the Hindu's don't seem to be all that peaceful these days.
I totally agree that you are totally confused.
You don't even know what your name is.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Because of censorship, I'm now Larry 'Doc' Sportello.
You don't believe you have to play by the same rules as everybody else here on bc?

You must not, otherwise you wouldn't be changing your name every month to try to get around those rules.


Well-Known Member
Who do you become when the censorship catches up? ;)
It's already caught up. I'm hoping that shining a light on it may ease the constraints, but I also realize that is unlikely.

What usually happens when censorship becomes the norm? Free speech dies, and everyone falls in line with the powers to be. There is only one way, one ideal, because that's all one knows. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Lies become truth, truth becomes marginalized.


Well-Known Member
It's already caught up. I'm hoping that shining a light on it may ease the constraints, but I also realize that is unlikely.

What usually happens when censorship becomes the norm? Free speech dies, and everyone falls in line with the powers to be. There is only one way, one ideal, because that's all one knows. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Lies become truth, truth becomes marginalized.

Generally speaking I tend to agree. However, in this case here, freedom also brings responsibility of self governance regardless in how others abuse or take advantage of situations.

I've never let the herd mentality here stop me from saying a damn thing I think or feel and my legacy here at BC speaks to that. I've never been threatened with censorship while at the same time I've pi$$ed a lot of people off. More often than not on purpose. :devil3:

Principle is never effected or persuaded by sheer numbers anyway. The agreement of the masses is not required nor is it sought. IMO only the unprincipled need a herd to feel justified.


Well-Known Member
Generally speaking I tend to agree. However, in this case here, freedom also brings responsibility of self governance regardless in how others abuse or take advantage of situations.

I've never let the herd mentality here stop me from saying a damn thing I think or feel and my legacy here at BC speaks to that. I've never been threatened with censorship while at the same time I've pi$$ed a lot of people off. More often than not on purpose. :devil3:

Principle is never effected or persuaded by sheer numbers anyway. The agreement of the masses is not required nor is it sought. IMO only the unprincipled need a herd to feel justified.
Using your analogy, I guess you could say I culled the herd. That didn't work out so well with the cattle driver. They hoped they could sell those sick cattle at market value.


Well-Known Member
Using your analogy, I guess you could say I culled the herd. That didn't work out so well with the cattle driver. They hoped they could sell those sick cattle at market value.

Well I will agree that in many cases you are dealing with dumb cattle.


golden ticket member
Words not used in Obama's response...... Taliban, Islam, Muslims, Jihad,..........


“They burnt a teacher in front of the students in a classroom,” said the unnamed military source to the US TV network.

“They literally set the teacher on fire with gasoline and made the kids watch.”

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus