The religion of peace strikes again...


Engorged Member
The damn muslims also want the U.S. Courts to have a Sharia section for just when muslims are in court. We have a law system here. If it is not sufficient for your needs Mr. Muslim, then go back where you came from and you can stone women and cut off people's hands all you want....BUT NOT HERE !
Not insulting, eh? What if I am a Muslim?
Halp, oh Halp, Ah've been In-sulted!! At least you take it as good as you give it, unlike your other pals.
I generally don't start with insults until it is a reply to insults. I see no difference between calling someone a brick than I do an idiot. That was my point in that post.


Strength through joy
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) – Malaysian authorities have sent 66 Muslim schoolboys whom they consider effeminate to a four-day camp where they will receive counseling on masculine behavior.
The education director of a northeastern state in this Muslim-majority country says the measure is meant to help prevent the teens from potentially becoming gay or transvestites.
Gay rights advocates criticized the effort Tuesday and called it a sign of homophobia.
Education official Razali Daud says the boys reported Monday for what is officially being called a “self-development course” after their schoolteachers identified them as students who displayed effeminate mannerisms.
Razali says it the first program of its kind in Terengganu state, which is known for religious conservatism.


Engorged Member
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) – Malaysian authorities have sent 66 Muslim schoolboys whom they consider effeminate to a four-day camp where they will receive counseling on masculine behavior.
The education director of a northeastern state in this Muslim-majority country says the measure is meant to help prevent the teens from potentially becoming gay or transvestites.
Gay rights advocates criticized the effort Tuesday and called it a sign of homophobia.
Education official Razali Daud says the boys reported Monday for what is officially being called a “self-development course” after their schoolteachers identified them as students who displayed effeminate mannerisms.
Razali says it the first program of its kind in Terengganu state, which is known for religious conservatism.

Islam isn't very progressive, kind of like the Catholic Church. Both seem mired in the Middle Ages. People are born gay or straight, and you can't "church-it" out of them. They can fake it, but religion isn't going to cure homsexuality. Just ask your local priest.


Engorged Member
About as much as Obama being qualified to be president...nada.

Let's compare Obama with Trump. Is a failed businessman who has gone bankrupt 3 times already, on his fifth marriage, more qualified than Obama? Trump has now announced that Iraq's oil belongs to us, and that he'd take over Iraq if elected. Think that would cost a few bucks, and also piss-off the Muslims that already hate us? Yep, he sounds totally qualified.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Let's compare Obama with Trump. Is a failed businessman who has gone bankrupt 3 times already, on his fifth marriage, more qualified than Obama? Trump has now announced that Iraq's oil belongs to us, and that he'd take over Iraq if elected. Think that would cost a few bucks, and also piss-off the Muslims that already hate us? Yep, he sounds totally qualified.

Its about Trump now? Ok, Your right...Obama is better because he was a community organizer. LMAO!!!:rofl:


Engorged Member
Its about Trump now? Ok, Your right...Obama is better because he was a community organizer. LMAO!!!:rofl:

For such a "loser', he won by a landslide. Do you really think that Trump could debate Obama and win? If you count FOX talking points, he'd "win" with the 10-12% of voters like yourself, but hardly anyone else. So that means the "community organizer" wins a lot.


golden ticket member
For such a "loser', he won by a landslide. Do you really think that Trump could debate Obama and win? If you count FOX talking points, he'd "win" with the 10-12% of voters like yourself, but hardly anyone else. So that means the "community organizer" wins a lot.

That's because some poor dummies out there thought Obama was going to pay all their bills.......seriously, they thought that.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
For such a "loser', he won by a landslide. Do you really think that Trump could debate Obama and win? If you count FOX talking points, he'd "win" with the 10-12% of voters like yourself, but hardly anyone else. So that means the "community organizer" wins a lot.

I would never vote for Trump and he wont get the republican nomination...but it sure is fun to hear Trump beat up Obama. Best thing is that is spools up Liberals like you and that is a riot. As far as debating Obama... whoever it is, Barry will have a tuff time because things are different then they were a few years ago...he is going to have to answer alot of hard questions without a telepromptor. It will sound like this: Still the Messiah will have the Media backing him so that will help but many more Americans are out of work and pissed off and Barry has a target on his back. Maybe the gas prices will be down by then...if not...poor Barry.:wink2:


Für Meno :)
More and more, I'm believing what some people of the media have already said.
Trump is not going to run for Prez. - He's just doing a publicity stunt.

Just look at the things he has been suggesting , the other day, he wants to take all of Libyia's oil. Claims it should be like the olden days, when you win a war, you own that country, plain and simple.
Joining the birthers - same thing.
He basically says the most contraversal things, so that his words, and himself, make it into the spot-light.

Who knows, at the end, he might go public and tell everyone how easy it was to fool the American Public, and how his fake ideas would have put the country in ruins, yet they (the people), agreed with him ! ????

(On a side note: Thanks Cherly for getting rid of those "Flying Porn Monkees") ! :)

Lue C Fur

Evil member
More and more, I'm believing what some people of the media have already said.
Trump is not going to run for Prez. - He's just doing a publicity stunt.

Holy crap...i agree with you.:happy2:

His show is doing better in the neilson ratings just because he is on TV everyday. Trump is a savy businessman.