The religion of peace strikes again...


Strength through joy
That's how they get rid of wives.....just conspire with the girlfriend to kill her. Ever think about divorce? Hope he fries!

Moreluck, here's an update.
[h=1]Husband, Billerica Woman Charged In Murder Of Wife In NJ[/h]
The affidavit quotes a text message from Noorani to her brother in which she wrote “Someday u will find me dead but its cuz of kashi … He wants to kill me.”
Stephen was arrested Thursday night in Massachusetts
Parvaiz was being held on $1 million bail, while Stephen was awaiting extradition and being held on $5 million bail.
Parvaiz and 26-year-old Antoinette Stephen, of Billerica, Mass., both face charges of murder, conspiracy and weapons offenses.
He also faces child-endangerment charges.
According to Morris County Prosecutor Robert Bianchi, Parvaiz’ initial accounts of the attack were inconsistent and immediately raised suspicions.


golden ticket member
Shockingly, no rampaging Christian riots broke out. Touch just one page of their precious Koran and you'll be killed!!!
(Beliefnet) — Iranian authorities have seized 6,500 copies of the Bible in northwest of Iran. In another incident, officials burned 300 Bibles.
A spokesman said the Bibles were confiscated to block missionaries who “are trying to deviate our youth.”
Dr. Majid Abhari, adviser to the social issues committee of the parliament in Iran, told the official Iranian news agency, Mehr, “With regard to the activities of these Christian missionaries to deceive people specially youngsters, they have begun a huge campaign by spending huge sums and false propaganda for deviating the public. These books were made with the best paper in the world in pocket size.”
“The important point in this issue that should be considered by intelligence, judicial and religious agencies,” said Abhari, according to Mohabat News, “is that all religions are strengthening their power to confront Islam, otherwise what does this huge number of Bibles mean?”
Mohabat News also reported that last November, police officers and revolutionary guards seized 300 Bibles from a bus and “in a shameful action, burned them all in the village of Darishk.”
Mohabat News calls itself a team of Farsi-speaking news professionals. “The Lord has placed in our hearts,” they state on their website, a burden ”to bring awareness of what is happening in the world to our Farsi-speaking readers in “Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan” — and “to better inform the worldwide Church of Jesus Christ and Christian ministries around the world about the life and the welfare of Christian minorities in these Farsi-speaking countries.”


Strength through joy
[h=1]Andre Carson: Tea party wants blacks 'hanging on a tree'[/h]
Carson, who represents Indianapolis, is the second Muslim to ever serve in Congress. He has been in office since 2008, and took the seat that was held by his late grandmother — Rep. Julia Carson (D-Ind.).
A top lawmaker in the Congressional Black Caucus says tea partiers on Capitol Hill would like to see African Americans hanging from trees and accuses the movement of wishing for a return to the Jim Crow era.
Rep. Andre Carson, a Democrat from Indiana who serves as the CBC’s chief vote counter, said at a CBC event in Miami that some in Congress would “love to see us as second-class citizens” and “some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me…hanging on a tree.”
The explosive comments, caught on tape, were uploaded on the internet Tuesday, and Carson’s office stood by the remarks. Jason Tomcsi, Carson’s spokesman, said the comment was “in response to frustration voiced by many in Miami and in his home district in Indianapolis regarding Congress’ inability to bolster the economy.” Tomcsi, in an email, wrote that “the congressman used strong language because the Tea Party agenda jeopardizes our most vulnerable and leaves them without the ability to improve their economic standing.
“The Tea Party is protecting its millionaire and oil company friends while gutting critical services that they know protect the livelihood of African-Americans, as well as Latinos and other disadvantaged minorities,” Tomcsi wrote. “We are talking about child nutrition, job creation, job training, housing assistance, and Head Start, and that is just the beginning. A child without basic nutrition, secure housing, and quality education has no real chance at a meaningful and productive life.



golden ticket member
The people were warned ahead of time and the tour guide in charge was warned many times by the park about the head covering being a hazard whether it's a ball cap or veil or head coverings on some rides for your safety..... If you don't like the rules, stay the hell out of the place.

No religion is superior to safety standards.........


Strength through joy
“Everybody got mad, everybody got upset,” Amr Khater, a Brooklyn resident, told The Journal News. “It’s our holiday. Why would you do this to us?”
Khater said park rangers notified him of the headgear rules upon arrival.

Seems that this group believes that they are somehow superior to most others and common sense rules do not apply to them.
Reminds me of those flying Inmans , the ones who disobeyed the flight crew while in the air and then sued because of their religion.



golden ticket member
“Everybody got mad, everybody got upset,” Amr Khater, a Brooklyn resident, told The Journal News. “It’s our holiday. Why would you do this to us?”
Khater said park rangers notified him of the headgear rules upon arrival.

Seems that this group believes that they are somehow superior to most others and common sense rules do not apply to them.
Reminds me of those flying Inmans , the ones who disobeyed the flight crew while in the air and then sued because of their religion.

I always revert back to the basics...."If you don't like the rules, get out of the damn country!"


Strength through joy
Here's somewhere they could all go and have some fun.

Britain’s biggest fun park has sparked a race row — with a MUSLIMS-ONLY day.
Up to 28,000 are expected at Alton Towers on September 17 when there will be no music, booze or gambling.
Instead there will be prayer areas, Muslim stalls and all food served will be HALAL.
Organisers Islamic Leisure have billed it the First National Muslim Fun Day and tickets can only be bought through their website.
Non-Muslims phoning the Staffordshire park have been refused tickets.



Strength through joy
Still More Muslim Amusement Park Madness

Hold on tight, we could be in for a wild ride.
When Playland Amusement Park in Rye, New York became infested with Muslims, a riot broke out after Religion of Peaceniks assaulted a ride operator for attempting to enforce safety rules that prohibit wearing pillowcases on your head lest someone end up like Isadora Duncan.
Now it’s come to light that there will be special Muslim Family Days at Six Flags parks across America this fall, as we observe the 10th Anniversary of 9/11:


Muslims make up a tiny 0.6% of the American population.
But since the Twin Towers came down, they have been the beneficiaries of a much higher percentage of politically correct pandering.

After they manage to nuke one of our cities, look for amusement parks to introduce Muslims Only Month.


golden ticket member
Islamist demonstrators protest outside the US embassy in London on September 11, 2011 during a ceremony to mark the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States. Around 50 people brandished anti-US banners, chanted slogans and burnt a small piece of paper with a picture of the US flag on it.
(Telegraph) — A group of Muslim protesters set fire to an American flag outside the US embassy in London during a minute’s silence to mark the moment that the first hijacked airliner hit the World Trade Center 10 years ago.
A number of radical Islamic groups including Muslims Against Crusades (MAC) gathered outside the embassy on the 10th anniversary of the attacks.
The group of around 100 men shouted “USA terrorists”, brandished anti-American placards and chanted through a loudhailer.
Several members of the Muslim groups made anti-American speeches following the flag burning. One said: “You will always face suffering, you will always face humiliation, unless you withdraw your troops from Muslim lands.”


golden ticket member
New Report Finds 10 Years After 9/11 Saudi Textbooks Are Still Teaching Students Jews Are “Apes” And Describes Christians As “Swine” Who Should Be Killed…
The more things change, the more things stay the same.
Washington D.C. (CNA News) — A new report shows that Saudi Arabia, home to 15 of the 19 terrorist hijackers of 9/11, continues to promote a violent form of Islam through its school system and textbooks 10 years after the attacks.
“The Saudi government has given over its textbooks to the clerical Wahhabi extremists that it partners with to maintain control of the country,” said Nina Shea, director of the Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom, in a Sept. 13 interview with CNA.

As a consequence, the texts continue to teach students that “the Jews and the Christians are enemies” of Muslims, and that “the struggle of this (Muslim) nation with the Jews and Christians … will continue as long as God wills.”

While describing Jews as “apes” and Christians as “swine,” the middle-school and high-school books command death for apostates from Islam, while encouraging violence against non-Muslims who refuse to make a “covenant” or come “under protection” of the Muslims.

“In the general usage, Jihad is divided into the following categories: … Wrestling with the unbelievers by calling them (to Islam) and fighting them,” teaches the 12th-grade text “Hadith and Islamic Culture,” used in the 2010-2011 school year by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Education.

In a report released on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Shea notes that “some Saudis themselves have acknowledged the problem posed by the nation’s curriculum.”

“Nevertheless, the encouragement of violence and extremism remains an integral part of Saudi Arabia’s national textbooks, particularly those on religion. Five million Saudi students are exposed to them in Saudi classrooms each year.”


golden ticket member
Everyone was led to believe that this project was on hold...........sneaky bastards !!
Ground Zero Mosque To Open This Wednesday…
(Daily Mail) — The first part of Park51, the controversial Lower Manhattan Islamic community centre, is opening on Wednesday with an art exhibition featuring photographs of children.
Just a few blocks away from the site where the Twin Towers once stood, the exhibition marks Park51’s first big public event.
It comprises portraits of children from 169 countries who now live in New York and its opening coincides with the United Nations’ International Day of Peace.
Katerina Lucas, Park51’s chief of staff, said: ‘It is a huge step forward. I hope it shows we are about inclusion, not exclusion.’
When plans to build a high-rise Islamic institution were announced last year, critics angrily pointed out that it was insensitive to have the mosque so close to the site attacked by Islamic extremists.
There had been rumours that the project had been put on hold, but Park51’s photography exhibit shows it is quietly moving forward.
The project has rasied $70,000 raised in under two months via, a funding platform for creative projects.
The developers, led by Park51 Chairman Sharif El-Gamal, have hired a staff of six and continue to hold Muslim prayers at the space just north of ground zero.