The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
Yup, Obama is cleaning up ! :)
Anyone can say "yes, get him"...............even the poorest of leaders. Now, if he just had the guts to stop sending our money to all of these countries that hate us, maybe he would be perceived as trying.


Well-Known Member
This is good news.............

And, since people say FOX lies, here's the A.P. story...

I think dead is dead no matter who writes about it. I could probably find the story on TMZ too.


You need to have a little chat with Baba as he seems to have lost focus on the narrative.

klein, this truly shows the difference between why Canada has a lower murder rate than the USA.

(Salon) — It was first reported in January of last year that the Obama administration had compiled a hit list of American citizens whom the President had ordered assassinated without any due process, and one of those Americans was Anwar al-Awlaki. No effort was made to indict him for any crimes (despite a report last October that the Obama administration was “considering” indicting him). Despite substantial doubt among Yemen experts about whether he even has any operational role in Al Q aeda, no evidence (as opposed to unverified government accusations) was presented of his guilt. When Awlaki’s father sought a court order barring Obama from killing his son, the DOJ argued, among other things, that such decisions were “state secrets” and thus beyond the scrutiny of the courts. He was simply ordered killed by the President: his judge, jury and executioner.

From an authoritarian perspective, that’s the genius of America’s political culture. It not only finds way to obliterate the most basic individual liberties designed to safeguard citizens from consummate abuses of power (such as extinguishing the lives of citizens without due process). It actually gets its citizens to stand up and clap and even celebrate the destruction of those safeguards.


golden ticket member
It's scary when you think he was an imam in mosques here in the U.S. including San Diego and 3 of the 9-11 bad guys attended his sermons in the mosques. Oh yeah, that makes me want to invite muslims over for tea. The bad ones move amid any good ones and since I can't tell the difference, avoid all.


Strength through joy
ya by killing a US citizen who has never been charged with any crimes , who own father went to court to stop the death sentence bhos ordered, and thus transformed someone who was, at best, a marginal figure into a martyr, and again showed its true face to the world.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Yup, Obama is cleaning up ! :)

So if the Messiah gets credit for getting him then i guess he gets credit for killing an Amercian citizen. Also the Messiah can take credit for the border patrol agent that was killed under his watch with the ATF gun runner debacle. And while were at it he can take credit for giving money to a bankrupt company called Solyndra. Hmmmm...what else can the Messiah take credit for????


Für Meno :)
Yup, I bet you feel soo sorry for that poor American/Al Quaida citizen. May you pray for him.
And actually, a second American/Al Quaida person died, that was in the same car, may you pray for both.


golden ticket member
Yup, I bet you feel soo sorry for that poor American/Al Quaida citizen. May you pray for him.
And actually, a second American/Al Quaida person died, that was in the same car, may you pray for both.

The evil webmaster for AlAlwaki was the other guy................I wouldn't waste an amen on either one of them........Imagine their surprise when there are no virgins!!


Strength through joy
CAIRO, Egypt, September 30 (CDN) — A group of hard-line Muslims attacked a church building in Upper Egypt this afternoon, torching the structure and then looting and burning nearby Christian-owned homes and businesses.
The 3,000-strong mob of hard-line and Salafi Muslims gutted the Mar Gerges Church in the Elmarenab village of Aswan, then demolished much of its remains, multiple witnesses at the scene said. The mob also razed four homes near the church and two businesses, all Christian-owned. Looting was also reported.
Michael Ramzy, a villager in Elmarenab, said the attack started shortly after Muslims held their afternoon prayers.
“Imams in more than 20 mosques called for crowds to gather and destroy the church and demolish the houses of the Copts and loot their properties,” Ramzy told local media.
The Mar Gerges burning is the third church in Egypt in seven months to be burned down by a mob. Additionally, numerous other churches have been looted or otherwise attacked this year, including a New Year’s Eve bombing at the Two Saints Church in Alexandria that left 23 dead and scores critically wounded.


golden ticket member
UNREAL: Obama’s State Department Calls Family Of Al-Qaeda Propagandist Samir Khan To Offer Condolences For His Death In Drone Airstrike On Al-Awlaki Convoy…

Jaw, meet floor.
(Charlotte Observer) — An official from the U.S. State Department has called the Charlotte family of al-Qaida propagandist Samir Khan to offer the government’s condolences on his death in a U.S. drone attack last week in Yemen, according to a family spokesman.
“They were very apologetic (for not calling the family sooner) and offered condolences,” Jibril Hough said about the Thursday call from the State Department to Khan’s father, Zafar.
The phone call came a day after the family released a statement through Hough that condemned the “assassination” of their 25-year-old son – a U.S. citizen – and said they were “appalled” that they had not heard from the U.S. government to discuss their son’s remains or answer questions about why Khan was not afforded due process.
On Friday, State Department spokesman Harry Edwards confirmed to the Observer that the call had been made, but said “privacy issues” kept him from offering details.
Hough said the Thursday conversation lasted a few minutes.
“It wasn’t just ‘I’m sorry’ and hang-up,” said Hough, who added that the phone call included no discussion of the status or condition of Khan’s remains.


golden ticket member
Shocker: Al-Awlaki’s Old Virginia Mosque Still Preaching Violence…
(NY Post) — The 9/11 imam Anwar al-Awlaki may be dead, but his old mosque is still open for business and remains a dangerous breeding ground for terrorists — and it’s right in the president’s back yard.

Nothing much has changed since 2002, when Awlaki voluntarily left the pulpit of the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in the Washington suburbs of Falls Church, Va.

It maintains the same radical leaders who hired him, and the same owners — even the same fax number that investigators believe 9/11 planner Ramzi Binalshibh used to send instructions to Awlaki and key hijackers he aided there. An unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center attack, moreover, still leads prayers there.

In 2001, while Awlaki was preparing the hijackers for their martyrdom operation, Abdul-Malik raised the banner of Palestinian jihad, saying it’s within Islamic law to “blow up bridges” and other infrastructure. “You can do all forms of sabotage,” he said at a US conference held by a Hamas front group, while cautioning against killing “innocent” people.
Three years later, a founding mosque member was arrested for allegedly casing the Chesapeake Bay bridge for possible attack. Ismail Elbarasse was released on $1 million bond after Dar Al-Hijrah leaders put up their homes as collateral.

After Awlaki fled the country, Abdul-Malik told me in an interview he saw nothing wrong with Awlaki’s sermons encouraging Muslims to become martyrs.


Für Meno :)
Maybe not so ! He killed Osama, and Antwar, and others, and stopped all attacks on American Soil.

Something is going right !
Maybe not so ! He killed Osama, and Antwar, and others, and stopped all attacks on American Soil.

Something is going right !
hmmm a quick google only brings up an online game called "Ant War"??

These "Something is going right !" things are taking place with the tools GWB provided for the USA. Tools ,I might add, that 0bama opposed.