The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
As usual, you are "cherry picking" comments from extreme Islam. I could do the same thing with Fred Phelps, Pat Robertson, or any of the extremist Christians out there whose rhetoric is just as insane as radical Muslims.
Of course I pick the article I want to post, don't you? I don't ever want a holiday for Mohammed's b-day, so I have to post this kind of article to show what islam is trying to do in America.


Staff member
Of course I pick the article I want to post, don't you? I don't ever want a holiday for Mohammed's b-day, so I have to post this kind of article to show what islam is trying to do in America.
Do you think Islam is trying to do anything good in this country?


Well-Known Member
KANSAS CITY, Kan. (CN) - Parents claim in Federal Court that a Christian military school lets students known as "the Disciplinarians" systematically abuse younger students, including binding, gagging and beating them and urinating on them.
Parents of four students sued St. John's Military School, of Salina, Kan., and The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.
The plaintiffs claim St. John's has settled nine lawsuits alleging abuse since 2006.
The parents claim the residential boarding school for grades 6 through 12 allows senior students, known as the Disciplinarians, to discipline lower-ranking students.
"Through this model, St. John's hands over to adolescent students the school's obligation to act as parent to each child enrolled at the institution," the complaint states. "These Disciplinarians abuse that power and take their authority beyond any reasonable limits while putting the younger boys in constant fear of physical and mental harm.

Violence Alleged At Christian Military School

Wonder if the headmaster's last name is Niedermeyer?


Well-Known Member
Christians have never advocated violence against gays. Just ask Fred Phelps.

Wonder if the Islamic States walked out right behind the fundamentalist christians? Sounds like the possible beginnings of an ecumenical movement!

Amazing what fear of "pole" politics can do in bringing folk together.


golden ticket member
Friday, March 9, 2012 @ 5:30 pm | Al-Qaeda Declares Territory It Controls In Southern Yemen An Islamic Emirate…

Just what the world needs, another Sharia-based craphole.
SANA’A: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, (AQAP) declared on Wednesday that Yemen’s southern province of Shabwa had become an Islamic Emirate. With the province of Abyan being under the control of the group, Shabwa is the latest southern province to have fallen to Ansar al Sharia in less than a year.

The Islamic militia posted on several jihadi websites a statement confirming their control over the province with photos highlighting their activities in the region.

Yemen Interior Ministry warned on its website against a potential terrorist attacks which would target vital economic installations in the country’ southeastern province of Hadramout.

The Ministry said that at least 300 AQAP elements were already deployed in Azzan town, in the Shabwa province, amongst whom were Ibrahim Al-Banaa, an Egyptian national, Qassem Al-Raimi, a military leader, and Shaker Hamel, who is described as the most dangerous elements of the Al-Qaeda. The Islamists are believed to be preparing for a series of attacks on local representatives and security facilities in the province.

Moreover the group is said to be planning a further expansion of its “Islamic Emirate” by seizing Mukallah, the regional capital of Hadramaut.