The religion of peace strikes again...


golden ticket member
Yep. Never have. Don't intend to. There are 50 states and I haven't seen them all.

My neighbor lived 6 mos. in the middle I need to describe the bathroom habits he described to me???

I Am Jacks Damaged Box

***** Club Member (can't talk about it)
Yep. Never have. Don't intend to. There are 50 states and I haven't seen them all.

My neighbor lived 6 mos. in the middle I need to describe the bathroom habits he described to me???

No thank you mam. I have spent almost 3 years in three different countries in that part of the world; I am well aware of the bathroom habits you speak of.

I'm guessing that your neighbor thought that the bidet was a drinking fountain?


golden ticket member
LUXOR, Egypt (AP) — A mother and two daughters were allegedly killed by male relatives in southern Egypt who believed they’d had affairs, the latest apparent example of so-called “honor killings” in which women are slain for violating traditional morals in the conservative region, a security official said Friday.

Police believe the 10 men stormed the house of the women, strangling them and beating them with sharp tools, the official said, based on the alleged confession of one of the suspects. The men wrapped the women’s bodies in blankets, weighted them with stones and throw them in the river Nile, the official added.

He said one of the men, arrested on Thursday, gave a detailed account of the killings and said they were intended to protect the family’s honor.

One woman’s body was seen floating on the surface of the Nile near the town of Esna close to the ancient city of Luxor, the official added. Police are searching for the two other bodies and nine remaining suspects.
Such incidents of “honor killings” are especially common in the conservative south and in the countryside, where women’s actions are considered to bring shame on the family.


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy
[h=1]'You never answer the phone, you never file your expenses and don’t follow instructions': The written warning sent out to a difficult worker... by AL QAEDA[/h]
It reads like a written warning to a worker facing disciplinary proceedings. In page after page, bosses accuse him of failing to answer his phone, failing to turn in expense reports, ignoring meetings and refusing to carry out orders.
But the recipient of the letter was not your typical corporate employee: it was international terrorist Moktar Belmoktar. And the sender? Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the terror group's North African branch.
Most scathing of all, the group's chiefs claimed Belmoktar had failed to carry out a single spectacular operation, despite the resources at his disposal.
Belmoktar responded the way talented employees with bruised egos have in corporations the world over: He quit and formed his own competing group.



Well-Known Member
Syria - Who are Jabhat al-Nusra? - Truthloader - YouTube

So is Jabhat al-Nursa in fact US allies?

For a president that is executing Bush’s “war on terror” against Al-Qaeda and “its affiliates,” it seems odd that President Obama has targeted the secular Syrian government for “regime change.”
Equally odd is that Obama’s strongest military ally on the ground in Syria- the best equipped and effective fighting force against the Syrian Government — is Jabhat al-Nusra, a group that has affiliated itself with al-Qaeda, and aims to turn Syria into an extremist Islamic state that enforces a fundamentalist version of Sharia law.
It’s difficult to know exactly how al-Nursa received its guns, but one can make an educated guess. For example, The New York Times explained in detail how the CIA has been in a massive arms trafficking operation that has already funneled thousands of tons of guns from Saudi Arabia and Qatar to Syria:
“The C.I.A. role in facilitating the [weapons] shipments… gave the United States a degree of influence over the process [of weapon distribution]…American officials have confirmed that senior White House officials were regularly briefed on the [weapons] shipments.”
Where are the guns winding up in this massive arms trafficking operation?

How Obama and Al Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows

There is a 'side story' going on in the American media - both the electronic and print about the Islamist jihadists lethal attack on the American 'post' in Benghazi, Libya last September 11 which killed American ambassador Christopher Steven and three others; The emphasis and the debate is on why the event was twisted by the Obama administration to conceal a terrorist attack on eve of the presidential election.

With the killing of Osama bin Larden on May 2 last year the administration, which was approaching the re-election of Mr. Obama in November, wants to convince the American people that the al Qaeda was now annihilated for good.
When the Islamist jihadist group affiliated to al Qaeda lethally attacked the American 'post' in Benghazi the Obama administration twisted the events to convince that a anti-Islamic video produced by someone in California was the cause of the attack.

These days the highlights and debate is about why the 'talking points' were changed twelve times to give that different picture.
As Obama rightfully said a couple of days ago about this debate, mostly spearheaded by the Republicans, was a 'side show.'
The 'real show' is in fact buried. And the 'real show' is that the United States, Ambassador Steven playing a major role, was in the process of shipping arms to Syrian rebels to topple Basher el-Assad's regime.

It was on October 25 last year that broke the story that a mysterious Libyan ship was reportedly carrying weapons and bound for Syrian rebels would have had some link to the September 11 terror attack on the U.S. 'post' in Benghazi.

Why do we use the term 'post' in this report? Because when changes were made to the Benghazi attack story by the Obama administration it changed from 'American Consulate' to 'American Post'. The reason: Benghazi operation was entirely a CIA operation.

US smuggling weapons to Syrian rebels: The real Benghazi story

UK magazine Ceasefire publishes never- before-disclosed insights into how the Sunday Times investigative series was spiked under the direct pressure of interest groups tied to the US government. The groundbreaking and revelatory exposé is investigated and reported by bestselling author and analyst Dr. Nafeez Ahmed. The comprehensive and lengthy investigative report contains several explosive revelations confirmed and backed by two Sunday Times’ journalists, current and former government officials, and independent experts and analysts.
I am going to break up the multiple revelations reported in this report into three separate posts here at Boiling Frogs Post. For this first post I am going to provide you with excerpts on how and why the confirmed investigative series by the Sunday Times was stopped by direct pressure from the US government and ‘undisclosed’ special interest groups [All Emphasis Mine}:
In interviews with this author in early March, Edmonds claimed that Ayman al-Zawahiri, current head of al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden’s deputy at the time, had innumerable, regular meetings at the U.S. embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan, with U.S. military and intelligence officials between 1997 and 2001, as part of an operation known as ‘Gladio B’. Al-Zawahiri, she charged, as well as various members of the bin Laden family and other mujahedeen, were transported on NATO planes to various parts of Central Asia and the Balkans to participate in Pentagon-backed destabilization operations.
According to two Sunday Times journalists speaking on condition of anonymity, this and related revelations had been confirmed by senior Pentagon and MI6 officials as part of a four-part investigative series that were supposed to run in 2008. The Sunday Times journalists described how the story was inexplicably dropped under the pressure of undisclosed “interest groups”, which, they suggest, were associated with the U.S. State Department.

That’s correct. The staunch hard-working investigative reporters at Sunday Times were able to obtain independent confirmation of my reports from several former and current US Pentagon officials and MI6 intelligence officers. Now more:

BREAKING NEWS- How the Sunday Times Investigative Series on Sibel Edmonds & US Ties to Al-Qaeda Chief was Spiked

Dorothy and her friends trembled in fear at the smoke and fire of the mighty Oz but once they looked and saw behind the curtain, the truth showed what they feared was a created illusion. We are being conditioned to do the same unless we are willing to look behind those curtains. Assume nothing!


Engorged Member
Our only hope is that some day our government and our citizenry get the same message........before it's too late.

Except there is zero chance of enacting Shariah law here. The impending "threat" of Islam is way overblown, especially here in the Wild Wild West, East, North, and especially South, where all of you gun-toting, flag-waving, freedom-loving Americans will torch the local mosque and/or terrorize it's worshippers to keep the "problem" at bay. Problem is, you usually can't tell a Hindu from a Muslim, or a Sikh from a Muslim, so you shoot them instead...because you're ignorant.

This country guarantees freedom of religion, which means ALL religions, not just the one that you think is the correct. That means that, like it or not, Muslims are free to practice Islam, and until they get Shariah Law on the ballot (never), you've got nothing to worry about. Except that the usual suspects in the Right Wing media fleece you for millions playing-up the fears that Shariah law will soon be instituted. Come're smarter than that, aren't you? Oh...maybe not.


Well-Known Member
Except there is zero chance of enacting Shariah law here. The impending "threat" of Islam is way overblown, especially here in the Wild Wild West, East, North, and especially South, where all of you gun-toting, flag-waving, freedom-loving Americans will torch the local mosque and/or terrorize it's worshippers to keep the "problem" at bay. Problem is, you usually can't tell a Hindu from a Muslim, or a Sikh from a Muslim, so you shoot them instead...because you're ignorant.

This country guarantees freedom of religion, which means ALL religions, not just the one that you think is the correct. That means that, like it or not, Muslims are free to practice Islam, and until they get Shariah Law on the ballot (never), you've got nothing to worry about. Except that the usual suspects in the Right Wing media fleece you for millions playing-up the fears that Shariah law will soon be instituted. Come're smarter than that, aren't you? Oh...maybe not.

In all your infinite wisdom, you apparently don't understand that the transition to islam will be very gradual and insidious not a "wasn't here yesterday but it's here today" scenario. Look at the problems the UK is having with those people.

I suppose you think the reign of Hitler occurred overnight.

Understand now? Probably not


Well-Known Member
In all your infinite wisdom, you apparently don't understand that the transition to islam will be very gradual and insidious not a "wasn't here yesterday but it's here today" scenario. Look at the problems the UK is having with those people.

I suppose you think the reign of Hitler occurred overnight.

Understand now? Probably not

In 2010' US Census data showed the muslim population at just under 3 million. Not all 3 million want Sharia law but for the sake of argument let's just say they do so how can 3 million convince the other 300 million plus to vote away secular democracy and install an islamic theocracy?

This seems an even more interesting question in the fact that there are over 3 million christians easily who would love a christian theocracy and they've never had much success at all in getting this done, even with a number of politicians giving them lip service to those ends.

Also add in the fact that somewhere around 15 million of the population is classified as atheist and then add in a growing segment of the population approaching 40% reject organized religion altogether and thus appear anti-theocratic to any form of religious law controlling the state. I'm talking over 100 million people alone in that category.

So again, please explain just how this sharia society that your convulsive hysteria fears will come about because using critical thinking and logic, I just don't see it.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm the only person on this forum that sees a very pro-muslim POTUS that, some people think, will resort to anything to push his agenda.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm the only person on this forum that sees a very pro-muslim POTUS that, some people think, will resort to anything to push his agenda.

I'm not certain you are the only person in that regard here but in the case of Obama, in things to be concerned about, that ranks about last in my book, if there at all. There are so many other legit and provable areas where he suks that I would focus my worries. Besides, Obama is in his 5th year and I've not seen the first hint of him pushing Sharia (religious) law.

With as many innocent muslims as he is killing as POTUS, he's in direct violation of Sharia law so why would he institute a system of law that would command his execution as job #1? On that point, one would think you'd be cheering the man while at the same time it seems you both share a vested interest.


Well-Known Member
All I know is that several state elections ago one of the questions on the ballot was, essentially, "do you want sharia law invoked?'
I live in one of those "southern" states full of mouth breathing, inbred, toothless and uneducated folks who don't know any better (a jab at another member of this forum).
What does this tell you?

BTW- the question was defeated.

You can sugar coat it, tap dance around it or just deny it but it's coming.............