The religion of peace strikes again...


Engorged Member
In all your infinite wisdom, you apparently don't understand that the transition to islam will be very gradual and insidious not a "wasn't here yesterday but it's here today" scenario. Look at the problems the UK is having with those people.

I suppose you think the reign of Hitler occurred overnight.

Understand now? Probably not

WE are not the UK, and the "very gradual and insidious" transition to Shariah Law you mention is ridiculous. Comparing the rise of Hitler to the rise of Islam is an apples and lug nuts analogy....invalid.

Understand now? Probably not.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
All I know is that several state elections ago one of the questions on the ballot was, essentially, "do you want sharia law invoked?'
I live in one of those "southern" states full of mouth breathing, inbred, toothless and uneducated folks who don't know any better (a jab at another member of this forum).
What does this tell you?

BTW- the question was defeated.

You can sugar coat it, tap dance around it or just deny it but it's coming.............

Hey Trick, you weren't holding out on us were you? I mean context and full disclosure is everything.

As the late Paul Harvey would say, "And now for the rest of the story."

Oklahoma voters are considering an unusual question that will appear on their ballots this Tuesday: whether Islamic law can be used in considering cases in state court. The question is the doing of State Rep. Rex Duncan. The Republican is the main author of State Question 755, also known as the "Save our State" constitutional amendment, one of 11 questions on the state ballot.
The question might seem a befuddling one for a ballot in the heartland, but it stems from a New Jersey legal case in which a Muslim woman went to a family court asking for a restraining order against her spouse claiming he had raped her repeatedly. The judge ruled against her, saying that her husband was abiding by his Muslim beliefs regarding spousal duties. The decision was later overruled by an appellate court, but the case sparked a firestorm.
Duncan secured support for the proposal on the state's Senate side from fellow Republican Anthony Sykes, who co-authored the measure.

Oklahoma voters face question on Islamic law

So the question on whether to have Sharia law was placed on the ballot not by a bunch of hostile, fire breathing, jihadist loving muslims but from a couple of knuckle dragging, bible thumping GOPers?

Seems to me your problem and who you should fear is the OK GOP. What would JEEEE-SUS think? :surprised:

BTW Moreluck, After each muslim service in the parking garage, they have to return the 88' Pontiac, the 82' Camaro and the Town and Country Mini Van to their personal parking spots before they leave.They also have to put down oil absorbent and clean up the leaks before every prayer service so if this means the end of everything we know as good and wholesome then seems to me we need to reconsider what we think is good and wholesome in the first place.

Fear is the mind killer!


Engorged Member
Hey Trick, you weren't holding out on us were you? I mean context and full disclosure is everything.

As the late Paul Harvey would say, "And now for the rest of the story."

Oklahoma voters face question on Islamic law

So the question on whether to have Sharia law was placed on the ballot not by a bunch of hostile, fire breathing, jihadist loving muslims but from a couple of knuckle dragging, bible thumping GOPers?

Seems to me your problem and who you should fear is the OK GOP. What would JEEEE-SUS think? :surprised:

BTW Moreluck, After each muslim service in the parking garage, they have to return the 88' Pontiac, the 82' Camaro and the Town and Country Mini Van to their personal parking spots before they leave.They also have to put down oil absorbent and clean up the leaks before every prayer service so if this means the end of everything we know as good and wholesome then seems to me we need to reconsider what we think is good and wholesome in the first place.

Fear is the mind killer!

The GOP Fear Machine requires constant care and feeding, lest the sheep stray too far away from the message. It serves GOP purposes nicely to keep the "creeping Shariah" myth alive and well. Realistically, there is ZERO chance of Shariah Law ever being enacted or used in this country. Also, confusing radical Islam with mainstream Islam is dangerous and just plain stupid. This is analogous to comparing Eric Rudolph and Fred Phelps with mainstream Christianity. EVERY religion has an extremist crazy faction, and that includes Christianity. The vast majority of Muslims are like the vast majority of every other religion....they want to worship in peace.


Well-Known Member
The GOP Fear Machine requires constant care and feeding, lest the sheep stray too far away from the message. It serves GOP purposes nicely to keep the "creeping Shariah" myth alive and well. Realistically, there is ZERO chance of Shariah Law ever being enacted or used in this country. Also, confusing radical Islam with mainstream Islam is dangerous and just plain stupid. This is analogous to comparing Eric Rudolph and Fred Phelps with mainstream Christianity. EVERY religion has an extremist crazy faction, and that includes Christianity. The vast majority of Muslims are like the vast majority of every other religion....they want to worship in peace.

Democrats do their fair share of fear mongering in other areas too so this is not all one sided either. But in this specific case, yes, good point.

And democrats are IMO using the false fear of terrorism to justify over reach on their part but not that the republicans don't love it too!


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
This is for the BrownCafe members that thought I was kidding...........

Those of you receiving these pictures in the

U.S.A. please see the last paragraph,

and forward them to everyone.

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the STREETS OF LONDON during their recent ' Religion of Peace Demonstration.

Never mind.....
I deleted the post because I couldn't get the pictures to come up and because some of you wouldn't understand anyway.
At least I tried.......


golden ticket member
To whom it may didn't say if the taggers were dressed as cops!!

Let’s all celebrate multiculturalism!

Via Milton Keynes Citizen:
Sick graffiti vandals crept into a cemetery to spray graves with Islamic messages.
The thugs used red paint to spray ‘Islam is great’ in large letters on one neatly-maintained grave.
On another headstone they painted the word ‘Islam’.

Visitors to the New Bradwell cemetery complained to council officials, who immediately sent out a graffiti removal squad.
Using specialist cleaning substances, council workers scrubbed the stones until no sign of the paint remained.

A spokesman said:“We have a policy to remove racist or highly offensive graffiti as soon as possible.
“We were very keen to remove this as soon as possible to minimise any further distress to the families.”