The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
I can't believe Greenwald is so superficial.

It's as simple as follow the money. And if you don't like how the "elites" have run things into the ground, well when exactly was the last time Donald Trump hung out at the local VFW for a couple beers.

What he's really saying is that Trump is the elite that the other elites can't stand. That's not exactly draining the swamp.
i can trust greenwald to tell the truth unlike these other journalists.

when greenwald, scahill, and a list of other guys i trust say theres something going on, then ill believe it.

and even if they got rid of trump, its not a huge deal, then you will have pence. there was alot of bad republicans and democrats who if they got elected would have destroyed the country like previous presidents. im not sure whos doing it fastest or whos most dangerous, maybe trump?

El Correcto

god is dead


Staff member

"Secret Memo:

I, the Honorable Devin Nunes of the state of California, certify and pledge that the following information is accurate and true:

Classified evidence shows that former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama unlawfully obtained an FISA warrant to spy on President Donald J. Trump's transition team. Secret recording devices were even placed in the bathrooms. The FBI, under the direction of James Comey, was complicit and employed Christopher Steele (Secretary Hillary Clinton's first illegitimate love child who was conceived, birthed, and discarded when Clinton was still in high school) to compile the illegitimate evidence in the form of the fake news dossier. Creepy James Comey demanded the secret spying devices be placed in Trump's bedchamber and bathroom by undercover agents posing as McDonald's delivery men.

Classified evidence shows that Killary Rodham Clinton did Benghazi with malicious intent.

Classified evidence shows that Robert Mueller is a secret Democrat whose irrational hatred of Trump knows no bounds. Mueller formed a secret FBI anti-Trump society to remove him from power after he was appointed to head the special investigation by Rod Rosenstein. (Note: SUSPICIOUS LAST NAME)

Classified evidence shows that Russia actually wanted the Democrats to win and they're innocent of everything anyway so just shut up about Russia already, jeez.

Classified evidence shows that President Donald Trump has a big ol' dick. Rock on, Mr. President!

End of Secret Memo"


Well-Known Member

"Secret Memo:

I, the Honorable Devin Nunes of the state of California, certify and pledge that the following information is accurate and true:

Classified evidence shows that former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama unlawfully obtained an FISA warrant to spy on President Donald J. Trump's transition team. Secret recording devices were even placed in the bathrooms. The FBI, under the direction of James Comey, was complicit and employed Christopher Steele (Secretary Hillary Clinton's first illegitimate love child who was conceived, birthed, and discarded when Clinton was still in high school) to compile the illegitimate evidence in the form of the fake news dossier. Creepy James Comey demanded the secret spying devices be placed in Trump's bedchamber and bathroom by undercover agents posing as McDonald's delivery men.

Classified evidence shows that Killary Rodham Clinton did Benghazi with malicious intent.

Classified evidence shows that Robert Mueller is a secret Democrat whose irrational hatred of Trump knows no bounds. Mueller formed a secret FBI anti-Trump society to remove him from power after he was appointed to head the special investigation by Rod Rosenstein. (Note: SUSPICIOUS LAST NAME)

Classified evidence shows that Russia actually wanted the Democrats to win and they're innocent of everything anyway so just shut up about Russia already, jeez.

Classified evidence shows that President Donald Trump has a big ol' dick. Rock on, Mr. President!

End of Secret Memo"
That deserves a skit on SNL.:thumbup:

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
House intelligence committee votes to release it then trump give the okay. How the House Intelligence Committee can make Nunes' FISA memo public - CNNPolitics

Don’t read it comrade, they are all lies! Skewed opposition talking points, the ends justify the means! Onward toward our open borders free everything for everyone society!
Did you read the article? I see no mention of democrats blocking release of the memo. It's up to Trump who can declassify anything he wants to. What's he waiting for?

El Correcto

god is dead

"Secret Memo:

I, the Honorable Devin Nunes of the state of California, certify and pledge that the following information is accurate and true:

Classified evidence shows that former President Barack HUSSEIN Obama unlawfully obtained an FISA warrant to spy on President Donald J. Trump's transition team. Secret recording devices were even placed in the bathrooms. The FBI, under the direction of James Comey, was complicit and employed Christopher Steele (Secretary Hillary Clinton's first illegitimate love child who was conceived, birthed, and discarded when Clinton was still in high school) to compile the illegitimate evidence in the form of the fake news dossier. Creepy James Comey demanded the secret spying devices be placed in Trump's bedchamber and bathroom by undercover agents posing as McDonald's delivery men.

Classified evidence shows that Killary Rodham Clinton did Benghazi with malicious intent.

Classified evidence shows that Robert Mueller is a secret Democrat whose irrational hatred of Trump knows no bounds. Mueller formed a secret FBI anti-Trump society to remove him from power after he was appointed to head the special investigation by Rod Rosenstein. (Note: SUSPICIOUS LAST NAME)

Classified evidence shows that Russia actually wanted the Democrats to win and they're innocent of everything anyway so just shut up about Russia already, jeez.

Classified evidence shows that President Donald Trump has a big ol' dick. Rock on, Mr. President!

End of Secret Memo"
Phony dossier and now a phony memo. Sad!


Just a turd
It's truly amazing how powerful the Democrat machine is. Don't hold a majority in either legislative branch, don't hold a majority on the Supreme Court, don't hold the executive branch, and don't even control the Department of Justice, yet are able to keep the right from investigating who they want, release what documents they want , and control the government. I guess it's because the are led by the most powerful Secretary of State in the history of the world...... Hilary Clinton.