The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Honestly 2 years with of investigation and all they have found out is politicians lie. Caught them in a perjury trap? Really, how much tax money is this clown wasting again?


How much tax money did we waste on that nonsense, and how long did it last?

Just for parity’s sake, Mueller’s got another thirty months.

And, if there’s nothing to find, that will be the finding.

Why so serious?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Honestly 2 years with of investigation and all they have found out is politicians lie. Caught them in a perjury trap? Really, how much tax money is this clown wasting again?
They've found the former campaign chairman was laundering money. His top aid was in on it too.

They've found the National security advisor lied to the FBI and likely committed other crimes that aren't being charged due to his cooperation.

They've found a foreign policy advisor to the campaign was conspiring with the Russians.

I assume the "clown" you are referencing is the former head of the FBI that had the rules waived to keep him on the job longer than typical and has now been appointed special prosecutor by the Trump led DOJ.

El Correcto

god is dead
1. They've found the former campaign chairman was laundering money. His top aid was in on it too.

2. “likely committed other crimes that aren't being charged due to his cooperation.”

3. I assume the "clown" you are referencing is the former head of the FBI that had the rules waived to keep him on the job longer than typical and has now been appointed special prosecutor by the Trump led DOJ.

1. Yeah the guy that worked for him for a couple months and had ties to Russia dating years ago, how does that involve Donald Trump who fired him?

2. I think it’s not likely ties to Russia trump. You are speculating with your bias.

3. No im talking about mueller. Forgot about comney, but he was a clown to easily forgettable, didn’t do his job and obstructed justice on Clinton’s behalf.

El Correcto

god is dead

How much tax money did we waste on that nonsense, and how long did it last?

Just for parity’s sake, Mueller’s got another thirty months.

And, if there’s nothing to find, that will be the finding.

Why so serious?
Dead U.S civilians, wow what a waste of tax payer money to investigate. Not even on the same level as this.

So you are saying this investigation will end in the next campaign cycle? The tax payers are suppose to foot the bill for a political hit job for the next election cycle? Hmmmm sounds like 2016 all over again, democrat corrupt trying to win at any cost.


Dead U.S civilians, wow what a waste of tax payer money to investigate. Not even on the same level as this.

So you are saying this investigation will end in the next campaign cycle? The tax payers are suppose to foot the bill for a political hit job for the next election cycle? Hmmmm sounds like 2016 all over again, democrat corrupt trying to win at any cost.
Mueller is a republican. Ttku


Well-Known Member
Dead U.S civilians, wow what a waste of tax payer money to investigate. Not even on the same level as this.

So you are saying this investigation will end in the next campaign cycle? The tax payers are suppose to foot the bill for a political hit job for the next election cycle? Hmmmm sounds like 2016 all over again, democrat corrupt trying to win at any cost.

I simply disagree with your premises.

Mueller’s investigation will end when it ends.

Bottom line, Trump is in no real danger here - he certainly won’t be impeached, and all malfeasance will be tied to the underlings.

Unless there’s a bombshell, Trump will most certainly walk away from this.

Sooo, what’s the problem?


So is Mitch McConnell, McCain and Romney apparently, there’s different ideologies in political party’s and different issues. Who are the ones pushing trump Russia and validating this silly conspiracy? Oh all the republicans huh?
They've all ( both sides ) conceded Russian interference in the election which is how this whole thing started.

El Correcto

god is dead
I simply disagree with your premises.

Mueller’s investigation will end when it ends.

Bottom line, Trump is in no real danger here - he certainly won’t be impeached, and all malfeasance will be tied to the underlings.

Unless there’s a bombshell, Trump will most certainly walk away from this.

Sooo, what’s the problem?
You are back tracking, your sub conscience on the matter relate to it ending once trump isn’t re-elected.

You’re basically admitting it’s silly, yet push facts and opinions like there’s a reason for it to continue.

The problem is it is partisan hit job, this is damaging to the FBI who threw away their reputation on Hillary, another way to convince the common folk they need more federal government and people who say other wise are criminals and lunatics. It’s honestly scary how republicans are behaving like democrats when it comes to Obamacare. Less government is a rare thing in politics. A beautiful thing, like a :censored2:ing unicorn or something.


Well-Known Member
Best case scenario, we vote this clown out of office.

Tax cuts, shmax cuts, Trump is doing serious damage to the credibility of the US on the world stage.

MAGA! Except we’re being left behind on trade deals, our allies are uncertain about where we stand, and our cheeseburger-in-chief can’t find his d with both hands.

Vote him out in 2020, he’s a dud.


Well-Known Member
You are back tracking, your sub conscience on the matter relate to it ending once trump isn’t re-elected.

You’re basically admitting it’s silly, yet push facts and opinions like there’s a reason for it to continue.

The problem is it is partisan hit job, this is damaging to the FBI who threw away their reputation on Hillary, another way to convince the common folk they need more federal government and people who say other wise are criminals and lunatics. It’s honestly scary how republicans are behaving like democrats when it comes to Obamacare. Less government is a rare thing in politics. A beautiful thing, like a :censored2:ing unicorn or something.



Well-Known Member
You are back tracking, your sub conscience on the matter relate to it ending once trump isn’t re-elected.

You’re basically admitting it’s silly, yet push facts and opinions like there’s a reason for it to continue.

The problem is it is partisan hit job, this is damaging to the FBI who threw away their reputation on Hillary, another way to convince the common folk they need more federal government and people who say other wise are criminals and lunatics. It’s honestly scary how republicans are behaving like democrats when it comes to Obamacare. Less government is a rare thing in politics. A beautiful thing, like a :censored2:ing unicorn or something.

Guy, I’m not sure what to say.

There was a time when people disagreed and they left it right there.

Things are so partisan now, you’re telling me that if someone in the FBI has an opinion, we’re off to the ‘deep state’?

What if someone in the FBI liked Trump? By your measure of purity, they shouldn’t be there, no?

You’d be fine with that, but do you see where this going?

I brought up Benghazi because, over a four-year? period, Repubs unearthed every stone, and still had nothing on Hillary.

I’m certainly not a Hillary fan, but if your retort is that she ‘got off’ because there’s a ‘deep state’ whatever, then your high.

The only conclusion is that either, there’s nothing to nail Hillary for, or Republicans are completely incompetent, or Hillary is a mastermind ghost-face killer who outwitted everyone.


El Correcto

god is dead
Best case scenario, we vote this clown out of office.

Tax cuts, shmax cuts, Trump is doing serious damage to the credibility of the US on the world stage.

MAGA! Except we’re being left behind on trade deals, our allies are uncertain about where we stand, and our cheeseburger-in-chief can’t find his d with both hands.

Vote him out in 2020, he’s a dud.
Tax cuts have been wonderful, how is he damaging credibility?
You see what you want to see, some of us enjoy what is going on.
We like seeing North Korea being addressed and put into the light.
We like seeing Iran being called out and Israel promoted as our greatest ally.
Iran Nuclear deal needs to end.
Paris accord was surrendering our countries production to the whims of unelected foreigners. You really think Russia and China will join in that nonsense? It was damaging to American business and helping foreign competitors.
What trade deals? All I see is a booming economy and companies investing more in the us.

Can you please support these claims other than maga maga cheeseburger. I’d honestly read what you got.