The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
Direct quote.

Too bad if it doesn't fit your agenda.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein officially announced the indictment from the DOJ headquarters Friday.

The 13 defendants, he explained, worked with false identification and posed as politically active Americans advocating for and against specific candidates. They purchased political advertisements on social media, staged political rallies, organized protests both for and against president-elect Donald Trump, and pretended to be grassroots activists, while recruiting Americans.

“These Americans did not know they were communicating with Russians,” Rosenstein said.

No allegation suggests that the nationals altered the outcome of the election.
Mueller Charges Russian Nationals With Conspiracy Against US
Do you know what he is saying when he makes clear “in this indictment”?

What doe you think that means?

Do you think it’s all over?


Well-Known Member
Do you know what he is saying when he makes clear “in this indictment”?

What doe you think that means?

Do you think it’s all over?
It means if Americans were involved they would have been added, or separate indictments would be handed down. There is no benefit in foot dragging. It was over before it began.


Well-Known Member
Ah. So the Mueller investigation is over and the president has been vindicated?
I made my prediction way back in October. I said it would not end without some scalps, and they would be process crimes. I stand by my prediction five months previous.


Staff member
It means if Americans were involved they would have been added, or separate indictments would be handed down. There is no benefit in foot dragging. It was over before it began.
It’s not foot dragging. It’s moving through an investigation. Why indict someone like Trump Jr. before the president has been interviewed?


Well-Known Member
It’s not foot dragging. It’s moving through an investigation. Why indict someone like Trump Jr. before the president has been interviewed?
I made my prediction, I've got no 'what if's' to play, or 'and's and butts.' Play all the silly games you feel you need to play.


nowhere special
I made my prediction way back in October. I said it would not end without some scalps, and they would be process crimes. I stand by my prediction five months previous.

So they uncovered a few cases of identity theft mostly. Sounds like Mueller was feeling the pressure to deflect attention away from himself again.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I made my prediction way back in October. I said it would not end without some scalps, and they would be process crimes. I stand by my prediction five months previous.
A gang of foreign nationals conspiring to influence our election is a process crime? What do you think that term means and why do you think those crimes aren't serious?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Has noting to do with Trump, I'm not concerned with Russian nationals playing on the internet.
So foreign nationals having easy access to and exploiting a near perfect propoganda machine in violation of our election laws doesn't concern you. Interesting. I prefer free and fair elections and value our democracy, but to each their own.


Well-Known Member
So foreign nationals having easy access to and exploiting a near perfect propoganda machine in violation of our election laws doesn't concern you. Interesting. I prefer free and fair elections and value our democracy, but to each their own.
Well then let's have voter I.D. cards so that we can make sure none of those pesky Russians are voting Republican. I still don't understand how Clinton spent close to a billion Dollars but $125k spent on social media was enough to swing the election to Trump? All those Democrat union guys in the Rust Belt are living on Facebook? She was a lousy candidate, and she lost to a loud mouthed, gauche bigot. Reminds me of the song played by the British band as their troops marched out of Yorktown: "The World Turned Upside Down."


Inordinately Right
Well then let's have voter I.D. cards so that we can make sure none of those pesky Russians are voting Republican. I still don't understand how Clinton spent close to a billion Dollars but $125k spent on social media was enough to swing the election to Trump? All those Democrat union guys in the Rust Belt are living on Facebook? She was a lousy candidate, and she lost to a loud mouthed, gauche bigot. Reminds me of the song played by the British band as their troops marched out of Yorktown: "The World Turned Upside Down."
National ID lol. You get more and more liberal everyday.


Strength through joy
National ID lol. You get more and more liberal everyday.
Ya, we don't want to become like Mexico.

Since the 1990s, eligible voters in the country of Mexico (i.e., persons of age 18 or greater) have had to visit an electoral office and be registered into the electoral census in order to obtain a voting card issued by the National Electoral Institute (formerly the Federal Electoral Institute). Those voting cards are government-issued photo IDs, credentials that citizens are required to produce at polling stations in order to vote in federal elections in Mexico.


Inordinately Right
Ya, we don't want to become like Mexico.

Since the 1990s, eligible voters in the country of Mexico (i.e., persons of age 18 or greater) have had to visit an electoral office and be registered into the electoral census in order to obtain a voting card issued by the National Electoral Institute (formerly the Federal Electoral Institute). Those voting cards are government-issued photo IDs, credentials that citizens are required to produce at polling stations in order to vote in federal elections in Mexico.
I don't want us to be like Mexico. Not sure what you're getting at.