The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

El Correcto

god is dead
I don't want us to be like Mexico. Not sure what you're getting at.
He is saying an American National can’t go there and stuff the ballot box. If we try to do the same thing liberals scream at the sky racist and then insist illegals aren’t voting for them. Then they go and pass local legislation so illegals can vote for them.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
So they uncovered a few cases of identity theft mostly. Sounds like Mueller was feeling the pressure to deflect attention away from himself again.
Read the indictment, listen to the facts. All Rosenstein said was simply chatter to keep Trump entertained long enough that Mueller can complete the investigation and Rosenstein can stay in place. Simple as that. Rosenstein said "in THIS indictment", regarding what he said, he didn't delve into any OTHER indictments, many of which MAY be sealed. Mueller held this indictment for two weeks, during which time, we now can conclude that Gates is cooperating, and Bannon and Corallo BOTH talked to Mueller AT LENGTH this week. Gates was in the campaign nearly up to the end. It's not hard to imagine the indictment announcement was coordinated and that Gates deciding to flip was spurred by this indictment, which further indicates that more indictments are on the way, and those indictments are likely to include former and current Drumpf associates, possibly even family, and many of whom may be working in the White House.


Well-Known Member
No :censored2: Sherlock. Ttku.
Are you conflicted? You just said it was liberal. Picture I.D. to own a gun, mandatory. Picture I.D. to fly on a plane, mandatory. Picture I.D. to drive a car, mandatory. Picture I.D. to hunt or fish, mandatory. Picture I.D to cash a check, mandatory. Picture I.D. to open a bank account, or any other account, mandatory. Picture I.D. to vote, ARE YOU INSANE? THAT'LL VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF EVERYONE!


Well-Known Member
Read the indictment, listen to the facts. All Rosenstein said was simply chatter to keep Trump entertained long enough that Mueller can complete the investigation and Rosenstein can stay in place. Simple as that. Rosenstein said "in THIS indictment", regarding what he said, he didn't delve into any OTHER indictments, many of which MAY be sealed. Mueller held this indictment for two weeks, during which time, we now can conclude that Gates is cooperating, and Bannon and Corallo BOTH talked to Mueller AT LENGTH this week. Gates was in the campaign nearly up to the end. It's not hard to imagine the indictment announcement was coordinated and that Gates deciding to flip was spurred by this indictment, which further indicates that more indictments are on the way, and those indictments are likely to include former and current Drumpf associates, possibly even family, and many of whom may be working in the White House.
Look, a pig just flew by!


Inordinately Right
Are you conflicted? You just said it was liberal. Picture I.D. to own a gun, mandatory. Picture I.D. to fly on a plane, mandatory. Picture I.D. to drive a car, mandatory. Picture I.D. to hunt or fish, mandatory. Picture I.D to cash a check, mandatory. Picture I.D. to open a bank account, or any other account, mandatory. Picture I.D. to vote, ARE YOU INSANE? THAT'LL VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF EVERYONE!
It's called constitutional rights. Republican cuckservatives like you are the conflicted ones.


Well-Known Member
It's called constitutional rights. Republican cuckservatives like you are the conflicted ones.
You have the right to vote. The State has the right to make sure elections are legitimate. Judging by what was exposed about the DNC in the last election I think the government has an obligation to make sure voters are who they say they are.