The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
We shall see what becomes of the investigation. All I’m willing to say is that I think Trump has clearly committed obstruction of justice. I don’t think there’s any doubt that he has meddled in the Russia investigation.

Trump behaves as if he is very guilty and trump voluntarily surrounded himself with people in his administration that have repeatedly lied about contacts with Russia and who have an extremely shady/questionable relationship to the Russian government.
Depends. Trump has the right as president to fire anyone he feels isn't performing well. If it can be proven he fired Comey to thwart the investigation into collusion then you have obstruction. Feeling he acts guilty about something isn't proof.


Well-Known Member
Nah. Mueller’s looking into a hell of a lot more than Comey’s firing.
It's about proving Trump broke the law. If it's as cut and dried as IWBF suggests there would've been articles of impeachment already drawn up back when a lot of Republicans weren't thrilled with him either.


Staff member
Prove that he was obstructing. If you can then Mueller would've wrapped things up a long time ago.
So you think that if Mueller believe that if Mueller had an obstruction case he’d just drop all the leads and cancel all the interviews and just let everything else go?



Staff member
It's about proving Trump broke the law. If it's as cut and dried as IWBF suggests there would've been articles of impeachment already drawn up back when a lot of Republicans weren't thrilled with him either.
He doesn’t have to break the law to be impeached.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
It's up to Mueller to determine the end. If he had provable impeachable offenses what would he gain by continuing on?

Any other impeachable offenses or criminal indictments against Trump or anyone else that might come about as a result of looking into what happened from start to finish?

I don’t understand why you think Mueller’s finding of impeachable offenses should be a kill switch for the investigation. This case is of a much bigger scope than just Trump himself.

Several Trump campaign officials have already plead guilty to lesser charges under the condition that they’ll talk. And there will be more indictments to come.


Well-Known Member
Any other impeachable offenses or criminal indictments against Trump or anyone else that might come about as a result of looking into what happened from start to finish?

I don’t understand why you think Mueller’s finding of impeachable offenses should be a kill switch for the investigation. This case is of a much bigger scope than just Trump himself.

Several Trump campaign officials have already plead guilty to lesser charges under the condition that they’ll talk. And there will be more indictments to come.
Not a scota of evidence so far.