The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member


Strength through joy
Here's an interesting tale ;
Back in 1965 , in Chelsea Mass. the FBI got info of a pending Mafia Mob killing , they knew who was to die and who was going to do it . The day after the death local agents sent to FBI HQ a 3o2 report detailing all facts to J. Edgar . The FBI never released their info to protect the id of a informant . In 1967 four men were put on trial for the killing , all 4 were innocent which the FBI knew . All 4 were convicted , two were put on death row . Over time 2 of the men died in prison and finally in this century a new trial was ordered that cleared the prisoners of any wrong doing .
Every time a parole hearing came up over the 30 years these men were in jail , the FBI sent a letter stating that they should remain locked up . As for who sent those FBI parole hearing letters in has been reported that they always came from the Director . Mueller served time as the Director of the FBI for part of this tale .


Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting tale ;
Back in 1965 , in Chelsea Mass. the FBI got info of a pending Mafia Mob killing , they knew who was to die and who was going to do it . The day after the death local agents sent to FBI HQ a 3o2 report detailing all facts to J. Edgar . The FBI never released their info to protect the id of a informant . In 1967 four men were put on trial for the killing , all 4 were innocent which the FBI knew . All 4 were convicted , two were put on death row . Over time 2 of the men died in prison and finally in this century a new trial was ordered that cleared the prisoners of any wrong doing .
Every time a parole hearing came up over the 30 years these men were in jail , the FBI sent a letter stating that they should remain locked up . As for who sent those FBI parole hearing letters in has been reported that they always came from the Director . Mueller served time as the Director of the FBI for part of this tale .
The agents/directors involved should be in jail.


Well-Known Member
most are dead or in jail already
The question is are the four men who got screwed really innocent fellows or did they all have long rap sheets? No one should go to jail for something they didn't do, but if you lead a certain kind of life it's easy to pin just about anything on you.