The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
That was the last president. This one is working towards getting us jobs while actually dealing with rogue regimes like Iran and North Korea instead of throwing money at them. And if no one is focused on the last election then why the constant drone about Russian hacking?
When you get back here you'll discover a USA looking more like 1968 than 2017 when you left.


IE boogeyman
I don’t think anyone is focused on the election anymore. They’re focusing on a weak American president fawning over a thug dictator.
>take tough action on American enemies

>try to make peace with American enemies

american liberals in TYOOL 2018


Well-Known Member
Here we go, class warfare.
This isn't about class warfare . It's about treason and a president who has proven beyond all doubt that he's unfit to serve. "Getting us jobs"? Go ask Carrier and Harley Davidson about getting jobs. Cutting taxes to create jobs? In the first 3 months of this year a record 189 billion dollars in stock buy backs. Cutting taxes to create jobs so you think? Corporate America made it clear and concise that it's plan for the Trump tax giveaway was dividend increases and stock buy backs but too many people such as yourself,people clinging to a dream that will never come true refused to accept that fact .


Well-Known Member
This isn't about class warfare . It's about treason and a president who has proven beyond all doubt that he's unfit to serve. "Getting us jobs"? Go ask Carrier and Harley Davidson about getting jobs. Cutting taxes to create jobs? In the first 3 months of this year a record 189 billion dollars in stock buy backs. Cutting taxes to create jobs so you think? Corporate America made it clear and concise that it's plan for the Trump tax giveaway was dividend increases and stock buy backs but too many people such as yourself,people clinging to a dream that will never come true refused to accept that fact .
Jobs for the taking everywhere, bonuses, raises. And stock buybacks are for a specific reason, to strengthen companies financial standing. Strong companies mean a better future for American workers. We had 8 years of a president doing very little for the middle/working classes yet y'all act like Trump is supposed to just flip a switch and everyone should be prosperous. It's a process, and one that's happening, not stuck in the doldrums like before. And treason? Really? What has he said or done that's leading to the downfall of the United States?


Well-Known Member
This isn't about class warfare . It's about treason .

you lose any credibility here as soon as you use that word. it is not treason for a president to decide whether he will use his intelligence information or to decide how much he will use.

many of us in hindsight wish GW Bush had rejected his intelligence information in the days leading up to the Iraq war.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You could ask Trump the same question. He has total access to our intelligence reports yet appears to ignore and/or discredit them.

maybe he honestly believes its wrong. how do you identify specific information from hacking attempts and tie it to specific people? is our intelligence agency trying to say these hackers logged in with their facebook accounts before trying to hack us?


Well-Known Member
I don’t think anyone is focused on the election anymore. They’re focusing on a weak American president fawning over a thug dictator.

they're talking. The two leaders representing 90 percent of the nukes in the world are talking. I understand you need to spin it as fawning to take your political shots but they are talking. if they aint talking it aint good , call it what you want.


Well-Known Member
Jobs for the taking everywhere, bonuses, raises. And stock buybacks are for a specific reason, to strengthen companies financial standing. Strong companies mean a better future for American workers. We had 8 years of a president doing very little for the middle/working classes yet y'all act like Trump is supposed to just flip a switch and everyone should be prosperous. It's a process, and one that's happening, not stuck in the doldrums like before. And treason? Really? What has he said or done that's leading to the downfall of the United States?
Can you look anywhere but in the rear view mirror Mr Wah


Well-Known Member
Jobs for the taking everywhere, bonuses, raises. And stock buybacks are for a specific reason, to strengthen companies financial standing. Strong companies mean a better future for American workers. We had 8 years of a president doing very little for the middle/working classes yet y'all act like Trump is supposed to just flip a switch and everyone should be prosperous. It's a process, and one that's happening, not stuck in the doldrums like before. And treason? Really? What has he said or done that's leading to the downfall of the United States?
You are so out of touch with the America that has changed so dramatically from the one you left that I suggest that you do not come back. In the meantime tell me this: Just how do you square Trump's comments with the American people and the black stars on the wall at the CIA. Once again need I remind you that Barrack Obama inherited the worst recession in 80 years and spent his entire presidency trying to get us back to even . And a casualty of that recession was your pension plan which in turn will likely make you far more dependent of good old Social Security a program the we evil liberal communist sympathizing pinko Democrats had to fight the conservatives to pass into law . Now say what you want about it in order to minimize it's benefits the fact of the matter is that it's there and you'll apply for those benefits and judging by your present situation you'll be damn glad to have them.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
you lose any credibility here as soon as you use that word. it is not treason for a president to decide whether he will use his intelligence information or to decide how much he will use.

many of us in hindsight wish GW Bush had rejected his intelligence information in the days leading up to the Iraq war.
So you’ll be happy if Kim tells Trump he got rid of his nukes? I’m sure our intelligence agencies will not agree, but hey if a dictator says he doesn’t have nukes why wouldn’t we trust him?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
What's hilarious is Democrats being worried about being hacked, but not the content of those hacks. THAT'S what affected the outcome, if any. Both Wasserman-Schultz and Brazille had to resign not because of a hack, but what it exposed. Guess it's ok to do what they do as long as the public doesn't find out about it huh? In the end though it was Trump campaigning hard in a region that desperately wanted some attention, while Clinton assumed that region was a sure thing for her because they reliably voted Democrat in the past. That many Democrats won't accept that shows a bit of arrogance on their part. And by the way, Democrats worried about stories emanating from hacks hurting them is laughable when you consider the huge amount of negative stories that put a nasty spin on anything Trump said or did on a daily basis that started during the campaign and hasn't let up since.
Sounds like you’re talking about the investigations led by Strzok. Why focus on where the information came from, focus on the content, right?


Well-Known Member
So you’ll be happy if Kim tells Trump he got rid of his nukes? I’m sure our intelligence agencies will not agree, but hey if a dictator says he doesn’t have nukes why wouldn’t we trust him?

nice try at a rebuttal but I'm sure we'll have independent auditors verifying that one.