The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
You are so out of touch with the America that has changed so dramatically from the one you left that I suggest that you do not come back. In the meantime tell me this: Just how do you square Trump's comments with the American people and the black stars on the wall at the CIA. Once again need I remind you that Barrack Obama inherited the worst recession in 80 years and spent his entire presidency trying to get us back to even . And a casualty of that recession was your pension plan which in turn will likely make you far more dependent of good old Social Security a program the we evil liberal communist sympathizing pinko Democrats had to fight the conservatives to pass into law . Now say what you want about it in order to minimize it's benefits the fact of the matter is that it's there and you'll apply for those benefits and judging by your present situation you'll be damn glad to have them.
This from the guy who told me I shouldn't take Social Security because I'm a Republican, lol. By the way I've been gone 6 months but am totally connected with internet and Dish Anywhere. It's what I've been trying to drum into your thick head that with modern communications you can live anywhere with internet but it's much more affordable in much of the world.


Well-Known Member
Do you feel the same about germany and them buolding a pipeline. Which trump said was stupid and bad business.

more then bad business it negates the affects of the sanctions if Russia is getting around them by selling billions of dollars of natural gas to the europeans


Well-Known Member
you first .
Oh I see. You don't have an answer to an honest question . I can't wait to see your response if the Mueller investigation which as a result of Trump's comments will now be allowed to proceed to it's conclusion and the results places the future of the entire Trump administration in doubt.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Oh I see. You don't have an answer to an honest question . I can't wait to see your response if the Mueller investigation which as a result of Trump's comments will now be allowed to proceed to it's conclusion and the results places the future of the entire Trump administration in doubt.
He is being used as a checks and balance on trump. Why do you think they indited the 12 russians before the summit. Muller is never going to prosecute them.


Well-Known Member
Oh I see. You don't have an answer to an honest question . I can't wait to see your response if the Mueller investigation which as a result of Trump's comments will now be allowed to proceed to it's conclusion and the results places the future of the entire Trump administration in doubt.

my answers are here in this stream of conversation but you refuse to acknowledge them or read them instead you want to grandstand like an ass. I have not seen you here before but we have seen your games before and they don't play very well. join in and respond or take your whining home to momma.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you’re talking about the investigations led by Strzok. Why focus on where the information came from, focus on the content, right?
No, I was talking about the constant smears in the media. You're worried about what the hacks exposed when Trump was getting walloped every day from every corner over literally every aspect of his life. Considering that, if the info leaked from hacks showing the bad things Democrats were doing behind the scenes was enough to sway the election then the Democrats weren't exactly in a position of strength were they?


Well-Known Member
my answers are here in this stream of conversation but you refuse to acknowledge them or read them instead you want to grandstand like an ass. I have not seen you here before but we have seen your games before and they don't play very well. join in and respond or take your whining home to momma.
He resides on the FedEx forum and everything is a spin against corporate America. Most people agree that corporate America has it's weak points but to hear him tell it they, and the Republicans, are evil incarnate.


Well-Known Member
He resides on the FedEx forum and everything is a spin against corporate America. Most people agree that corporate America has it's weak points but to hear him tell it they, and the Republicans, are evil incarnate.

I think the libs put moonshine in their koolaid


Well-Known Member
And with good reason given his obvious roll over to Putin. Try as you may the dangers associated with his diplomatic surrender to Putin and his flat out betrayal of the intelligence community many of who were his own appointees cannot be downplayed or minimized.
His betrayal of the intelligence community? Same one trying to frame him with Russian collusion?


Well-Known Member
This from the guy who told me I shouldn't take Social Security because I'm a Republican, lol. By the way I've been gone 6 months but am totally connected with internet and Dish Anywhere. It's what I've been trying to drum into your thick head that with modern communications you can live anywhere with internet but it's much more affordable in much of the world.
I never said it was because of your extremist conservative viewpoint. I've pointed to your hypocrisy given your constant bashing of the people and political movement responsible of the creation of the program while at the same time holding your hand out for every dime's worth benefits you can get your hand on. That is indisputable fact. Now you're always waaaing about the high cost of living in the US but the very existence of SS will contribute mightily toward your ability to live in the US in the future. Now if the Utopian existence you brag about wherever that little piece of heaven happens to be really does exist then I and I'm sure others politely suggest that you stay there because truthfully you may very well be better off .