The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
OK, Russian interests wanted in to White House. How's this any different than Hillary being the presumptive next president and taking huge speaking fees as well as huge donations to her foundation? Was she selling access? The thing is you'll bring up everything that could show possible collusion on the Republican side but won't accept the dirty deeds going on with the Democrat side. But for the record, Manafort got convicted of things he did before being involved with Trump. Was his connection to a Russian oligarch included in the charges against him? And Trump let him go after finding out he had "issues." Russians gave something like $140 million to Hillary's foundation. And Bill at same time got a big speaking fee in Moscow. And most likely they weren't gone after because a lot of people on both sides of the aisle are dirty and would have been exposed if the Clintons went down.


Staff member
OK, Russian interests wanted in to White House. How's this any different than Hillary being the presumptive next president and taking huge speaking fees as well as huge donations to her foundation? Was she selling access? The thing is you'll bring up everything that could show possible collusion on the Republican side but won't accept the dirty deeds going on with the Democrat side. But for the record, Manafort got convicted of things he did before being involved with Trump. Was his connection to a Russian oligarch included in the charges against him? And Trump let him go after finding out he had "issues." Russians gave something like $140 million to Hillary's foundation. And Bill at same time got a big speaking fee in Moscow. And most likely they weren't gone after because a lot of people on both sides of the aisle are dirty and would have been exposed if the Clintons went down.
The simple fact are this:

Manafort owed Russians big time.

Manafort looked to use his position as campaign chairman to “get whole”.

Manafort turned over polling data to a foreign agents of a government that was actively attempting to influence the presidential election.

No collusion? We’ll see.


Well-Known Member
The simple fact are this:

Manafort owed Russians big time.

Manafort looked to use his position as campaign chairman to “get whole”.

Manafort turned over polling data to a foreign agents of a government that was actively attempting to influence the presidential election.

No collusion? We’ll see.
And the U.S. actively attempts to influence elections all over the world. Yet when a foreign power seeks to influence our election in hopes of getting a president who'll play nice with them, it's "how dare they, our elections are sacred"! But only if it helps the other side. If our side then the crickets chirp.


Well-Known Member
And the U.S. actively attempts to influence elections all over the world. Yet when a foreign power seeks to influence our election in hopes of getting a president who'll play nice with them, it's "how dare they, our elections are sacred"! But only if it helps the other side. If our side then the crickets chirp.


It’s America, do as we say, not as we do.

Been that way forever.

I’m generally offended, in an abstract way, that the US has, and continues to interfere in elections around the world.

But, I’m specifically offended that someone messed with us.

Hypocrisy? Sure, but this is ‘Murica.

I’m surprised you don’t feel the same.


Well-Known Member

It’s America, do as we say, not as we do.

Been that way forever.

I’m generally offended, in an abstract way, that the US has, and continues to interfere in elections around the world.

But, I’m specifically offended that someone messed with us.

Hypocrisy? Sure, but this is ‘Murica.

I’m surprised you don’t feel the same.
If the Russians, or anyone else, are rigging voting machines or driving people away physically from polling stations, then sanction them, go to war with them if need be. If they're playing mind games it's on our voters to be informed, it's on our candidates and party apparatus to inform them. We live in an open society. By the way never once heard the Democrats cry foul about Russians in the run up to the 2016 election. They were so certain it was a lock.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
If the Russians, or anyone else, are rigging voting machines or driving people away physically from polling stations, then sanction them, go to war with them if need be. If they're playing mind games it's on our voters to be informed, it's on our candidates and party apparatus to inform them. We live in an open society. By the way never once heard the Democrats cry foul about Russians in the run up to the 2016 election. They were so certain it was a lock.
No puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet.

That was in a presidential debate when Hillary accused Donald of being a Russian puppet. You never once heard mention of it in 2016? It happened in a debate, and you’re complaining about low information voters?


Well-Known Member
No puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet.

That was in a presidential debate when Hillary accused Donald of being a Russian puppet. You never once heard mention of it in 2016? It happened in a debate, and you’re complaining about low information voters?
Where were all the liberal pundits saying Hillary was going to have a hard time winning because of all the Russian meddling? And in what context was her statement made? FAIK she could have been referring to the 1%, corporate interests, etc.


Well-Known Member
The simple fact are this:

Manafort owed Russians big time.

Manafort looked to use his position as campaign chairman to “get whole”.

Manafort turned over polling data to a foreign agents of a government that was actively attempting to influence the presidential election.

No collusion? We’ll see.
Apparently not.


nowhere special