The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Fake news.
It's a fact they used the Steele dossier as a basis to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and Trump's transition team. Let's see if the IG of the Justice Department and the Federal prosecutor John Durham find that what they did was acceptable.


Inordinately Right
From "The Federalist", an obvious Right Wing source for the sheeple who believe in Trump.
You are welcome to dispute the facts in the article if you wish comrade. Crying lugenpresse is not an adequate defense.

Eric Ciaramella's complaint was a farce concocted by Democrats desperate to get Trump. It won't hold up fren.


Well-Known Member
Keep on dreaming. The Deep State is coming down!! Except, there is no deep state.
No, but there are officials from various agencies who came up with the Russian collusion narrative in hopes of ousting Trump. A soft coup. You want to believe that narrative so badly you don't want to hear anything else. Whatever Republicans thought of Obama we tried to beat him at the ballot box, not try to circumvent the Constitution.