The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Can you dispute the facts of the whistleblower’s complaint? Who cares who he is, the president admitted to all the facts in the complaint.
The whistleblower made up a bunch of lies that got blown up when Trump released the transcript. He wasn't even on the call and was in contact with Schiff before coming forward through the channels set up for such things, which actually didn't apply to him anyways. Just the latest attempt to damage Trump before the election. Tell me why Schiff made up a bunch of baloney then later claimed it was parody? Hopefully Trump gets reelected, the Republicans take back the House, and we can get on with trying to do some good instead of this 24/7 foolishness.


Engorged Member
The whistleblower made up a bunch of lies that got blown up when Trump released the transcript. He wasn't even on the call and was in contact with Schiff before coming forward through the channels set up for such things, which actually didn't apply to him anyways. Just the latest attempt to damage Trump before the election. Tell me why Schiff made up a bunch of baloney then later claimed it was parody? Hopefully Trump gets reelected, the Republicans take back the House, and we can get on with trying to do some good instead of this 24/7 foolishness.

Source. Nobody knows who the whistleblower except DIDO.


Engorged Member
You are welcome to dispute the facts in the article if you wish comrade. Crying lugenpresse is not an adequate defense.

Eric Ciaramella's complaint was a farce concocted by Democrats desperate to get Trump. It won't hold up fren.

Interesting that you mention a "lying press" (lugenpresse). Like another of his heroes (Hitler) Trump is only interested in a press that tells lies that benefit him. The truth means nothing any more to the Far Right. They want to exist in an echo chamber of lies that exalt Trump, and that's fine with him.

FOX, Breitbart and rags like The Federalist are basically state-run media. Without them, Trump would have been fully exposed long ago. As long as there are enough dummies who believe Trumps media machine, he will have his basic 40% support base of idiots.


Inordinately Right
FOX, Breitbart and rags like The Federalist are basically state-run media. Without them, Trump would have been fully exposed long ago. As long as there are enough dummies who believe Trumps media machine, he will have his basic 40% support base of idiots.
So anything you don't like is fake news.

Sure thing Comrade.