Well-Known Member
There was a direct question. You're still crying about 8chan which is just bizarre. You can't answer the question. Sad.
I didn’t get the question, please repeat it.
There was a direct question. You're still crying about 8chan which is just bizarre. You can't answer the question. Sad.
Scroll up dipI didn’t get the question, please repeat it.
There’s no question.
You’ve gone full 8-chan, or 8-kun, or wherever the friend you’re getting your nonsense ‘news’ from.
Get a grip.
Adam Schiff? Is that you Adam?I didn’t get the question, please repeat it.
Thought you hated the Orange Man?
"Hate" is the tool of the alt-right and the orange man. Ttku.......Thought you hated the Orange Man?
Looks like plenty of hate on the Left too."Hate" is the tool of the alt-right and the orange man. Ttku.......
Looks like plenty of hate on the Left too.
You continue to deflect because you are too stupid, or in too much denial, to answer a simple question.Please be more specific, dip.
You continue to deflect because you are too stupid, or in too much denial, to answer a simple question.
I think they do hate, but see their hatred as justified. Republicans are standing in their way of a perfect utopia where everyone enjoys a wonderful life and there's no problems that a strong central government can't fix.I think hard lefties tend to believe they're clinically pursuing a righteous cause rather than actually projecting hate toward folks on the right when they move to silence "violent" dissenting thought/opinion via boycotts, de-platforming, campus bans, screaming awkwardly, swinging sticks, etc. They don't think of it as hate. But it is hate, toward anyone who disagrees with them and is not a member of an "oppressed" intersectional group.
Keep deflecting you cuckold.Then, it shouldn't be that hard for you to repeat the question.
I promise I'll answer your question.
I'm just not sure what it is, it's just that you talk so much BS.
By all means, what's the question you're so interested in me answering?
Keep deflecting you cuckold.
I don't believe you are honestly so stupid you can't follow a simple conversation. However, you seem intent on proving that you are. Carry on dipLegit, what was your question?
Lmao, you don’t even know.
looks like piece of garbage US govt just interferred with another countries politics bolivia. a right wing coup took place.
looks like piece of garbage US govt just interferred with another countries politics bolivia. a right wing coup took place.
exactly.Ooooooo, was the evil US caught red handed again? Trump sent a Make Bolivia Great Again CIA squad? LOL