The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Inordinately Right
Of course, it says nothing of the sort. I guess you’re just ashamed for allowing yourself to be used by Putin.
You're projecting again little lady.

According to the article you posted, Democrats were useful idiots for Putin's goal of fomenting political and social unrest.

I understand that is embarrassing for people like you, but it's time you come to terms with that fact Susie.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Prove it or STFU already. It’s so low effort. Cry, cry, cry. Boohoo, your guy lost.
I watched video of ballots being repeatedly put into a counter in Fulton County, GA. Of mail in ballots stacked a foot high that were flat and ceaseless. Never folded and put into envelopes. Ballots from different batches with the exact same markings. Your side got away with rigging the election. The powers that be including some Republicans wanted Trump gone and they managed to pull it off. And I'm not going to STFU about it. The only consolation coming out of this is Dems are screwing up so badly that there's going to be a red wave election in '22. Your side has gotten so radical that it's scaring people. We can go blah, blah, blah all day but people see what's happening at the pump and the supermarket. They can see the businesses closed from endless lock downs. Only a fool would downplay that as no big deal.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
I watched video of ballots being repeatedly put into a counter in Fulton County, GA. Of mail in ballots stacked a foot high that were flat and ceaseless. Never folded and put into envelopes. Ballots from different batches with the exact same markings. Your side got away with rigging the election. The powers that be including some Republicans wanted Trump gone and they managed to pull it off. And I'm not going to STFU about it. The only consolation coming out of this is Dems are screwing up so badly that there's going to be a red wave election in '22. Your side has gotten so radical that it's scaring people. We can go blah, blah, blah all day but people see what's happening at the pump and the supermarket. They can see the businesses closed from endless lock downs. Only a fool would downplay that as no big deal.


Well-Known Member
Of course, it says nothing of the sort. I guess you’re just ashamed for allowing yourself to be used by Putin.
Biden shut down a pipeline and put restrictive policies in place that are hurting Americans. Then lifts sanctions that allow a Russian pipeline to be completed and Putin to get richer and more powerful selling natural gas to Europe instead of them buying our gas. Tell me again who's in Putin's picket?

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Biden shut down a pipeline and put restrictive policies in place that are hurting Americans. Then lifts sanctions that allow a Russian pipeline to be completed and Putin to get richer and more powerful selling natural gas to Europe instead of them buying our gas. Tell me again who's in Putin's picket?
Biden claims to be pro union too. Yet he allows tens of thousands of illegals to flood the country that will work under the table or
for reduced wages, further undermining unions. They push everyone to get the vaccine while letting those same illegals cross without even getting tested for covid! I could go on, but the bottom line is that Dems are lying hypocrites that don’t care about anything but power.

El Correcto

god is dead
I watched video of ballots being repeatedly put into a counter in Fulton County, GA. Of mail in ballots stacked a foot high that were flat and ceaseless. Never folded and put into envelopes. Ballots from different batches with the exact same markings. Your side got away with rigging the election. The powers that be including some Republicans wanted Trump gone and they managed to pull it off. And I'm not going to STFU about it. The only consolation coming out of this is Dems are screwing up so badly that there's going to be a red wave election in '22. Your side has gotten so radical that it's scaring people. We can go blah, blah, blah all day but people see what's happening at the pump and the supermarket. They can see the businesses closed from endless lock downs. Only a fool would downplay that as no big deal.
Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.


Well-Known Member
Oh! You watched video! Consider me convinced!
Who cares what you think. No talent Hunter is selling his "art" at up to $500k per work and the buyers are being kept anonymous. If you think this president and his family aren't corrupt then no way will you ever believe that the Democrats rigged the election in 4 swing states. And you probably think everything the Biden administration is doing is smart and will work well. You're exactly the kind of low information voter they count on. Will vote D no matter what.


Well-Known Member
I watched video of ballots being repeatedly put into a counter in Fulton County, GA. Of mail in ballots stacked a foot high that were flat and ceaseless. Never folded and put into envelopes. Ballots from different batches with the exact same markings. Your side got away with rigging the election. The powers that be including some Republicans wanted Trump gone and they managed to pull it off. And I'm not going to STFU about it. The only consolation coming out of this is Dems are screwing up so badly that there's going to be a red wave election in '22. Your side has gotten so radical that it's scaring people. We can go blah, blah, blah all day but people see what's happening at the pump and the supermarket. They can see the businesses closed from endless lock downs. Only a fool would downplay that as no big deal.
Creaseless not ceaseless.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Who cares what you think. No talent Hunter is selling his "art" at up to $500k per work and the buyers are being kept anonymous. If you think this president and his family aren't corrupt then no way will you ever believe that the Democrats rigged the election in 4 swing states. And you probably think everything the Biden administration is doing is smart and will work well. You're exactly the kind of low information voter they count on. Will vote D no matter what.
Laundering money through the art.