The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!

Off the leash

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Pennsylvania's motion for sanctions against donald's top notch legal minds speaks volumes:

The farfetched conspiracy theories being peddled here feed a dangerous narrative that the presidential election was somehow compromised. Election workers have been threatened because people believed that lie. People stormed the Capitol for the same reason. States have relied on these lies as the reason to change voting laws.
Appropriating a court's legitimacy to package lies as legal claims and then legitimizing dangerous conduct based on those false legal claims is a vexatious use of litigation.
Attorneys acted in bad faith by initiating this lawsuit.
They should be sanctioned as a consequence.


Well-Known Member
israel spends 100s of millions of dollar influencing US elections and it leads countries for influence on US elections but you wont hear milktose liberals call israel or their crimes against humanity out.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Allah needs to awaken people from the Jews who are hypnotizing the world?

You Democrats love your antisemitic tropes.
Most racist, condescending people are usually Democrats, former slave holding confederates? Democrats? KKK? Democrats, Jim Crow? Democrats. Anti civil rights senators in the 60s? Dixiecrats or Democrats. Case closed

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
israel spends 100s of millions of dollar influencing US elections and it leads countries for influence on US elections but you wont hear milktose liberals call israel or their crimes against humanity out.
Cause Hamas and hezbollah are so peace loving and sweet! The Jews have a 3000 year old claim to that land.